Is it possible to give onions chickens

Inexperienced poultry farmers who decide to breed chickens think that they are fed exclusively on grain. However, this is not true, since these birds eat quite a large number of different foods.

Consider what food must necessarily be present in the diet, so that the birds grow well, and their meat was of high quality.

Is it possible to give chickens

For the human body, onion is a very useful vegetable, with which it is carried out not only the prevention of many diseases, but also their treatment. But is it possible to give this vegetable to birds of this species, we will consider in this article.

Did you know? In South America live chickens breed Araucana. They became known all over the world due to the fact that the shell of their eggs is colored blue. A similar phenomenon arises due to the infection of birds with a retrovirus, which leads to an increased content of biliverdin pigment in the shell.


Onions - a source of vitamin C, which contributes to the formation of immunity, and also has antibacterial and anthelmintic properties. Onions give the birds at any age, previously passing it through a meat grinder. The resulting slurry is added to the mash or other food. It is important to ensure that it does not have too much, as the smell can scare the birds away from food in general.

Green onions

Giving green onions can and should be. It starts to give from 5 days of age. At this time, its amount should not exceed 1 g per chicken. Over time, the amount can be significantly increased. It is proved that chopped onion feathers not only improve the digestive process, but also serve as prevention of many intestinal diseases.

Find out whether you can give chickens bread, peas, salt, oats, garlic.

In addition, they contain a huge amount of useful vitamins, without which the proper formation of the body of a chicken is simply impossible. During avitaminosis, green onions are also introduced into the diet of adult chickens, which are pre-ground.

Onion Husk

Onion peel chickens are not taken. Most often, on its basis, a special broth is prepared, which chicks are fed in the first days after hatching.

Contraindications and harm

There are no contraindications to the use of this product, since if the product is harmful to birds, they will never use it. The damage can be done only if the onions have been given very early or it has been treated with some kind of drugs, the use of which can lead to problems with the body.

Did you know? To replenish the amount of calcium in the body, chickens are given the shell of their eggs. Do not be afraid that after that they suddenly begin to eat the eggs that hatch. The shell is added to another feed, before it has been carefully ground beforehand.

What else can feed chickens

In addition to the main products, others may be present in the diet of birds of this species.


Boiled potatoes are good for chickens. Only after such treatment, the solanine leaves the root, a dangerous substance that is present in the peel. This product is introduced into the diet, starting from the 15th day of life. Initially, no more than 100 g per day is given per individual, then the portion is increased. In addition, this product can be safely added to wet mash.

Important! Despite the fact that the root vegetable is useful, the peel has opposite qualities. It is obligatory to cut it before cooking, because it is too rough for digestion and chewing.


Legumes are one of the best sources of protein for chickens. In their composition there is almost the entire complex of essential amino acids. Before use, the beans are soaked in cold water for 2 hours, then cooked over low heat until it becomes soft. As such, this product is easier to digest. In addition, legumes are the best pathogens of laying in laying hens. At this time, give this product 0.5 kg per 4 individuals.


Cabbage, in the opinion of farmers with the experience of keeping chickens, should be mandatory in the diet of these birds. It is allowed to include cabbage in the feed of five-day chicks. It contains vitamin K, which is necessary for birds, but is absent in other products. Before serving, the vegetable is finely chopped or rubbed on a grater. Give it in the amount of 10 g per 10 heads. Cabbage is added to the mash or to the cereals.

Read about what herbs can be given to chickens, and which ones should not, as well as what vitamins are necessary for laying hens for good egg production.

So that the vegetable does not spoil, it can be salted. To do this, pickle cabbage with whole leaves, and before cutting, wash well under running water so that the excess salt is gone. Also, some owners hang a cabbage with fluffy leaves at a short distance. Chickens will gradually peck vegetable and get the necessary vitamins.

A fish

In a full-fledged diet of chickens must be present animal feed. With their help, birds receive essential amino acids that increase the productivity of birds.

Important! Fish is necessarily boiled. It is impossible to give raw, as the larvae of helminths can live in the tissues, which chickens easily infect. In addition, bones can damage the stomach.

Fish is useful for laying hens, with its help there is an increase in egg production, strengthening of bones and acceleration of the gain of muscle mass. However, feeding this product should be done carefully so as not to harm. Do not include salted fish in the diet. Also, this product is often not recommended. This is due to the fact that after drinking a strong thirst appears, and in the absence of water, dehydration may occur. Ideal to give fish once a week.

As can be seen from the foregoing, chickens can be fed with many products, the main thing is to do it right. Then the chickens will grow quickly, have a good egg production or high rates of increase in meat.


There are more useful substances in onion peel than in onion itself. I cook it with vegetables, potatoes and wheat, the whole bird eats willingly.

Watch the video: One Pan French Onion Chicken (December 2024).