Herbicide "Ovsyugen Super": characteristics, how to use

Herbicides are special chemicals that are used to eliminate weeds and unwanted vegetation in garden and garden plots.

This greatly facilitates the work of all gardeners, so these substances are fairly widespread in the present.

What is used

Ovsyugen Super is one of the anti-grass herbicides. Its main purpose is to combat annual weeds of grass species. These include wild oats, broomstick, millet, pig, bristle and many others. It is used mainly in the period after spring, winter barley and winter wheat. Such a drug is selective and has a systemic effect that actively destroys parasitic cereals.

Did you know? Every year around 4.5 million tons of herbicides are produced and used in the world.

Drug benefits

Ovsyugen Super received wide distribution due to a number of advantages, including:

  • Graminicide, which has a fairly good effect, has an active effect on barley and its crops, thereby destroying undesirable cereal grasses;
  • the drug has high selective properties, which provides processed crops with protection from harmful chemicals;
  • The oats can be used regardless of the current phase of crop development, the timing of its use is quite diverse;
  • This "doctor" acts through those parts of the plant that are located above the ground, which ensures high speed and a strong effect from its use.

Active ingredient and release form

The main substance in Hovsyugen Super, having the main effect, is fenoxaprop-P-ethyl at a concentration of 140 g / l. Also, the herbicide contains an antidote in the amount of 47 g / l. Fenoxapron-P-ethyl is white, hard, odorless.

Unstable in neutral and alkaline environments, but resistant to sunlight for 90 days at 50 ° C.

Such a substance quickly penetrates the leaves of the treated plant, as a result of which the process of cell membrane synthesis in cereal weeds is inhibited.

Did you know? A living natural herbicide is ants that live in the Amazon in Duroya trees. If you inject formic acid into any crops, then these insects are able to clean them of weeds.
This effect makes the weeds weak, and after 1.5-2 weeks they die completely. Ovsyugen Super is produced in the form of an emulsion concentrate.

When and how is the treatment and consumption rates carried out?

Instructions for the use of such a herbicide such as Ovsyugen Super is fairly simple, but requires strict adherence to all requirements and rules. So:

  1. To prepare the solution for spraying should be just before using it. Dilute the drug, focusing on the rate of its consumption.
  2. Fill the sprayer tank 3/4 full of water, after which you can add the concentrate. Rinse the canister with water before use and add the sprayer to the tank.
  3. Stir the entire mixture thoroughly and only after that add the required amount of water.
  4. For the use of such a herbicide in ground treatment, the use of special sprayers with the mark OPSh-15-01, OP-2000-2-01, Amazona 300, etc. is recommended.
  5. Plants should be processed only in dry weather conditions in the early morning or in the evening. It is desirable to carry out ground processing in weather without wind or at its speed of 4-5 m / s.
  6. The very first treatment should be carried out already when the first leaflets of weeds began to appear.
Important! Do not under any circumstances treat herbicides of those areas of crops that have been weakened by unfavorable conditions, such as frost, heavy rains or other.
Noma consumption herbicide Hovsiugen Super may be different, depending on the type of cultivated crops. If you are going to spray winter wheat, then this preparation in a concentration of 0.6-0.8 l / ha will help you in the fight against bristles, oats and other weeds. If spring wheat or spring barley is subjected to treatment, the concentration will be 0.8-1.0 l / ha of the herbicide + 0.2 l / ha of surface-active substances (surfactants).
Herbicides also include "Lancelot 450 WG", "Corsair", "Dialen Super", "Hermes", "Caribou", "Cowboy", "Fabian", "Pivot", "Eraser Extra", "Callisto", "Dual Gold, "Prima".

Impact speed and period of protective action

After spraying, this solution is absorbed by the plants through the organs located above the ground for 1-3 hours. Then, the active substances accumulate at the points of weed growth, which leads to the fading of their development and death in general.

The first signs of the effects of the drug you can see after a week, or even 3-4 days of the treatment procedure. On the weeds there are noticeable signs of a violation of their functioning, and after 10-15 days they are completely destroyed.

The speed of action of a herbicide directly depends on the weather conditions under which it was used. The whole vegetation period of the plant passes under the protective action of ovsugen. The drug affects only the weak and susceptible grasses that are already in the soil for the period of treatment.

This herbicide does not affect the inhabitants of the second "wave" of weeds, which appeared after the use of this medicine.

Toxicity and precautions

This herbicide is a slightly toxic substance. It belongs to the 3rd group of mammalian toxicity and to the 4th group of relatively beneficial insects, birds and fish.

That is why its use near sanitary zones near fish reservoirs is absolutely safe and will not harm the inhabitants of these nature reserves.

To protect yourself when preparing ovsugen solution, protect your hands with gloves, you can also cover the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose with a special respirator.

Compatibility with other herbicides

This type of herbicide can be easily combined with almost all other herbicides, fungicides and other preparations for the treatment of plants that are used in agriculture.

Important! Be sure to before mixing oatsugen with other drugs, check for compatibility with the physicochemical components.

Shelf life and storage conditions

The drug can be used within two years after its manufacture.

A dry place is ideal for storage, in which pesticides are perfectly stored. The temperature should be from -10 ° C to + 30 ° C. Stir the herbicide thoroughly before use.

Using the Ovsyugen Super herbicide against oats, bristles, millet and other cereal weeds will help you quickly and effectively get rid of them. Due to its selectivity and low toxicity, such a drug will not harm your crops, but only effectively “clean” them from annoying inhabitants.

Another nice bonus is its relatively low cost and availability. You can purchase this herbicide at any specialty store.

Watch the video: How to Use Herbicides (January 2025).