"Primalact" for cattle: instructions for use

The drug is used to treat infectious and inflammatory processes in cows. It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect in cases of mastitis in various forms and endometritis. About how the drug is used, what indications, rules of application and compatibility, other important details - below.

Composition, release form, packaging

Primalact is a suspension of white or yellowish color. Available in special bottles of 100 ml orange with reusable rubber stopper cap. The package also comes with a disposable syringe dispenser of 5 or 20 milliliters with a cap. The drug is injected intrauterinely or intracisternally (in the udder). It may also occur under the generic names Cefotaxime, Neomycin, or Prednisone.

The composition contains the following active ingredients:

  • cefotaxime sodium (calculated as 62 mg per vial);
  • neomycin sulfate (9 mg);
  • prednisone (almost 3 mg);
  • monoglycerides (9 mg);
  • special emulsifier (about 27 mg);
  • Vaseline (not more than 1 ml).
Did you know? An average herd of 60 cows can reproduce a ton of milk in one day. But one cow gives 200 thousand glasses of milk throughout life.

Pharmacological properties

The drug belongs to the group of antibacterial drugs of a combined nature. Cefotaxime in the composition is a third-generation antibiotic that is active against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacterial pathogens (streptococci, staphylococci, Neisseria, enterococci, enterobacteria and others). It inhibits the activity of bacterial pathogens by blocking the production of special transpeptidase and carboxypeptidase enzymes that disrupt cell activity. Another antibiotic neomycin (a group of aminoglycosides) is also active in bacterial infections, blocking the synthesis of proteins in microbial cells, binding to receptors of bacterial ribosomes. The composition also includes a glucocorticosteroid, prednisol of synthetic origin. It has a calming and anti-edema effect, reduces the foci of inflammation, prevents the formation of edema in the tissues of the udder and endometrium.

The degree of impact is similar to the little dangerous drugs, taking place in the 4th grade. With the introduction of cefotaxime and neomycin not very actively absorbed, have an antibacterial effect on the uterus and udder. When absorbed, a part is excreted naturally in an unchanged form, mainly by the kidneys. If the drug is administered intracisternally, the residues are excreted along with the milk.

Important! When introduced into the udder of healthy animals during lactation, the drug may cause slight irritation of the tissues. This is a normal reaction to components within the normal range. Irritation passes quickly.

Indications for use

The medicine is prescribed by a doctor in the presence of such diseases:

  • chronic endometritis;
  • subacute endometritis;
  • subclinical mastitis;
  • mastitis in catarrhal form;
  • severe purulent inflammation in acute forms of mastitis.
When mastitis drug is prescribed for the treatment of lactating cows.

Dosing and Administration

For proper treatment, you must follow the recommendations of the medication. Depending on the disease and its form, there are the following recommendations and rules for the use of Primalact.


Since this disease occurs during lactation, the drug is recommended to be administered intracisternally. It is introduced in the heated up to + 36 ... +39 degrees 5 ml to the affected place on the udder once a day. Before the introduction of the drug must be shaken. After that, it is advisable to make a light udder massage for better effect and quick absorption of the medication.

Learn how to treat mastitis in a cow.

If subclinical form of mastitis - the duration of treatment is 2 or 3 days. In clinical forms of the disease, the term is extended to 4, sometimes up to 5 days, until the symptoms disappear completely. After it is necessary to give out a secret from the affected breast, the nipple after that must be disinfected with an alcohol solution.


Introduce 20 ml inside the uterus once a day and not earlier than 14 days after the last calving. Before the procedure, it is necessary to carry out sanitization and cleaning of all external genital organs, the tail and the place under the tail. If there is inflammatory exudate in the uterus, then it should be removed. The drug is also heated to a temperature of + 36 ... +39 degrees, after which it is collected into a syringe and introduced into the uterus via a catheter used for insemination. To skip the next injection is not recommended, because it reduces the effectiveness of the drug. In such a case, you should restore the injection schedule as soon as possible.

Did you know? Cows can cry if they feel bad or in pain. And they convey their emotions and share them, changing the tone of mooing. Today, there are 11 different tones in their voice.

Personal Care Rules

When using the drug should follow personal rules of general hygiene. Be sure to wash hands before and after work, wear special clothes, which are immediately changed so as not to contribute to the spread of infection. It is forbidden to drink, smoke, eat while working with the drug. After applying it, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. If possible, use rubber gloves. If a person is allergic to one of the components, it is necessary to work with Primalact very carefully. After contact with mucous membranes (eyes, nose, mouth) or unprotected skin - the place is rinsed with plenty of water.


While the cow is being treated, the milk produced cannot be used. Also, you need to dispose of the product when it is less than 60 hours after the last dose of medication. You can use milk from non-infected quarters, but only after a long boil and only as animal feed. After 60 hours and in the absence of signs of infection, the milk can begin to be used for food.

Important! If a person has an allergic reaction to the components of the drug or he still got into the body, then it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. The label or packaging must be taken with you to accurately diagnose the causes of irritation.

If a cow is prepared for slaughter, then you can make it and use meat only after a period of 5 days after the end of treatment. If the animal was killed for meat before this period, the meat can only be given to feed fluffy animals.

Compatibility with other drugs

Combining the drug with other nephrotoxic and ototoxic drugs, such as Streptomycin, Monomitsina or Kanamycin can not. It is also not recommended to combine the medicine with diuretics and Polymyxin B. In addition, the use of this medication together with others, which are also injected intrauterinely or inside the udder, is not recommended.

Contraindications and side effects

There are also contraindications for this drug - hypersensitivity to any of the components included in the composition of the medicine. You can not use even in the case of a history of any allergic reactions to the listed components of the drug.

Allergic reactions or edemas are considered to be frequent side effects. In this case, the introduction of the animal must be stopped and the antihistamine given to the cow. Treatment is symptomatic. As a rule, the drug very rarely leads to the appearance of any complications or similar reactions.

Read also about what drugs are needed for the treatment of cattle.

Shelf life and storage conditions

Primalact must be stored in closed packaging, away from direct sunlight, in a dry and cool place. Do not store with food or animal feed. Storage temperature - from 5 to 20 degrees. It is forbidden to store in places where children can get the drug. Primalact is an active drug used to treat infectious diseases of the uterus and udder in cows. It effectively acts on a large number of bacteria and quickly helps to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. But, using it, it is necessary to monitor the patient's reaction, follow the instructions and adhere to safety measures. This will help to avoid any troubles and adverse reactions in both the animal and man.

Important! The drug is valid for 2 years from the production date specified by the manufacturer. After the expiration date it is prohibited to use it! May be dangerous to the animal.

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