Proper fertilizer lemons: how and what to feed the plant at home?

Lemons that are grown at home have root system is about forty times smallerthan those of the same plants grown in open ground conditions.

It is for this reason that indoor citrus fruits should be fed regularly small amount of nutrients.

Fertilizers applied in excess, adversely affect the development of lemon. How to fertilize a lemon so that it grows well, does not hurt and brings a fairly high yield?

Many people who are engaged in the cultivation of lemons, at times think about how to feed a lemon at home.

The type of dressing is quite simple to determine.: you need to pay attention to the color of the leaves of the plant, the growth of its shoots, as well as the color and size of the fruit. Depending on the condition of the tree you need to make phosphorus, nitrogen or potassium.

So, if there is not enough nitrogen in the soil, the leaves have an underdeveloped appearance and faded color, the harvest of lemons is small, and the fruits are of small size.

If you lack phosphorusthen there is a violation of material exchange. As a result, the leaves begin to fall off, the fruits develop coarse and often even ugly. About why the leaves of lemon fall and how to stop it, we described in detail here.

Fasting for potassium compounds leads, as a rule, to an increase in the size of the leaf plate and their strong folding.

In addition, the yield is noticeably reduced and the fruits are lightweight.

Chlorosis develops when there is a deficiency of an element such as iron.. At the same time, the leaves turn pale, turn yellow, the fruits begin to lose their color saturation and fall off in an unripe condition, and the upper part of the branches usually dries out quickly.

Not enough calcium leads to weakening of the tree. The lamina is covered with small spots and falls. Over time, the shoots die off.

The absence of the following elements negatively affects the state of lemon: copper and magnesium, zinc with boron, as well as other trace elements.

For home grown lemon It is very important to add mineral nitrogen fertilizers to the substrate.. Usually gardeners are advised to give preference to ammonium nitrate used as a half-percent solution.

So, It is necessary to prepare a top dressing of the following composition: on a bucket of water two tablespoons of fertilizer. Often it is applied to the ground along with potassium salt (twenty grams of potassium salt and fifty grams of ammonium nitrate are added to a bucket of water). If the plant grows on the basis of alkaline soil, the nitrate is better to replace ammonium sulfate. It will take one and a half times more.

Phosphoric fertilizer for lemon - this is superphosphate. Sometimes it is recommended to add fifty grams of substance to a liter of water before such dressing and boil for half an hour so that the fertilizer dissolves well. Then the solution is diluted in a bucket of water. Favorable on the state of the tree affects the combination of making superphosphate with compost or manure.

As organic fertilizer chicken manure is used, as well as humus and slurry. Freshly dung is poured with water for ten days, then diluted with enough water so that the composition of the solution is weakly concentrated. Several grams of potassium salt and superphosphate are added to the liquid.

If bird droppings are taken, it is better to use pigeon or chicken.

It should be noted that the lemons that are in room conditions, perfectly responds to all types of organic fertilizers. but should not be made all at once.

It is necessary to determine what exactly the plant needs in a specific period. It is worth feeding a lemon, bringing in a moderate amount of this or that fertilizer. Otherwise, the tree can suffer greatly.

It is very important to apply to the soil from time to time. manganic acid potassium - the most optimal stimulator of lemon growth. It will be enough just one or two grains the size of a grain of millet. Equally effective is the solution of soot concentration of one handful per ten liters of water.

In a period of intensive growth The tree should be fed regularly with complex mineral fertilizers. Usually this needs to be done twice a month.

What is necessary to feed the lemon during the fruiting period? When fruiting, the plant especially needs a complex feeding. Fertilizer should be applied every ten days, choosing both micro and macro elements. Mineral fertilizers lemons are recommended to alternate with organic tinctures.

Lemon - citrus, evergreen plant, which is characterized by almost continuous growth.

In this regard, they constantly need enough nutrients throughout the year. Top dressing for indoor lemon should be carried out not occasionally, but regularly.
If you decide to acquire indoor lemon tree, you will probably be interested to learn about the features of its cultivation and care for it both in winter and in autumn. In addition, read about the benefits and harms of the fruits, as well as how to plant a lemon from the stone and root the cuttings, how to transplant the plant, what kind of soil it needs and how to form a crown.

How and how to fertilize a room lemon at home, you can learn from this video.

Watch the video: Grow lemon tree faster using homemade compost fertilizer. Natural and free fertilizer for plants (January 2025).