How to dry rose hips. Rules of drying and storage. Recipes

October 1, according to the national calendar, is the day of Arina-Thornbird. It is from this time begins the collection and harvesting of hips for the winter.

Of course, in each geographic zone, the collection season does not always coincide with calendar dates.

What is dogrose worth?

The pulp of the fruit of this plant is its most valuable part. It contains pectin, tannins and dyes, organic acids, macro-and microelements (iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, silicon, copper). Rose hips are especially rich in vitamins of group E, B, K, P.

Vitamin C in wild rose berries is 50 times more than its content in lemon, 10 times more than in currants. As for apples, the content of vitamin C in wild rose exceeds 100 times!

When to collect?

Collect wild rose during its full ripening, when the fruits become bright red-orange color. It was at this time in him the greatest amount of all its healing substances and vitamins.

It is recommended to collect with the remnants of the stem and calyx (after drying, they are easily separated).

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How to dry dogrose?

Drying is necessary immediately after picking the fruit. The safety of vitamins depends on the duration of drying. Therefore, wild rose is usually dried no more than 5-6 hours in ovens or ovens. The temperature at the same time set 80-90 degrees. If you have frozen briar, then for a start the temperature should be 70-80 degrees, then it should be lowered and dried.

During drying, it is necessary to constantly mix the berries, making sure that they are not burnt.

A great help can have a modern electric dryer for fruits and vegetables, which allows you to save almost all the useful elements and vitamins.

If the fruits are dried properly, they will have a brownish-red color with a wrinkled surface.

How to dry if there is no oven?

It happens that sometimes there is no necessary equipment for quick drying of fruits, especially if you are somewhere far from home. Dry dogrose possible without heat.

Spread the fruit on the table with a thin layer, make sure that direct sunlight does not fall. If you are in the country or in a private house - put in the attic or on the stove. Of course, this method has some drawbacks - it dries for a long time, the berries can rot.

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How to store?

After drying, remove the remaining sepals and peduncles. Pour the fruit in a cardboard box, a wooden box. You can use bags of any fabric or paper. Leave for 2-3 days at room temperature to even out moisture. Then transfer to permanent storage in glass or tin cans.

It is better to tie the neck of the dishes with gauze, rather than close the lids. This is to ensure that air circulation and fruits are not moldy over time.

Store in a dry ventilated area. If all the rules were observed during drying, then it is possible to store dry fruits for up to three years.

How to brew rosehip

When brewing hips should follow simple rules. No need to insist dog rose for a long time, for example, all night. At the same time vitamins are destroyed. It is enough to boil the fruit for 15 minutes. Be sure to pass the decoction through cheesecloth or a small strainer to prevent the ingress of hairs.

For health promotion, it is enough to take half a cup of tea 2-3 times a day. Especially important in the winter and afterwinter period.

Rosehip during pregnancy

To strengthen the immune system of a pregnant woman, it is enough to drink up to one liter of rosehip broth per day. But at the same time it is necessary to remember that it is possible to overload the kidneys, which already during the period of pregnancy work in an elevated mode. Be sure to consult your doctor.

If your buds work fine and without fail, enjoy a cup of hot, fragrant rosehip tea!

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Other recipes

Dogrose Kissel. Chop the fruits (100 g), pour with two liters of water, boil for 15 minutes on low heat, strain.

Add sugar, citric acid or lemon pieces, add starch diluted in water, boil.
Rosehip punch with red wine. 50 g of fruit pour 700 g of water.

Leave it for several hours. Then boil, strain. Add half a liter of dry red wine and 100 g of sugar. Heat, but do not boil. Add orange juice. Submit hot.

Watch the video: Rosehips (December 2024).