Cucumber-lemon: exotic in the garden

Many varieties of cucumbers have been developed, which differ in terms of maturity, shape, size, color, yield, resistance to pests and diseases. In the suburban areas and vegetable gardens mainly grown cucumbers oval, cylindrical.

However, few know that there are exotic varieties of cucumbers, the fruits of which can be both round and ovate. If you have a desire to surprise your friends and relatives by feeding them with an unusual look and taste with vegetables, we will tell you about the peculiarities of growing cucumber-lemon.

Cucumber-lemon: description of the plant

Probably you will be surprised by the similar double name for vegetable culture. However, the amazement will last only as long as you see what a ripe lemon cucumber looks like in the photo. In appearance, it is difficult to call it a cucumber - the color, size and shape make it look like a lemon. However, the taste of the vegetable is the same as that of the usual counterparts - crisp and sweet, delicate and fragrant.

The plant has very powerful lashes, reaching lengths of up to 5-6 m, and large leaves. Because of the incredibly large size, it is sometimes called the cucumber tree. But another name - "Crystal Apple" (Crystal Apple) - this sort of cucumber was obtained because the mature flesh, delicate, seemingly glowing white, with almost transparent bones in the crystal juice, looks like crystal. It is under this name that this species is known in Western Europe.

Did you know? India is considered to be the birthplace of unusual cucumbers (although some sources claim that Mexico). It is there that grow a large number of varieties with spherical, ovate, oval, elliptical fruits. Only one sort of exotic cucumber, the Crystal Apple, has taken root in Europe.
The fruits of cucumber-lemons are small, round and ovate in shape. Their color varies depending on the degree of maturation. So, young cucumbers are painted in light green tones, have a thin skin, slightly covered with down. Over time, they turn white, become richer in taste. And at the peak of ripening stained lemon yellow.

This variety is mid-season, it is distinguished by long-term fruiting and high yields - during the season from 8 to 10 kg of cucumbers can be collected from one bush. Blooms 30-40 days after germination. Crop begin to clean in the second half of summer. Fruiting sometimes continues until the first frost.

Pollinating plants occurs due to insects and the wind.

Did you know? This sort of cucumber is also used for decorative purposes - they are grown in pots on windowsills.

Choosing a place for planting "Crystal Apple"

For the landing of the "Crystal Apple" is necessary to choose a light area, sheltered from the winds. The optimal precursors for these cucumbers will be early cabbage and potatoes, tomatoes, onions, beans, green manure. Since cucumbers-lemons belong to the pumpkin family, it is not recommended to plant them after the related crops (zucchini, pumpkin, squash, melon, zucchini). Otherwise, the risk of disease and pest infestation is increased.

The composition of the soil plant is not demanding. However, better yields can be achieved by sowing it in light fertile soil, sandy or light loamy with low acidity (pH not lower than 6).

Important! If your site has a heavy clay and acidic soil, then before planting cucumbers, lemons, its structure will need to be improved by adding humus, sand, ash or compost.
Vegetable culture does not tolerate close occurrence of groundwater, which should also be considered when choosing a place for its planting.

It is demanding on temperature and humidity.

He likes heat, grows best at temperatures of + 25-30 ºС and humidity of 70-80%.

Does not tolerate even a slight decrease in temperature below 0 ºС. Stops in growth at +10 ºС.

Planting cucumber

The site where the Crystal Apple is planned to be planted should be fertilized in the fall with rotted manure (5-6 kg / 1 sq. M) or compost (6-8 kg / 1 sq. M), superphosphate (30 g), potassium sulfate ( 20 g). After that, the soil should be well dig. Immediately before planting in the spring in the soil, it is desirable to introduce nitrogen fertilizers (15-20 g).

Cucumber-lemon can be planted using the seedling and seedless method. In the first case, the plant is sown at the end of March. In the soil, seedlings at the age of 30-45 days are placed in one row, leaving the intervals between plants of 50-60 cm. With the help of the seedling method, earlier and long-term fruiting can be achieved. If a threat of frost occurs, landing will need to be covered with foil.

Seed planting in open ground is carried out in mid-May. Seeds deepen into the soil by 1-2 cm. The distances between the plants are also left within half a meter.

When the lashes grow back, they are spread on the ground, under them straw.

