Features of the use of black cumin oil for children

From time immemorial, black cumin oil was considered the most effective drug, which was beyond the power of a cure for death. Modern medicine recommends it from a variety of diseases for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. What is the peculiarity of this product, what methods of its use in pediatrics, from what age it is possible to apply and for whom there are contraindications - learn about it further from the article.

Oil description

Natural black cumin oil is a dark brown fatty acid liquid with a pleasant spicy aroma and a burning taste.

The more pronounced the bitterness, the better the product. Its absence indicates a fake or multiple processing of natural raw materials, as a result of which the essential components were completely squeezed.

Preferably, the oil is cold pressed, because the technology of its production allows you to maintain a high concentration of nutrients. It is in their quantity and diversity that the secret of the healing properties of the oil lies.

Important! When buying black cumin oil, experts advise to pay attention to the country of origin. The plant is common in the Mediterranean, Asia Minor and South-West Asia, as well as in the Caucasus and the Balkan Peninsula..

The presence in its chemical composition of vitamins (A, E, C, D, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9), as well as macro- and microelements (iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, nickel , selenium, phosphorus, zinc).

The most important components of the means are fatty unsaturated and polyunsaturated acids, which generally make up up to 70% of the product. Among them lead linoleic, oleic and palmitic. In addition, there are many inhibitory carotenoid cancer cells in the oil, which strengthen the immune system, alkaloids and provide a number of beneficial effects of coumarins.

Beneficial features

The impact of oleaginous nutrients on the human body is clearly expressed in the internal and external use of the product.

Even small doses with regular use can:

  1. Normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular, lymphatic and nervous systems. A similar effect is possible due to the influence of fatty acids. When they are deficient in an adult organism, hormonal disruption occurs, as a result of which inflammatory processes are triggered, the skin ages, the immunity weakens. The rich chemical composition of caraway oil nourishes the body with vital components, resulting in improved blood formula, as well as its circulation. Due to the well-adjusted blood circulation, the body is cleared of accumulated slags and toxins. The tool is effective for the treatment and prevention of blood pressure surges, vascular dystonia, varicose veins, leukemia.
  2. Protect the body against viruses, bacteria and fungi. This property helps in the fight against acute respiratory infections, purulent wounds, internal and external inflammatory processes. Phytosterols present in the oil composition stimulate cell regeneration and collagen formation. Thus, the intestinal microflora is not disturbed in the body and natural immune forces are strengthened.
  3. To establish the work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Oil improves intestinal peristalsis and metabolic processes. It is recommended to use against flatulence, excessive gas, heartburn, constipation, colic, cramps and food indigestion. This is an excellent tool to speed up metabolism, effective for losing weight.
  4. Protect against worms and parasites. For this, it is enough for the baby to drink half a teaspoon of black cumin oil diluted with water for 3 days in the morning and evening.
  5. Stimulate the growth of the body. This effect provides the contained calcium.
  6. Improve sleep. During the reception of funds there is peace of mind, harmony, complete relaxation.
  7. Relieve pain and inflammation.
  8. Provide antioxidant effect.
Did you know? A bottle of black cumin oil was an essential attribute for the burial of the Egyptian pharaohs. It was believed that in the other world the ruler could not find peace without healing potion..

The benefits of black cumin oil for the child's body

The properties of black cumin are not fully understood, but its beneficial effect on humans is indisputable. Trying to unleash the richest potential of the chemical composition of plant materials, American scientists in Washington created a special pharmaceutical laboratory that specializes in the development of medicinal preparations based on caraway oil.

It is believed that every healthy person should begin and end the day with a portion of this drug. Especially valuable such an addition to the diet of children and the elderly.

For children under 3 years old, taking black cumin oil is contraindicated, because the fragile body is very sensitive to various allergens. Upon reaching this age, pediatricians recommend gradually introducing the drug with a preventive purpose, observing the reaction of the body.

To normalize the immune system

Many modern pediatricians believe that strong immunity begins with healthy digestive organs. In their opinion, it is the intestinal microflora that affects the general condition of a person, his energy, appearance.

Due to the enriched chemical composition of black cumin, among the nutrients of which scientists have discovered more than a hundred vital substances, a powerful vitamin and mineral replenishment takes place in the human body. In turn, this has a positive effect on the blood formula and the energy charge of the body.

In addition, the tool improves the functioning of the digestive tract, prevents fermentation, indigestion, bloating, cramps and colic. Thus, the defenses are getting stronger at the expense of natural resources.

Important! In no case do not self-medicate. Before taking any drug, it is important to consult a local pediatrician..

Impact on the digestive system

Caraway oil provides a positive effect on the liver and gallbladder, and also improves intestinal motility, contributes to the development of digestive enzymes. Those present in the saponins contribute to the removal of processed foods from the body, which prevents its stagnation and the feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

The absence of problems with defecation is seen in newborns who are breastfed, and their mothers stimulate lactation by regular consumption of black cumin oil. A deficiency of palmitic acid in human milk can provoke a deterioration in the motility of the child's intestines, a tendency to constipation or diarrhea, as well as the excretion of significant amounts of minerals from the body.

Palmitic acid, which is found in caraway oil up to 14%, is considered the main source of energy for newborns, so breastfeeding mothers must take a healing product.

Cumin oil contains about 18% oleic acid, which is important for stimulating the secretion of digestive enzymatic substances and for the production of specific gastric mucus (mucin).

An indispensable participant in metabolic processes is linoleic acid, which prevails among nutrients and is up to 65%. Awakening the appetite and stimulating the digestion is guaranteed by the melanin present.

Important! When using caraway oil externally, a skin sensitivity test is mandatory. To do this, it is necessary to apply 2 drops in the groin area and wait about an hour. If during the specified time did not appear itching, redness or rash, you can continue therapy.

