German potato variety: "Karatop" description, photo, main characteristics

Breeders around the world continue to try to create the ideal varieties of vegetables, and potatoes are no exception.

Relatively recently, this desire was almost crowned with success, as a result of which the Karatop variety appeared. Fruitful, with good taste, capable of growing on any soil and having a very early ripening period - what could be better?

From this article you will learn everything about the variety of potato Karatop, its description, characteristics, characteristics of cultivation.

Potato variety "Karatop" description, characteristics

Grade nameKaratop
general characteristicsearly, very productive variety with small tubers, not afraid of transportation, resistant to mechanical damage
Gestation period40-55 days
Starch content11-15%
Mass of commercial tubers60-100 gr
The number of tubers in the bush16-25
Yieldup to 500 kg / ha
Consumer qualitygood taste, does not fall apart, suitable for chips and mashed potatoes
Skin coloryellow
Pulp colorlight yellow
Preferred growing regionsNorth-West, Middle Volga, the Urals, central Russia
Disease resistanceslightly resistant to late blight
Features of growingcan be grown under film, not afraid of difficult soil, loves watering

It was derived by breeders in Germany, and was included in the Russian State Register of Breeding Achievements in 2000 (in the North-West and Middle Volga Region). Refers to the very early types of potatoes, the harvest can be collect already on day 50 after landing.

Karatop boasts a very high yield: 18.5 - 27 t / ha in the Middle Volga region, 20 - 43.5 t / ha in the North-West region. The maximum yield is at around 50 t / ha.

The shape of the tubers at Karatop is ovate-round with a slight tendency to sphericity. They have a pleasant marketable appearance with a soft yellow color of the skin and a light yellow shade of pulp. The surface of the fruit is usually smooth and smooth, so the potatoes are great for mechanical cleaning.

The eyes are small, with a superficial level of occurrence. Starch content at the level of 10.5 - 15%. The commodity weight of one tuber is about 58 - 100 g. Potatoes of this variety have good taste, impressive keeping quality and marketability at 72 - 93%.

The table below for comparison presents data on the yield of other varieties of potatoes:

Grade nameYield
Crown430-650 c / ha
Lileaup to 670 c / ha
American250-420 c / ha
Pretty boy170-280 c / ha
Blue Danube350-400 c / ha
Ladoshkaup to 450 kg / ha
Typhoon400-450 c / ha
Jellyup to 550 kg / ha
Gourmet350-400 c / ha
Red Fantasy260-380 c / ha

A photo

See below: Karatop potato variety, photo

Bushes develop very quickly and have powerful tops, they grow to a medium size in length. During flowering they form a small amount of white flowers. The bush itself is semi-upright, stem type. The stem has little or no anthocyanin coloration. The leaves are medium in size, of intermediate type, differ in a slightly wavy shape at the edges.


This variety is remarkable in that suitable for planting in almost any type of soil. The exceptions are soils containing a large number of mechanical elements, in their environment he will need additional nourishment and care.

The downside is a big dependence on water. Therefore, if you want to get a big and early harvest, then the installation of an automatic irrigation system will be a good solution.

Because of the characteristics of its fruit is perfect for cooking at home, and for growing for industrial purposes. Under the influence of heat treatment, it boils well and does not lose its pleasant color. Karatop is perfect not only for making ordinary mashed potatoes, but also for the production of chips, and even for freezing.

Before planting, for best results yield, it is recommended to carefully select the planting material. (It is necessary to choose only the largest tubers without any damage). Also, initially the plant is best grown in peat pots.

When planting material in the soil, tubers of early ripe varieties are better placed closer to each other. For fertilizing Karatop should use those fertilizers that are well and quickly digested.

The reason for this is that all early ripe potato varieties absorb nutrients much faster than their late ripening brethren.

About how and when to apply fertilizer, as well as whether it should be done during planting, see the individual articles of our site.

IMPORTANT! During the period of ripening, your plant will process healthy minerals at double speed, so at this time it will need additional watering and care.

Karatop is one of the last varieties bred by German agronomists. Cultivated in temperate climatic zones, often grown on the territory of Russia, Moldova and Ukraine.

The main features of the variety are:

  • Precocity. The variety is considered early ripening, the vegetative period of which is 60-65 days. But, on the 50th day after planting, you can begin harvesting.
  • Yield. Karatop gives a wonderful harvest, which, with the first digging (45 days after planting), is 35 tons from 1 hectare, and at the end of the ripening period it can reach 50-52 tons.
  • Drought tolerance. Potato Karatop reacts negatively to drought. In the absence of natural or artificial irrigation, tubers are formed more slowly, and the quality of the crop at the end of the growing season decreases.
  • Soil undemanding. Karatop feels great in almost all types of soil. But, in soils of heavy grain size needs additional care and nutrition.
  • Application. Table variety of potatoes, used both at home and in the industrial. Perfectly transfers long storage, the keeping quality makes 97%. Suitable for germination and cultivation under the film.
  • Taste qualities. The taste of Karatop potatoes is estimated at 4.7 points on a five-point scale. During heat treatment, it is well boiled soft, perfect for making mashed potatoes, chips, as well as for freezing.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage. Mechanical damage Karatop tolerates well, with very little damage.
  • Disease resistance. The variety Karatop is famous for its high resistance to such diseases and pests as viruses A and Y, potato cancer, nematode, glandular spotting, late blight. To late blight of tubers weak resistance was noted.

To compare the characteristics of Karatop with other varieties of potatoes, pay attention to the table below:

Grade nameStarch contentRecumbency
Nevsky10-12%good, but the tubers germinate early
Taisiya13-16%96% (tubers have a long rest period)
Rodrigo12-15%95% (not susceptible to freezing)

As for the storage of potatoes, he needs to follow only a few simple rules. We have prepared for you detailed materials about the shelf life, the correct choice of location and storage conditions in the winter.

Diseases and pests

In general, Karatop possesses an excellent immune system that protects it from most diseases and pests, for example: high resistance to viruses Y and A, late blight of tubers, glandular spotting, scab, black leg, verticellosis, Alternaria and others.

The only the exception is blight blight of the tops, to which Karatop has a rather weak resistance.

Therefore, in preventive safety measures, when buds appear, your bushes should be sprayed with system-contact fungicides.

ATTENTION! Also, an infusion of garlic and potassium permanganate will be a good preventive measure.

You can view options for controlling late blight in this video:

Growing up

Agrotechnical cultivation of this potato is nothing special and is standard. To get a good harvest you should not neglect the additional irrigation and mulching of the soil.

Also, you may be useful information about other methods of cultivation: for example, about the Dutch technology, about growing in barrels and bags.

The use of various chemicals in the cultivation of potatoes causes controversy and controversy.

We bring to your attention useful information about why and how herbicides and insecticides are used in potato cultivation.

Karatop is a universal potato variety that can be used for a variety of purposes. With all its advantages, it has only two minor drawbacks: demanding irrigation and poor protection from a single disease. Therefore, if you are still thinking about what kind of potatoes to plant this year, then this variety may be the best option for you.

We also offer to familiarize yourself with other varieties of potatoes that have different ripening terms:

Middle lateMedium earlySuperstore
CraneLord of the expansesMeteor
LasockRed FantasyVeneta
ZhuravinkaJellyZhukovsky early

Watch the video: Epic German Potato Chips Taste Test (January 2025).