Cucumbers are suitable for growing both in vegetable gardens and in greenhouses and greenhouses. Since their whips are very long, in greenhouses they should be allowed to grow up the trellis, then bend over the top wire.

Further they will go down. With the vertical method of planting in the greenhouse, the distance between the plants should be maintained at 1 m. With a thicker planting, a less abundant harvest should be expected.

Fertilizer "Crystal Apple"

Like any vegetable, lemon cucumber responds well to supplements in the process of vegetative development and fruiting. During the season it is recommended to hold from six to eight fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers.

For the first time fertilizers are applied at the beginning of the flowering period. As a top dressing, you can use a mixture of complex mineral fertilizers such as azofoski (1 tbsp. Spoon) and mullein (1 cup) diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water.

When the cucumber fruits, it is fertilized several times with an interval of 10-12 days. During this period, a mixture of nitrophoska (2 tablespoons) and mullein (1 cup) diluted in 10 liters of water is used. Consumption: 5-6 l / 1 square. m

The last feeding is carried out two to three weeks before the final harvest.

Herbal infusions can also be used as a fertilizer.

Features care for a cucumber-lemon

Cucumber "Crystal Apple" is characterized by unpretentiousness in the care, which is no different from the characteristics of growing cucumber ordinary. It will need to be periodically watered, fed, weeded from weeds and loosen the soil.

Irrigation mode will depend on the stage of plant development. Before flowering, it is watered moderately every 5-7 days. During this period, you will need 3-4 liters of water per 1 square. m

During flowering and fruiting irrigation should be carried out every 2-3 days at the rate of 6-12 liters per 1 square. m. Water is used while warm.

It is necessary to constantly monitor, so that the soil under the cucumbers remained slightly moist, but in no case wet. To keep it moist longer, you can apply mulching with peat, grass.

The abundance and frequency of irrigation will need to be adjusted depending on weather conditions. On sunny days, it is advisable to water under the root or in the furrows so that the water droplets on the leaves do not provoke their burns.

It is not necessary to irrigate in front of the night - when the temperature drops at this time of day, in too wet soil the plant will feel uncomfortable, and it can also cause fungal diseases.

Important! When watering should not use a strong jet, it can damage the ovaries, roots, stems and leaves of the plant, as well as blur the ground. It is better to use a watering can with a spreader.
In cold nights, whip must be covered. After watering the soil is subject to mandatory loosening. It is also desirable to spud the bushes, while being extremely careful, since the roots of cucumbers are located close to the soil surface.

Harvesting and eating fruit

Harvest can begin to collect when young, still green fruits reach sizes of 7-8 cm in length and gain a mass of 50 g. In this form, they are already suitable for food.

With proper planting and care, the harvest will be abundant. Cucumbers grow both on the main stalk and in the axils of the first and second leaf on the stepsons. It is necessary to collect them as they mature.

It is advisable to bypass the bed with a survey on the subject of ripe green leaves every two days. Otherwise, already ripe cucumbers will be an obstacle to the development of new ovaries. After the first frost will need to remove the entire crop.

Harvesting cucumbers is best done in the early morning or in the evening. When pruning or cutting fruits, it is advisable not to disturb the whips strongly.

Collected vegetables should be immediately removed to a cool place. Their prolonged maintenance under the sun is undesirable. Like other varieties, "crystal apples" are not stored for long - for one or two weeks.

Lemon cucumber fruits contain a number of vitamins, sugar, fiber, mineral salts, iodine. They are suitable for cooking salads, canning and marinating. Pickled cucumbers, lemons to taste do not differ from the usual, only the skin they turn out more rigid. By the way, cucumber-lemons, unlike their usual counterparts, are never bitter.

"Crystal apples" are recommended for use by people with overweight, metabolic disorders, cardiovascular diseases. This vegetable is able to rid the human body of cholesterol and slag. Cucumber juice is used for cosmetic purposes as face masks and lotions. It helps to overcome age spots and freckles.

This variety, since it is not a hybrid, can also collect seeds - they will be suitable for planting next season. The only thing that should be considered: high-grade seed material can be obtained only if you isolate other types of cucumbers.

Watch the video: How to Grow the Easiest Cucumber that Produces the Most Fruit (January 2025).