How to care for the Decembrist during flowering

Schlumberger, Christmas card or Decembrist - all these are the names of one zigokaktus, popular in home floriculture. The plant is unpretentious in the care, but sometimes there are difficulties with the flowering period. What are the features of care for the Decembrist, how to avoid difficulties in growing - this is further in the article.

Features of the flowering period

The main feature of Schlumbergers is the winter flowering period, when many plants are sent for a period of rest or rest. This is due to the fact that in its natural habitat in the tropics summer is the rainy season. Zigokaktus replenishes moisture and in the late fall begins to form buds.

At home, the date of flowering depends on weather conditions and care:

  • if the spring-summer season was hot, respectively, watering was carried out more often, the buds will appear in late November or early December;
  • if summer is cold, the cactus will bloom later - in January or February.

First, buds will form, which, gradually opening, from the green ovary will release an inflorescence with a long tuba, colored sepals and a flower in the form of a bell opened at the edges. As the flowers bloom, the edges of the petals bend back, exposing long stamens with pistils and anthers.

Color petals can be:

  • light pink;
  • saturated lilac;
  • carmine;
  • red;
  • snow white.

The duration of flowering Decembrist at home

During the year, the Decembrist must go through the entire development cycle from preparation for flowering to a dormant period after him, therefore, unlike many plants, such as violets, the cactus blooms once a year. The duration of flowering with good care - 1-3 months.

Did you know? According to Feng Shui, you need to keep the Christmas car in the bedroom. During the night, the flower will “pull out” from its owner all the negative that has accumulated during the day, which will make the morning fresh and full of energy.

Understand that the long-awaited period is about, you can come along the elongated cones of bud-buds that appear at the ends of the upper shoots.

How to care for the Decembrist at home

For successful cultivation it is necessary to provide Schlumberger with conditions that are as close to natural as possible.

General recommendations:

  • priming - fertile and loose, with good carrying capacity. Components for self-made soil - turfy ground, for coarseness add coarse sand, fine gravel or vermiculite. Nutritiousness will add the introduction of leaf humus;
  • water for irrigation must be separated, ideally passed through a filter. Water temperature is not lower than + 18 ° С;
  • content temperature: in the winter - + 10 ... + 15 ° С, in the summer - + 18 ... + 24 ° С;
  • humidity - increased, 70-75%;
  • lighting - scattered;
  • accommodation - east and southeast side.

Vegetation period

Christmas-day sharply reacts to the brightness of the light, both full shadow and direct sunlight are unacceptable for it. For the formation of buds light must be moderately bright. In order for it to bloom, it is necessary to ensure the reduction of daylight just as it happens in nature.

The content temperature for this period is + 18 ... + 24 ° С. With the increase in warm days at the end of April, the pot starts to take out into the fresh air. Watering is carried out as the drying of the top layer of soil, but without overflows. Excess water from the pan must be drained. The air around the bush and foliage sprayed in dry weather more often.

In the spring feed once a month, summer dressings are held 2 times a month. Apply a complex for cacti and succulents, for example "Agricola-Aqua" (5-10 ml / 1 l of water, watering).

Important! When preparing a fertilizer solution, it is recommended to reduce the dosage specified in the instructions by 2 times.

During flowering

For the flowering Decembrist care should be as attentive. The ideal temperature for long-term presence of flowers is + 16 ... + 21 ° C, but the temperature should be lowered gradually before the inflorescences have dismissed.

Watering should be moderate, be sure to monitor the accumulation of moisture in the pan. Fluid stagnation can cause root rot, causing buds or flowering inflorescences to fall. Soil moistening is carried out approximately 2 times a week. It is not advisable to spray the plant during this period, the drops drying on the petals will leave faded spots.

For dressing compounds in which there is nitrogen, are not suitable. At this time, the Decembrist needs potassium and phosphorus. Mineral complexes are used for these purposes for flowering plants, for example, "Rainbow" (8 ml / 1 l of water, root). In these compounds, the necessary minerals are perfectly balanced. The formation of buds and blooming inflorescences significantly weaken the immunity of the Christmas tree. It is recommended to carry out preventive treatment "Fitosporin". The drug is biological, absolutely harmless. For processing prepare an aqueous solution of powder form 1.5 g / 2 l of water.

Important! During the flowering period, the pot should be as far as possible from the heating devices: high temperature and dry air shorten the period.


