Need more goats!

The authorities of the Moscow region saw an impressive potential in increasing the number of enterprises for the production and processing of goat milk in the region.

Having analyzed the state of the industry, the experts came to the conclusion that there are quite a few places in the region that are suitable for opening new enterprises.

“According to preliminary data, if the number of dairy goats in the region increases by 100 thousand units, the market and consumers will be only grateful,” said Andrei Razin, Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region. by the fact that goats require less space and feed than their larger cousins. " According to market researchers, the demand for goat milk is growing steadily. Especially if you take into account the fact that the benefits of this product is obvious.

"Goat's milk is hypoallergenic, energetically valuable and nutritional," experts say. They emphasize that there are breeds of goats that produce milk with a minimal odor, or with a smell close to the flavor of cow's milk.

Note that in October 2018 in the Moscow region there were more than 65 thousand goats.

Watch the video: Things You Need To Know BEFORE Getting Goats (December 2024).