Useful properties of geranium oil and the range of application of the essential miracle remedies

More recently, it was difficult to find a house where at least one pot of geraniums would not be standing on the windowsill. And from the leaves of her closest relatives - garden and pink geraniums - they make a real magic elixir - geranium oil.

This article tells you what properties geranium essential oil has and is used for, as used in cosmetology. You will learn where and for how much you can buy it and how to make it yourself at home.

What it is?

Geranium essential oil, or geranium oil, is a substance produced from the leaves of a geranium plant. It is produced by steam distillation, to get only one drop, you need to process about 500 leaves, That is why this oil is considered one of the most expensive, along with pink and jasmine.

It is a liquid, fluid product that looks similar to ordinary vegetable oil, is yellowish-green in color with a light green or olive shade, completely transparent, readily soluble in other oils, it has a thick characteristic odor with a fruit base and bitter-sweet notes. It contains more than one hundred useful elements, such as citronellol, geraniol, linalool, menthol, nerol, a-terpineol and others.

Properties and what is it used for?

Geranium oil is so multifunctional that even listing all its beneficial properties will take a lot of time.

It has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, heals wounds, constricts blood vessels, deodorizes, lowers sugar levels, good insecticide, positively affects emotional background, relieves anxiety and reduces fatigue, and has a beneficial effect on hormones, easing menstrual pain and problems during menopause. It is used inside and out, in folk medicine, aromatherapy and cosmetology.


Traditional medicine proposes to use oil for the treatment of many ailments. It is taken inside to:

  • remove stones from the kidneys;
  • reduce blood sugar levels;
  • normalize the bowels and digestive apparatus;
  • treat stomach ulcers;
  • expel worms from the body;
  • stop the bleeding.
Attention! It should be remembered that taking the oil inside for medicinal purposes can be strictly after consulting a doctor.

Outdoor use

From ticks and mosquitoes

At the height of the summer season, when insects that are dangerous and unpleasant for humans are especially active, a small jar of geranium essential oil can give salvation. It, like many other essential flower oils, possesses strong repellent properties - with its rich aroma it repels ticks, mosquitoes and midge. It is recommended to use it to fight in one of the following ways:

  • Mix 20 drops of oil with two salty spoons of base oil, apply on clothing and exposed skin. This method is good for its ease and simplicity of execution.
  • 2 teaspoons of geranium oil are mixed with 200 ml of pure water and an emulsifier (or even ordinary alcohol), the mixture is poured into a container with a spray bottle and applied to clothing and skin.

The effect of these remedies can last up to 24 hours. However, the use of funds on this basis is not recommended for people sensitive to strong floral odors and allergies.

While walking through the woods, you should not neglect regular self-surveys for the presence of ticks on clothes.

Freshener and flavoring

A pleasant floral scent can also affect the emotional sphere, it relaxes, helps relieve tension, relieves stress, increases activity, it can even help get rid of uncertainty and complexes. 2-4 drops of geranium essential oil can be added to the aroma lamp to flavor the room alone or in mixtures.

You can make an air freshener that contributes not only to the appearance of a pleasant smell, but also to humidification of the air. To do this, in a container with a spray, pour 250 ml of water, add 3 drops of geranium and lavender oils and 2 drops of sage and grapefruit. The resulting mixture is used spraying indoors as needed. A body freshener is also produced in a similar way, using 5 tablespoons of water for 5 drops of oil.

Instructions for use in cosmetology

The main methods of external use of geranium oil is to care for the skin of the body, chest, face, neck and head.

For skin

Wonderful oil can dramatically improve the condition of the skin, get rid of pimples, normalize the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, reduce the appearance of cellulite, increase elasticity, accelerate regeneration.

  • To cheer up the decollete can be regularly applying a mixture of oils: 20 drops of almonds, 10 drops of ylang-ylang and geranium.
  • An oil mixture of 30 drops of wheat germ with the addition of 5-7 drops of geranium, jasmine and myrrh should be applied 2-3 times a day, locally or as compresses to reduce stretch marks on the skin.
  • Good anti-cellulite effect gives the use as a massage mixture of base oil and geranium in a ratio of 3 to 1.
  • It is very useful to apply 10-15 drops to a large handful of sea salt and take a 20-minute bath.

