One of the most beautiful representatives of the myrtle - Leptospermum

Leptospermum is considered one of the most beautiful Myrtle representatives, today there are about eighty its species.

It is also called tea treeso the sailors called him Cookwho first landed on the shores of Australia brewed its leaves instead of tea.

Far from all varieties of leptospermum are suitable for indoor cultivation; on their base, breeders have developed a large number of hybrids, differing from each other in the color of flowers, leaves and structure.

Description and photo

Leptospermum is a small shrub with lowered branches, often located on them leaves.

Box-shaped flowers are pinkish, white or reddish.

Main distinctive The peculiarity of plants is considered to be narrow, often prickly leaves, having a bronze or dark shade.

The 5-petal flowers resemble the flowers of an apple tree, during flowering the plant has a pleasant smell.

Growth rate leptospermuma high enough to give it required form pruning will help, the flower is great for training in the art of bonsai.

In the photos below you can see how one of the most beautiful representatives of the myrtle - Leptospermum looks like:

Home care

Care after purchase

When buying leptospermum in a store, it is recommended to give preference to annual plants, the storey soil is most often convenient for harmful substances, therefore the flower is necessary transplant immediately.


Leptospermum is characterized by rapid growth, therefore it needs regular pruning.

Trim the crown is recommended in February, during the period of completion of the state of rest, it can be done several times during the growing season. Formation of the crown is carried out in different styles, incl. standard tree The plant is highly valued in the art of bonsai, which is explained by branching, small size of leaves, the tendency of the bark to crack.


In the period from spring to autumn plant is necessary plenty of water, it should be done immediately after drying the top layer of soil. In winter, the frequency of watering is reduced, but it is not recommended to allow complete desiccation of the earthy coma; increased drying of the substrate can lead to the death of the plant. Water should not be too hard, it is recommended to use filtered or boiled.

NOTE! Sluggish drooping escape tips indicate that leptospermum needs in irrigation, after filling up the fluid deficit, turgor is restored.

The plant equally badly transfers long drying and strong remoistening.


It is rather difficult to grow leptospermum from seeds, it is necessary to choose only large healthy seeds. Some recommend pre-soaking the seed for a couple of days in water, pre-chipping the seeds shell with a knife. Pop-up seeds are not subject to landing.


Leptosperm transplantation is recommended annually. in the springThe soil should be acidic / slightly acidic, sufficiently breathable and loose.

To prepare the substrate is necessary Take sod, peat, humus and sand in the proportion of 2-3: 1: 1: 1, for the landing you can also buy ready-made mixtures for rhododendrons or azaleas.

It is recommended to replant the plant before transshipment, the roots should not be injured, even the surface loosening of the soil should be carried out as carefully as possible.

Growing from seed at home

Seed reproduction at home can be carried out in year-round mode, the soil should be moist, quite fertile, well-drained. The depth of the container used for seed germination should not exceed three centimeters. The moisture level of the substrate must be maintained at a constant level, after planting the seeds must be covered on top with glass or plastic wrap. Daily coverage must be ventilated for 5-10 minutes., The germination period is 2-3 weeks. Seating in separate containers is carried out to achieve the germ length of seven centimeters.


Leptospermum propagates by seeds and cuttings.

Cut off the cuttings immediately stick into the container for growing, cover with a jar on top or tie a plastic bag, the procedure is recommended from March to August.

For removal of condensate, airing is performed twice a day for half an hour, the uniformity of soil moistening plays an important role for rooting. Best of all, such conditions will provide a plastic cap that can be made from a bottle. For smooth habituation to dry air, it is recommended to remove the shelter gradually.


The optimum temperature level in summer is 24-26, in the winter it is recommended to be maintained within 7-12 degrees.


The plant has a high light-loving nature, it needs to provide access to the sun, which should be used gradually, and there is no need for shading. Direct sunlight is not dangerous for the flower, but it must be protected from extreme heat, moved to another place.

Benefit and harm

Leptospermum is considered very useful, its leaves contain essential oils that are widely used for a variety of purposes.

Out of him make honey, the antibacterial properties of the plant are equal to the properties of the tea tree, but it takes a lot of effort to grow it.

Diseases and pests

Leptospermum has a high resistant to diseases and pests, when grown in poorly drained soils in conditions of high humidity, there is a likelihood of root rot. Affected plants must be destroyed. Calcareous soil can cause chlorosis, for which iron chelate compounds are used.


Leptosperm will only please flowers in the fifth year after planting, in order to get a flowering plant earlier, it is recommended to buy it in a store. Flower enough unpretentious, ideal for the art of bonsai, the plant is sufficiently resistant to diseases and pests, does not require increased care.

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