A magnificent immigrant from Canada - sort of apple trees "Mantet"

The most common fruit tree is an apple tree.

Early varieties are popular, as it is recommended to use them immediately after harvest.

Variety Mantet - the most common variety of early apple trees.

What kind is it?

Apple tree mantte refers to summer varieties. Fruits are stored for a short time, even observing all the rules for storing summer varieties: keeping cool, apples can be edible for a maximum of three weeks.

The recommended varieties for pollination Manteta are apple trees Melba, Papirovka and Red Melba.

Description variety Mantet

Different varieties of apple trees are fundamentally different in the appearance of their trees and fruits.

Traditionally trees have an average height.

Apple crown rare, oval in shape.

Branches powerful, directed upwards.

Leaves trees have the shape of an ellipse, pointed to the top, bright green, large, leathery.

Shoots This variety is brown in color and has a strong pubescence.

Flower The manthet is large in size, resembles a saucer, and the flower buds are a pale pinkish color with a lilac shade.

Apple size Manteta is average.

Weight of one fruit reaches 180 grams, small - 90 grams. The shape is conical, rounded, slightly oblong.

Observed small degree of ribbing at the top.

Normal fruit color - yellow-green, and, having ripened, become yellow.

Skin may be covered with a red or bright orange striped blush that blends with specks.

Cover thin, smooth.

Fruit pulp the color is creamy white, with a pinkish tinge, juicy, has a pleasant aroma and slightly sour taste.

Apple seeds small, triangular, dark brown.

The composition of the apple is extremely beneficial to health, with the exception of individual intolerance:

  • vitamin C,
  • titrated acid,
  • Sahara,
  • pectic substances.

A photo

In the photo apples "Mantet":

Breeding history

It is believed that the variety Mantet is an emigrant from Canada. Obtained with the help of free pollination of the Grushevka Moskovskaya gardeners at the Canadian Experimental Station for Horticulture in Morden, Manitoba.

However, some gardeners believe that the variety is truly Russian, imported to Canada by Russian immigrants. But officially this variety is of Canadian origin.

Growing region

Mantet grows, which is natural for this variety, in areas with a climate similar to the Canadian one, and they are engaged in the cultivation of this variety.

Also, according to the state register, the natural growth of this variety is the Middle Volga and Central regions.

The northern regions are contraindicated due to intolerance to apple frosts.


Mantet listed as skoroplodny - begins to bear fruit in the third year. Young trees bring a good and rich harvest, but over time the yield becomes unstable, it can alternate over the years.

In the period of abundant fruiting apples mostly small in size.

Maturing dates from the end of July and August.

But the disadvantage is not the simultaneous ripening of apples, therefore, surveillance is required in order not to miss the beginning of removal and to prevent over-ripening of the fruit.

Therefore, apples have poor marketability.

Planting and care

Each fruit tree has its own characteristics for planting and care.

Gardeners recommend planting any variety in both spring and autumn. But this must be done during the rest of the tree.

In the autumn, planting should be done before the onset of cold days, and in the springtime - in time, until the buds have blossomed.

Apple tree refers to perennial plants: The life span of an apple tree is about half a century, during which a fruit tree produces a large crop.

Therefore, you need to take care of proper preparation of the soil before the intended planting of seedlings.

First of all, a month before planting, you need to determine the place on which the tree will grow.

It should be well protected from stagnation of cold air, drafts and sufficiently illuminated.

TIP: For planting, it is desirable to use seedlings from one to three years, because it is at this age that the tree has a good soil habit.

Ideal for the growth of this variety is loamy soil, but if the apple is provided with proper and regular care, the seedling will be applied on any kind of soil.

When the place is chosen, you need to start digging the planting pit and preparing the soil.

TIP: The pit should be digged on the advice of the gardener a few months before planting the tree, so that during this time it is sufficiently wetted and thickened.
ATTENTION! The dimensions of the pit for planting seedlings depend on the quality of the soil, as well as on the level of its preparedness.

On a fertile site, there is a rather small pit — it should be about forty centimeters in diameter, and a third of a meter in depth.

The large size of the landing pit is required if the area is not dug up, and the ground is heavy.

In this case, the depth of the pit should be about 70 centimeters, and the diameter should reach a meter.

After digging a hole, preparation is needed.

To do this, it is filled with a dug top layer, in which peat or humus is added, but in no case fresh manure, and in clay soil - sand.

Next, the soil must be fertilized.

TIP: Each 20 centimeter layer is sprinkled with fertilizer.

On the pit you need to form a mound to prevent the formation of a funnel. Before planting on a seedling, it is necessary to remove the broken branches, rotting roots, and then plant a tree in a small hole on the embankment.

It is desirable when planting the participation of a couple of people so that the actions are careful.

First you need to gently straighten the roots in the hole, fill it with a fertile layer of soil and then with fertilizer.

Around the planted tree trample the soil so that fertilizer and moisture are better absorbed. The final stage of planting is watering.

For one seedling will need about twenty liters of water. So that during the wind the tree does not suffer, it is not tightly tied to pegs.

The basic rules for the maintenance of high-quality crops - timely watering, destruction of weeds, pruning, whitewashing, fertilizer and soil loosening.

Watering should be frequent and regular - once a week, but not more often, to prevent rotting.

Pruning The tree has a positive effect on fruiting. Its purpose is to remove damaged or old branches.

The place is treated with garden pitch.

Fertilize once a year. for this, humus, 50 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of wood ash or sulfur potassium are suitable.

To protect the tree from cold weather and rodents, the lower part should be covered, a good and proven method - spruce and pine branches.

The prophylactic complex of measures includes the destruction of old bark from adult trees, and that place is treated with whitewash to avoid the penetration of infections.

Diseases and pests

During the period of high humidity, the Mantet variety is extremely prone to scab disease.

Preventive measures to avoid this infection include regular spraying the crown of the tree.

The scab begins to appear on the bottom of the leaf, and then spreads to the whole tree by swelling on the shoots and by raids on the leaves.

If the scab covers all the flowers of the tree, this can cause a lack of harvest.

The important points for avoiding scab are the destruction of infected leaves and shoots, the creation of favorable conditions: good illumination of the crown of the tree, as well as sufficient ventilation.

To scab control methods include wood treatment Bordeaux fluid in a particularly wet period.

    Also, after flowering sprayed with the following chemicals:

  1. Sistanom
  2. Horus
  3. Soon.

Among the active ingredients and fungicides containing copper and carbonate - they should be used in the first half of summer.

Mantet - a variety of apples with early ripening, which refers to skoroplodnyh varieties.

The advantages of this fruit tree include the good taste of the fruit.

    There were no disadvantages:

  • this variety is susceptible to scab,
  • not resistant to cold
  • the ripening period is not simultaneous and extended.

The wood of this variety is very fragile. Also, apples have a low marketability due to the short shelf life.

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