For face

Geranium oil helps to effectively neutralize many skin problems. It useful for dry, irritated skin, and oily, inflamed. Antiseptic and bactericidal properties help fight even eczema, dermatitis, scabies, fungus.

  • Wiping the face with an oil mixture of 3 drops of geranium, 2 drops of lemon and rosemary, and 25 ml of peach oil will help to deep clean the dry skin.
  • The mask from a mixture of pulp 1 peach, passed through a blender, 2 tablespoons of cream and 3 drops of oil, applied to the face for 30 minutes, effectively fights wrinkles.
  • If a tablespoon of rye flour diluted with warm water, mixed with the contents of 1 ampoule of vitamin B12 and 2 drops of oil, and then gently rub into the skin along the massage lines and leave for 30 minutes, this will help to normalize the sebaceous glands.
  • To combat the rashes, 20 drops of calendula tincture are mixed in a ratio of 1 to 1 with water, diluted with this mixture 2-3 teaspoons of green clay, 3 drops of oil are added, the mixture is spread over the skin. After 20 minutes, the mask is washed off with cool water.
  • You can add oil to your favorite ready-made lotion, cream or mask, for this you just need to add 1-2 drops to the cosmetic product when applied.

For hair

The tool is used to prevent hair loss, to improve the overall condition of the scalp and give shine shine in the following ways:

  • For 100 grams of shampoo, 20 drops of oil are added, mixed, the resulting mixture is used to wash the head like a regular shampoo.
  • In 1 liter of warm water, 3 drops of oil are diluted, the resulting water is rinsed after washing the hair, you do not need to rinse the hair again with clean water.
  • It is used in various oil masks as an active healing ingredient. Mix in proportion 5-10 drops of geranium oil to 30 ml of base oil (olive, almond, burdock), apply the mixture to your hair, wrap heat and hold for 2-3 hours, then rinse. This oil mask can be supplemented with essential oils of shea, pine, rosemary, lavender, as well as honey or egg yolk.
  • It is added in a couple drops when applying conditioner or balsam-rinse.
  • Every day when combing curls put a few drops of oil on the comb.

Features and contraindications

Contraindicated to holders of skin with a tendency to dermatitis. Be wary of using allergies and people with sensitive skin. Affects the hormones, therefore, is prohibited during pregnancy and the use of oral contraceptives, as well as children under 6 years.

Attention! Lowers blood sugar levels, so this essential oil can not be used for more than 3 weeks, and it is better to limit to 2 weeks.

Where and for how much can you buy?

Valuable Oil can be easily purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription, as well as in stores of natural cosmetics, on the Internet. Natural essential oils are sold in small (5-10 mg) bubbles of dark glass, the average price in pharmacies for 5 mg funds - 200 rubles. Real geranium essential oil can not be very cheap, because its production requires a lot of raw materials.

How to make at home?

It is quite difficult to make geranium essential oil at home, but considering its high cost in the store, it’s worth a try.

First of all, you need to understand that For the production of oil requires a lot of raw materials - green leaves of geranium. The production itself takes place in several stages:

  1. The leaves are carefully washed and finely cut.
  2. The resulting mass is placed in a glass dish with a lid, filled with water so that the liquid covers it.
  3. A tube is inserted into the hole in the lid, the hole itself is sealed, for example, with clay, the tube should be lowered down at an angle.
  4. The free end of the tubule is lowered into the collection tank, which will be placed in a vessel with ice throughout the process.
  5. The dishes with leaves are heated in a water bath, gradually the green mass will begin to release the essential oil, which will settle on the walls of the collection tank.
  6. The resulting product is collected with a pipette and placed in a tightly closable vial of dark glass.
Attention! Geranium oil is extracted not from a home plant, habitually called geranium, but from a geranium plant pink.

How to make butter at home by yourself, see the video below:


The range of application of this amazing oil is so wide that it seems that there is no such situation in the life of a modern person, in which it would not be useful, so you should always have a bottle in the home medicine chest.

Watch the video: All Essential Oils Uses And Their Benefits For Sleep, Skin Care, Anxiety & Depression (January 2025).