Pregnancy is a crucial period for every expectant mother. But even after meeting with the baby a woman should not forget about her. To provide the child with quality milk, it is necessary to revise the entire diet so that the child receives all the necessary vitamins and minerals to ensure proper and full development.
When breastfeeding (hereinafter referred to as HB), many products are banned or their use should be minimized, since they cause allergic reactions, bloating and colic in infants. Then the question arises, is it possible to eat garlic when feeding a newborn and continue GW?
Why does this question arise?
Can garlic be nursing mom? The use of garlic in the period of GW is shrouded in myths:
- the essential oils of the vegetable, getting into the milk, give it an unpleasant smell;
- the taste of milk changes;
- possible manifestation of allergic reactions;
- garlic can cause colic in an infant.
The appearance of milk in women depends on many processes in her body:
- physical exertion;
- power mode;
- hormonal fluctuations;
- mood swings.
Studies have clearly shown that during the day, all indicators are in constant dynamics. Therefore, the newborn quickly gets used to the small fluctuations in the taste of mother's milk.
What is in the product?
The composition of the vegetable is extremely rich in macro and micronutrients. It is extremely helpful.
It contains:
- nitrogen compounds;
- protein;
- potassium;
- sodium;
- sulphuric acid;
- calcium;
- allicin;
- sulfur compounds;
- phytoncides;
- vitamin C;
- phytostrein;
- B vitamins;
- essential oils;
- bioflavonoids;
- antioxidants.
The most famous properties of this spice:
- anti-inflammatory;
- antiparasitic;
- antimicrobial.
How does eating vegetables affect the taste of milk?
Allicin - a substance that gives the sharpness of the vegetable. Once in the body of a nursing mother, he nourishes the milk. but in order to make the milk bitter, you need to eat a lot of garlic.
Attention! Excessive use of mom vegetables can cause bloating in the baby.
But colic provoke many other products. The main thing to remember is everything in moderation.
Can I eat with HB?
Experienced pediatricians are unanimous that eating a savory vegetable while feeding a newborn is possible and necessary.
So is it possible to eat garlic mothers when feeding a newborn? The baby will not notice the changes, if the mother during pregnancy did not deny itself a garlic clove for lunch or dinner. Since, during the period of prenatal growth, the fetus already knows the aroma and taste of garlic (we told about the peculiarities of garlic use in pregnant women here). Conducted in 1990, studies have shown that substances in vegetables, even increase the appetite of the child. Nursing mothers were divided into two groups. Some took pills with garlic extract, others did not. A week later, it was noted that children whose mothers drank pills suckle more actively and have an increased appetite.
The members of the International Council of Breastfeeding Advisers have experimentally proved that it is during this period that the infant can inculcate interest in the diversity of tastes. Do not be afraid of reasonable experiences.
Does child's age matter?
At the beginning of life, the system for digesting the food of a newborn is still too weak and imperfect. And the task of the nurse to provide the child with decent nutrition.
Any product should be introduced into the diet in stages. This is especially true of fresh vegetables and fruits, sour and bitter foods. Up to 3 months, such products are better not to eat at all. This also applies to garlic. By the 4th month of life, the digestion of the newborn is stabilized and improved. You can try to add a third clove per day to the mother's diet after 4 months. First, the garlic is subjected to heat treatment, then eat in its pure form. All this period should monitor the behavior and condition of the child. If all went well, the amount of vegetable is increased to one clove.
More information on how old garlic can be given to children can be found in a separate article.
Effect on lactation and body
Important! This vegetable is not among the so-called golden eight of allergenic products.
But every kid is different. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce the vegetable gradually and with care so as not to provoke an allergic reaction.
Lactation quality
It is believed that eating garlic during HB affects the amount of milk. Lactation is reduced. For some time this erroneous conclusion was used in practice when it was decided to wean a child from the breast. But experiments have shown that a small amount of garlic, on the contrary, increases appetite. The baby eats more actively, which means more milk arrives.
Taste of milk
Scientists have confirmed that garlic can really add bitterness to the taste of milk. But for this you need to eat it in kilograms. Eating a vegetable in moderation will not have a strong effect. And the children who got acquainted with garlic in the womb, will not notice any change in the taste of mother's milk.
The occurrence of flatulence
All products must be entered carefully. The imperfect system of digestion of food of the newborn instantly reacts to new nutrients. There is an opinion that garlic causes colic in newborns. But the myth has long been dispelled. Since all the products used by mom in large quantities and incorrectly introduced into the diet, can cause colic in babies. It is necessary to constantly remember the measure.
What dosage is allowed to use?
Breastfeeding experts insist that garlic should be injected starting from its use after heat treatment. Although garlic and lose some of its properties, but it does not harm the baby.
If the child calmly responded to the new product, then you can try to eat fresh garlic. To begin with, they take only a third from a small clove. Again, monitor the reaction of the body of the child. If all is well, then you can continue to eat garlic clove per day. It is useful for both - mother and baby.
In some cases, eating this vegetable during lactation and breastfeeding is strictly contraindicated.
Their entire list is important to know each nursing mother:
- Garlic is known for its blood thinning property. Therefore, a woman who is on treatment with drugs with the same effect should abandon the vegetable.
- Garlic contains a large amount of sugar. Therefore, when identifying diabetes or hypoglycemia in a mother or infant, this product should not be consumed at all.
If you identify the slightest allergic rash should remove garlic from the diet, with at least a month and a half.
Attention! In its pure form, garlic is strictly forbidden to give the baby. A small drop of vegetable juice can burn the delicate mucosa of a newborn.
Also, fresh garlic will certainly lead to indigestion in the baby.
Garlic can and is useful to eat nursing mothers. But everything is useful in moderation. It is necessary to adhere to precautions and to abandon the consumption of garlic, if there are the slightest signs of the presence of contraindications. In other cases, garlic is allowed to be consumed by nursing mothers and this cannot harm either the woman or her child.