Delicious tomatoes "Volgograd Pink": features of the cultivation and description of the variety

Rosy tomatoes enjoy the deserved love of gardeners. They are sugary, moderately juicy, very tasty. Such tomatoes are eaten by children with pleasure, they are recommended for diet food. A bright representative of the category is the popular variety “Volgograd Pink”.

In this article we will tell you everything that we ourselves know about tomatoes Volgograd rose-bearing fruits. Here you will find a detailed description of the variety, you can get acquainted with its characteristics, learn about the characteristics of cultivation.

Tomatoes "Volgograd Pink": variety description

Grade nameVolgograd pink
general descriptionEarly ripe determinant grade of tomatoes for cultivation in an open ground and hotbeds
Ripening100 days
The formFruits are flat and round, with pronounced ribbing
ColourMature fruit color - pink
Average tomato mass100-130 grams
ApplicationTable grade
Yield varieties3-4 kg from a bush
Features of growingTomatoes are grown in seedlings.
Disease resistanceResistant to most diseases

“Volgograd Pink” is a high-yielding early ripe variety. The bush is determinant, 50-60 cm high. The amount of green mass is average, the leaves are medium-sized, dark green. The fruits ripen with brushes of 5-6 pieces. Medium sized fruits weighing from 100 to 130 g. On the lower branches, tomatoes are usually larger. The shape is flat-rounded, with pronounced ribbing at the stem.

The flesh is moderately dense, fleshy, sugary. A large number of seed chambers. The skin is thin, not rigid, well protecting the fruit from cracking. The taste is delicate, delicious, not watery, pleasantly sweet. High content of sugars and beneficial microelements.

The variety of tomato "Volgograd Pink" is bred by Russian breeders and is intended for growing tomatoes in open ground or under film. Tomatoes quietly tolerate minor fluctuations in temperature, forming the ovary, even after frost. Heat and drought, they are also not afraid. Harvested fruits are well stored, transportation is possible..

Variety refers to the salad. Fruits are tasty fresh, you can cook soups, sauces, mashed potatoes. From ripe tomatoes it turns out thick sweet juice of a beautiful pink shade.

You can compare these figures with other varieties in the table below:

Grade nameFruit weight (grams)
Volgograd pink100-130
The Golden Fleece85-100
Pink Lady230-280

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of the variety:

  • excellent taste of the fruit;
  • high yield;
  • harvested tomatoes are well kept;
  • resistance to major diseases.

Deficiencies in the variety is not noticed.

Grade nameYield
Volgograd pink3-4 kg from a bush
Bobcat4-6 kg from a bush
Apples in the snow2.5 kg from a bush
Russian size7-8 kg per square meter
Apple Russia3-5 kg ​​from a bush
King of Kings5 kg from a bush
Katya15 kg per square meter
Long keeper4-6 kg from a bush
Raspberry jingle18 kg per square meter
Grandma's Gift6 kg per square meter
Crystal9.5-12 kg per square meter
Read on our website: how to get a high yield of tomatoes in the open field?

How to grow delicious tomatoes in the winter in the greenhouse? What are the subtleties of early cultivating agricultural varieties?

Features of growing

Tomatoes are best propagated by seedling. Seeds are sown in the second half of March. Before planting, they can be treated with a growth stimulator, which significantly improves germination and improves plant immunity. Soil for seedlings is made up of a mixture of turf or garden land with humus. For greater nutritional value, a small portion of superphosphate, potash fertilizer or wood ash is added to the substrate.

Seeds are sown with a depth of 2 cm, planting is sprayed from a spray bottle and covered with a film. When sprouts appear on the surface, containers with seedlings are exposed to bright light.

In cloudy weather, plants will have to light up. Watering moderate, from a watering can or spray. When the first pair of true leaves appears on the seedlings, it dives in separate containers, and then is fed with a full complex fertilizer. Older plants are hardened, bringing to the open air first for several hours and then for the whole day.

A transplant to a permanent place of residence begins in the second half of May or in early June, when the soil warms up completely. Compact bushes are planted at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other, at least 60 cm between the rows.

For better insolation and stimulation of the ovary, lower leaves are recommended to be removed. It is necessary to water tomatoes plentifully, but not too often.. For the season, the bushes need 3-4 times to feed the mineral fertilizer based on potassium and phosphorus.

Pests and diseases

The variety of tomato "Volgograd Pink" is sufficiently resistant to the main diseases of the nightshade. It is practically not affected by mosaics, verticillus, fusarium, leaf spot. Preventive measures will save from vertex, root or gray rot: timely weeding, loosening the soil.

Young plants useful to spray a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate or phytosporin. At the first signs of late blight, plantings with copper-containing preparations should be plentifully treated. From insect pests helps treatment with insecticides. Industrial aerosols work well on thrips, spider mites, whitefly. You can fight with aphids with the help of a soap solution, they wash the affected parts of plants until complete destruction of pests.

Variety tomato "Volgograd Pink" - a real find for gardeners who do not have greenhouses. Tomatoes feel great on open beds, very rarely get sick, bear fruit even under adverse weather conditions. If desired, the seed can be collected independently from ripe fruit.

Below you will find links to varieties of tomatoes with different ripening terms:

Medium earlyLate-ripeningMid-season
New TransnistriaRocketHospitable
PulletAmerican ribbedRed pear
Sugar giantDe baraoChernomor
Torbay f1TitaniumBenito F1
TretyakovskyLong keeperPaul Robson
Black CrimeaKing of KingsRaspberry elephant
Chio Chio SanRussian sizeMashenka

Watch the video: Growing Delicious Tomatoes in Oklahoma (December 2024).