For respiratory and cardiovascular systems

The value of the carnival product is to establish blood circulation, strengthen the blood vessels and normalize the work of the heart muscle.

It is especially important to use the drug to adolescents during the period of hormonal maturation, when there are jumps in blood pressure, headaches, and general weakness. To improve the health of such a child, as well as to prevent varicose veins in it, you can use half a teaspoonful of cumin oil twice daily.

For parents of frequently ill children, this product is a real lifesaver during the season of epidemics and viral infections. To protect the child from the pathogenic environment, it is enough to put a napkin soaked in a healing liquid at night for a pillow.

When inhaling, Maslenitsa vapor gets into the organs of the respiratory system, preventing the vital activity of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. In the case of oil, you can treat a cough, sore throat, bronchitis, a cold, because the tool provides antiseptic, analgesic, antipyretic, antiviral effects.

Read more about the features of the use of black cumin oil for colds and respiratory diseases.

Depending on the age of the baby, the degree of development of the disease, internal use is recommended at a dosage of from 0.5 to 1 teaspoon of oil. It can also be used for inhalation and external grinding in the chest and upper back area.

Some folk healers advise you to add a few drops of natural raw caraway to the water for gargling and washing the nasal passages.

For the first time, Hippocrates and Dioscorides spoke about the benefits of cumin. In their medical treatises, they mentioned the properties and extraordinary power of the plant. And his famous Avicenna oil called the source of human vital energy, which not only relieves all ailments, but also relieves fatigue and promotes rapid recovery.

When a cold is not superfluous, it will be possible to treat the internal cavities of the nostrils with rods soaked in vegetable fluid. Given that the product is peculiar to specific bitterness and aroma, this method of treatment is acceptable to children after 6 years of age.

How to take cumin oil to children

For each growing organism, it is important to timely obtain the necessary dosage of mineral and vitamin components, therefore, natural cumin oil is recommended for children.

However, its application has its own characteristics and limitations:

  1. Infants up to 3 years old Internal reception of the product is strictly contraindicated due to the body's tendency to allergic reactions. So babies can be treated with oil skin in the groin and folds, after testing his perception.
  2. In the absence of skin rashes, redness and itching It is permissible to use the massage externally for children from 6 months of age. This procedure is relevant for coughing, pneumonia, bronchitis. For its implementation it is required to dilute the caraway and olive oil in a ratio of 1: 5, and then rub the mixture into the skin of the upper back and chest. Note that it has a warming effect, therefore, it is strictly prohibited to perform the procedure at elevated body temperature.
  3. From the age of 3 You can use natural raw materials for internal use (single). For example, to improve the discharge of sputum will help 1 tsp of drunk oil. To soften bitterness in taste, it is desirable to dissolve it with warm water. Strong spasms during coughing will remove 15 g of cumin seed oil, if you hold it for about 4-5 minutes under the tongue.
  4. With diseases of the respiratory system, viral infections, as well as with stomatitis It is recommended to rinse the mouth with a solution of 1 l of warm water and 1 tbsp. spoons of butter. A similar liquid can be used for inhalation, preheating it to the desired temperature.
  5. In case of eating disorders, diarrhea, intestinal colic, increased gas formation It is recommended to add 15 g of the cumin product in its pure form to a glass of yogurt (better than home-made, without flavors and taste impurities). Such a drug can be given to children 2 times a day.
  6. Increase quantity up to 3 times a day can be consumed in pure form only from the age of 6 (the daily rate should not exceed 3 teaspoons).
  7. In the absence of contraindications, prickly heat and skin diseases of an infant can be treated with homemade ointment from black cumin oil, rose water and brown flour, cooked in a proportion of 1: 1: 2. Before applying, pretreatment of the affected areas with cotton wool moistened with vinegar is required. Ointment is desirable not to remove for an hour.
  8. In the preventive purposes, as well as to improve mental activity and concentration Attention from the age of 12 is recommended every day on an empty stomach to drink a warm drink from 250 g of peppermint decoction, 7 drops of black cumin oil, 1 tsp of honey.

Did you know? Natural cold-pressed black cumin oil in Ukraine can be bought for 100-1000 hryvnia, depending on the packaging and the capacity of the bottles.

Contraindications and harm

Improper reception of the remedy can cause serious disruptions in the body and lead to serious illnesses, so it is important to consult with the pediatrician and take into account all possible contraindications, as well as side effects.

In case of an overdose of the product the following are not excluded:

  • contact dermatitis (manifested by red itchy skin rashes and pain);
  • allergic reactions (accompanied by swelling of the lips, throat, face, difficulty breathing, mouth discomfort, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, spasmodic abdominal pain, diarrhea);
  • hypotension (in this case, a decrease in blood pressure to a critical level, general fatigue, nausea, deterioration of vision, confusion and loss of consciousness, can be provoked by the combined use of caraway oil with diuretics and antihypertensive drugs).

Important! Oncologists categorically do not recommend taking black cumin oil during a course of chemotherapy and rational exposure of cancer patients. The product weakens the effect of traditional methods of treatment of malignant tumors.

Caraway oil is a strong allergen, which is contraindicated in children and adults with individual intolerance, as well as a tendency to allergic reactions.

Do not use the tool when:

  • diabetes mellitus (stimulates an increase in blood glucose);
  • acute gastritis;
  • hypotension;
  • urolithiasis;
  • stroke, heart attack;
  • pregnancy (provokes uterine contraction).
The benefit of the cumin product is difficult to overestimate. However, in some cases, its biologically active substances can harm, therefore it is important to strictly follow the dosage and recommendations of the attending physician.

Watch the video: Top 10 Best Health Benefits of Black Seeds (December 2024).