Varieties of ficus Benjamin

Ficus benjamina, description of varieties

Ficus benjamina - it is a species of evergreen plants belonging to the genus of mulberry mulberry ficus. Ficus benjamina in nature can reach 25 m in height and in home conditions 2-3 m. Therefore, these plants are often used for landscaping premises.

When growing this ficus there is the possibility of giving different forms to the stem. It can be grown using bonsai technique.

But the main reason for the popularity among gardeners is the variety of Benjamin ficus varieties, which differ in size, color and shape of leaves, as well as the shape of the stem. Consider some of them.

Did you know? There are several versions of the origin of the name of this plant. One of them - Benjamin's ficus is named after Benjamin Deidon Jackson (1846-1927), who was a British botanist and described over 470 species of seed plants for his practice. The second - it got its name because of the content of the substance benzoin.


This variety is one of the first in the cultivation of the ficus Benjamin. Named so because The edges of the leaves of the ficus Exotic are slightly wavy and look unusual in comparison with the mother plant. The rest of this variety is very similar to the natural ficus Benjamin. Its leaves are flat and soft, rich green, in length - up to 8 cm, in width - up to 3.5 cm. Interstice up to 4 cm. It grows quickly.


At grade Daniel the leaves are very dark green, glossy, flat and dense, the size is similar to the variety Exotica, the edges of the leaves are straight. Due to the brilliance and the intensely dark color of the leaves, it looks picturesque. It grows very quickly - it can grow 30 cm in a season.


Sort Anastasia refers to the variegated - the central vein and edging of the leaf plate around the perimeter of it is light green in color, and the middle is dark. The leaves are up to 7 cm in length and up to 3 cm in width, shiny and slightly wavy. Ficus Anastasia, like all variegated varieties, requires more careful care at home. Grows intensely.

Important! All variegated varieties of Benjamin Ficus need good lighting and heat for the manifestation of contrast color, but in direct sunlight leaves can get burned.


Ficus variety Benjamin Barok - This is the most original of all its varieties. The leaves of this variety are curved along the midrib and resemble small ringlets.

Leaves are monophonic, juicy green color, with direct edges, up to 4 cm in length.

Ficus Barok is a low-growing variety and grows slowly, forming short internodes.

The stems of this plant are thin, therefore, to obtain a lush bush, plant several plants in one pot.


Translated from English, the name of this variety means curly, curved. We can say that the ficus Kurli combines the properties of all varieties of Ficus Benjamin.

With sufficient light, Kurly ficus leaves can be of various sizes and shapes — straight, curved or twisted in a spiral, with straight or wavy edges, and can combine spots of various green and milky-white shades of various shapes.

The size of the leaves is from 5 to 7 cm in length and from 1.6-3.5 cm in width. Kurli grows slowly (internodes 2-3 cm in length), prone to branching and differs in complexity of crown formation.

Did you know? Ficus Benjamin has bactericidal properties and reduces the content of microorganisms in the air to 40%.


Ficus benjamin varieties Kinki refers to dwarf varieties, compact. It grows slowly, internodes 1.5-2 cm, short stalks - up to 1 cm in length.

The leaves are glossy, dense, straight, with a smooth edge, 4-5 cm long, up to 2 cm wide. In young leaves, the edging is light green in color, which gradually changes to creamy white, the spots may reach the middle of the leaf. The base of the leaf is green; the midrib is green.


Sort Monique differs in monophonic foliage of color of a grass. The leaves are elongated to 6 cm in length, which is 3-4 times wide, the edge is strongly wavy.

Twigs are thin, hanging. There is a variant form of the variety - ficus Golden Monique, which has young leaves of golden-green color with dark lines from the center. With aging, Golden Monique leaves turn green.


Sort Regidan in color, size of leaves and shape of a bush similar to the sort of Anastasia. It is also growing fast. A distinctive feature is the smooth edges of its leaves.

Important! Benjamin ficuses should be protected from drafts, sudden temperature changes, excessive watering. With adverse factors, they can lose foliage.


Ficus benjamina Natasha - small-leaved variety.

Leaf length up to 3 cm with a width of 1-1.5 cm.

The leaves are plain grass-green, slightly bent along the central vein, the top of the leaf is slightly bent down.

It grows slowly dense bush, used in the technique of bonsai.


Sort Reginald - this is a ficus with light leaves, the coloring of which is very similar to the young leaves of Golden Monique, but in Reginald the edge of the leaf is not wavy, but straight. Reginald leaves are less long than Monique.


Ficus benjamina Starlight has a cream or white edging of leaves with a dark middle and light cream central vein. In good light white spots can reach the middle of the sheet or completely cover the sheet.

This variety leads in the number of white leaf color. The leaf plate here is slightly bent along the central vein, the length of the leaves is 5-6 cm, the edge is slightly bent downwards, the edges are even. Growing fast.


Ficus benjamina Wiandi very interesting because its branches do not grow straight, but with a bend in each leaf sinus. By its appearance, it already looks like a bonsai tree. It grows slowly, has small leaves with a length of up to 3 cm solid green color with smooth edges.


Cultivar Fantasy combines the properties of varieties Kurli and Daniel. The leaves have a very diverse shape and color, but the leaves are larger than those of Kurli, and there may be branches on the plant completely covered with dark leaves.

Important! All varieties of ficus Benjamin need spraying crown. To avoid whitish stains on the leaves, it is necessary to spray the plant with boiled water.


This variety has round leaves with a pointed end. Leaves about 5 cm long, not concave, with smooth edges, dark green color. There is a variant form - Naomi Golden, whose young leaves are salad-golden in color with dark spots from the center. When aging leaves at Naomi Golden become monotonous green.


Ficus benjamina Safari It has beautiful marble color of the leaves, which on a dark green background are frequent white and cream lines and spots. The leaves are small, up to 4 cm in length, slightly bent in the center. It grows slowly.

Each of the varieties of ficus Benjamin is worthy of attention and will decorate your home or office. Choose to your taste.

Watch the video: How to grow Ficus Benjamina from single leaf (January 2025).