When quails begin to fly

In recent years, the number of quails in nature has greatly decreased, therefore, in order to increase their number, not only specialized farms are engaged in their breeding, but many private owners grow together with domestic and wild representatives of birds. They are grown both for meat and for the purpose of producing eggs, which are considered very useful. Consider when quails begin to trot and how productive they are, how to increase egg production.

When quails begin to fly

At will the quail can be found among the high grass in the meadows, in the steppes and in the fields. Do not live these birds only in the marsh area. Nests are made right on the ground, masking them with various sprigs and feathers. Belong to migratory birds. In the natural environment, the bird lives up to 7-8 years.

At home, with a good content of quail can live to 4-5 years. But until such an age they are usually not kept, because they no longer rush, and the meat of adult birds is not so tasty. The bird matures early and starts rushing already on the 35-40th day of life. This is a great advantage in their content.

Quail egg production

The bird has breeds of a various orientation: egg, meat and egg and meat. Representatives of egg breeds annually demolish up to 300 eggs. And in the first month the female produces only 8 eggs. In the next six months from one bird you can get up to 25 pieces per month.

Important! The optimal egg production period is about 8-9 months, then a molt begins. The number of eggs decreases, and at the age of 1.5-2 years it practically stops, therefore it is better to renew the herd.

Rumble females for a particular cycle. After 5-6 days, during which the bird produces 1 egg per day, there is a break for a couple of days. After that the cycle repeats. In contrast to the breeds of the egg direction, meat give fewer eggs, but have a greater weight, reaching 320-350 g. The weight of representatives of the egg direction, depending on the breed, can vary from 130 to 200 g for females, and for males from 110 to 170 g.

The egg production of poultry depends on the breed and on the conditions of detention.

Find out what are the characteristics of Texas, Japanese, ordinary, Chinese painted quails, Manchu golden quails, Estonian, pharaohs quails.

To get the maximum number of eggs, you must follow certain rules:

  • avoid overcrowding, the habitat of 1 individual must be at least 200 cm²;
  • keep the temperature within + 20 ... +25 ° С, and humidity - 60-70%;
  • The length of daylight hours is about 17 hours. If necessary, you can use the fluorescent lighting;
  • maintain good ventilation, but avoid drafts;
  • keep clean, because the smell of ammonia is bad for the bird;
  • avoid noise and loud sounds;
  • do not dramatically change the feed;
  • need three meals a day. The amount of food eaten per day is about 30 g;
  • to enter into the diet fat supplements (soybean, canola, corn or sunflower oil);
  • the feed must contain at least 50% of the grain, and the addition of protein is a good stimulator of the egg-laying increase;
  • add fish and meat and bone meal to food, as well as sand or crushed shell.
Create good conditions, proper nutrition and do not allow any abrupt changes, and your bird will thank you with one hundred percent return.

Important! It is not recommended to buy a lot of feed in advance and store for a long time, since the premixes included in their composition quickly deteriorate, and they are an important additive that increases the productivity of eggs.

The benefits of quail eggs

Quails are valued not only for tasty and dietary meat, but also for eggs, which are considered to be the source of many vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. The content of minerals is 3-4 times higher than in chicken eggs, and protein - 12-14% (in chicken - 11%). By the presence of biologically active substances quail eggs are also leaders among the eggs of all birds. The composition of this product also includes:

  • iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus;
  • vitamins A, B1, B2 and B12;
  • folic acid;
  • amino acid lysozyme.
Due to the presence of these and many other substances, the speckled product has the following beneficial effects:

  • with increased physical exertion;
  • prevents fatigue;
  • removes toxic substances and radionuclides;
  • favorably affects the mental development of children;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • supports female hormones at the required level;
  • increases male potency;
  • quail egg face masks improve its color, and hair masks make them silky and healthy.

Did you know? A prerequisite for the breeding of quails in Japan was that one of the emperors was treated with quail meat for tuberculosis.

Quail eggs help in the treatment of certain diseases:

  • bronchial asthma and tuberculosis;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • mitigate the effects of poisoning;
  • improve eyesight;
  • facilitate the state of heart diseases, as well as after surgical interventions.
Not only eggs are useful, but also the shell. It is crushed into powder and added to food or prepare infusions. Apply in such cases:

  • with brittle bones;
  • scoliosis and other spinal curvatures;
  • with the threat of colds;
  • with anemia;
  • in poor condition of hair and nails;
  • with insomnia and irritability.

Learn how to keep laying quails at home, what egg production depends on, how to quickly break quail eggs, how much a quail egg weighs, what is the difference between quail eggs and chicken eggs, and what is useful for quail meat.

But, as with every product, quail eggs have some contraindications:

  • they can cause allergies;
  • due to the presence of cholesterol, problems may occur in patients with atherosclerosis and diabetes;
  • in case of liver diseases it is necessary to limit the consumption of the product due to the presence in it of substances that worsen the outflow of bile enzymes;
  • infection by various infections is possible.
However, despite some "cons", the benefits are much greater. And in order to avoid problems when using egg products, you need to adhere to some recommendations:

  • do not use eggs that have a shelf life of more than a week;
  • the product can be stored for up to 2 months, but on condition that the storage temperature was not higher than + 10 ° С;
  • Do not abuse the product. Children of preschool age need 1-2 pieces per day, for schoolchildren - 2-3 pieces, and for adults - not more than 5 eggs.

Did you know? Chickens and quail are close genetically. With artificial crossing, viable individuals appear.

This speckled product is useful at any age. So eat it for health, and if there is an opportunity to breed a bird, then do it. So you will have your own products, in which quality you will be sure.

When quails begin to trot: video


Shtoto lull on the forum AU forum. I want to tell a little about the quails. Quails are divided into two groups of egg and meat among egg breeds, the most productive Japanese up to 320 yaichek weight 180-220g of live weight after Estonian English come (whitewash black frac marble manjur) 280. 400g of eggs up to 220mm. Also There is a Californian and Chinese painted scenery; both breeds are kept in aviaries. quails most productive bird very early maturation in 40 days old begins laying eggs Pharaohs 54-60 days egg suitable for incubation from females not older than 8 months males older than 6 months reject. pharaohs need an annual influx of fresh blood. Other breeds suffer from reproduction in themselves.

Greetings Sergey A.G.

Quails can not be bought when they are already rushing. They need to buy before.

Firstly, you do not know how much they have already rushed from the seller. A century of quails are short-lived. I change my own at the age of 10 months.

Secondly, when moving, they will naturally experience stress, when changing conditions of detention, too, when changing food, too.

After that, they need two weeks to begin to nest again, and about 2 more weeks to reach their normal egg production.

Feed must not be in a cage always available! Quails should eat food in an hour-2 and then sit without food until the second feeding.

Much also depends on the size and design of your cell.

Her photo in the studio

Alexey Evgenevich

It is generally believed that quails do not like noise, they are afraid of it. It can also affect egg production. When they get scared, they start to worry and toss around the cage. But I think that as a training one. If the bird was always in peace and quiet, then of course She will react sharply to the noise. And if she was initially used to being visited, or to the presence of animals, then this does not affect her. Even when the children or strangers came, they quieted themselves calmly and were not scared.

Watch the video: Quails Can Fly (January 2025).