Depending on the duration of the previous period, the zygocactus begins to recover in February - April. At this time, carry out a transplant as needed (once every 3-4 years), the soil is replaced completely. After the procedure for 2-3 days the pot is removed in the shade. After the dry inflorescences fall, it is time to carry out formative pruning in order to force the plant to grow new shoots. At the same time, the segments cannot be cut off, they are turned off around their own axis.

Watering is carried out less frequently, because in the absence of buds and flowers in large quantities of moisture there is no need. To navigate with the frequency of watering will help the top layer of soil in the pot.

To restore strength and nutritional value of the soil, fertilizers are needed, for example, "GrowAp for cacti" 1.5 g / 1 l of water, root dressing. The balanced composition acts as a stimulator of growth, development and enhancement of protective properties.

At the beginning of autumn the Decembrist needs a period of rest. For this period it is placed in cooler conditions of maintenance - + 10 ... + 15 ° С. Watering is carried out exclusively to prevent drying of the soil, do not conduct dressing at all. To bring the plant out of hibernation will help a gradual increase in temperature and an increase in daylight.

Possible cultivation problems and how to prevent them

The plant can be affected by diseases or pests, the spores and the larvae of which can get into the house along with the ground or during airing. Possible difficulties in care are also associated with violation of the regime or rules of care.

Read also the recommendations for caring for the Decembrist flower at home.

Why bad bloom

So, the main causes of problems of sluggish flowering, a small number of buds, as well as their solution:

  1. Unsuitable ground - the composition of the soil should be approached carefully: epiphytes need soil, which passes oxygen to the roots well and does not absorb much moisture. The composition of a suitable substrate is described above, the only thing that needs to be added: the proportions of all components are equal.
  2. Large capacity - during the flowering period, the maximum effort the plant should direct specifically to this process. A spacious pot will provoke a Christmas tree to develop the root system to the detriment of the laying and development of the buds. Capacity should be of medium size.
  3. Excess moisture - the accumulation of moisture at the roots can provoke root rot, you can forget about the appearance of buds in this case. After each watering you need to check and remove excess water from the pan. The best guideline for the frequency of irrigation - dry soil in the pot.
  4. Lack of power - Schlyumbergera spends a lot of effort on laying the buds, absorbing a maximum of nutrients during this period. The soil needs periodic potash-phosphorus feedings.
  5. It must also be remembered that in the natural environment light day at a certain time of the year is reducedtherefore, at home, this fact should not be neglected either.

Why do flowers fall

Falling buds or inflorescences can be caused by several factors:

  1. Sharp temperature drops - it is impossible to sharply raise or lower the temperature regime.
  2. A change of scenery - the pot should be in one place, in one position. Moving from place to place, turning the pot around its axis can induce the Decembrist to reset the flowers.
  3. High humidity - watering needs to be corrected, and spraying is extremely undesirable during this period.
  4. Dry air - proximity to heating devices creates a hot and dry atmosphere, which adversely affects flowering.

Read more about what to do if the Decembrist (Schlumberger) does not want to bloom.

Additionally, diseases and pests of zygocactus should be considered, as well as measures to combat them:

  1. Root rot occurs on the background of high humidity. Treatment - spraying with the preparation "Diskor", proportions for an aqueous solution - 2 ml / 5 l of water.

  2. Fusarium also develops in a humid environment. Treatment - spraying with the drug "Gamar", the proportions for the solution - 2 tablets / 1 l.

  3. Late blight develops when overwetting soil and air. Treatment - spraying the drug "Fitosporin M", the proportion for the solution - 1.5 g / 1 l of water.

  4. Spider mite likes a dry environment, stagnant air. Treatment - spraying the drug "Akarin" with an aqueous solution in a ratio of 2 ml / 1 l of water.

  5. Mealybug may be entered with poor quality primer. It is recommended to wash the scrub with soapy water and spray it with the Aktara preparation in the proportion of 2 g / 2.5 l of water.

Did you know? One of the signs associated with the Decembrist says: if the cactus has not bloomed, expect financial problems.

As you can see, with proper care, dressing, application of suitable soil and optimally chosen capacity your Decembrist will brightly and continuously bloom. And after giving him a good rest after flowering, you can expect that closer to the winter cold the flower will once again delight in a riot of colors.

Watch the video: Декабрист Уход что сделать для Обильного цветения Шлюмбергера Decembrist conditions for flowering (January 2025).