What is the difference between quail eggs and chicken

Chicken eggs have always been considered a useful and nutritious food for humans. They can be found in the refrigerator in almost every housewife. But lately, quail eggs are becoming more and more popular, as they are considered to be more useful and dietary than chicken eggs. Is it really so - let's understand together.

What is the difference between quail eggs and chickens?

Quail eggs, like chicken eggs, have tremendous nutritional value for humans. But if we compare these products to each other, they differ somewhat in appearance, composition and benefits for the human body. A little lower in the article we will describe in more detail the composition of trace elements of chicken and quail eggs.

In appearance

The differences between quail eggs and chicken products begin with their external signs. Further - their comparative characteristic.

Did you know? In ancient Egypt, quail eggs were called ampoules of health, in China they were used in healing, and in the Russian state they were always used in the preparation of culinary delights for the imperial table.


The quail products are miniature, white in color, with dark stains and blotches, have a fragile shell, which is easily crushed into flour. The average weight of one unit is 10-13 g.


Chicken eggs are larger, have a single color from white to light brown, with a dense shell.

Learn more about the beneficial properties of chicken and quail eggs, as well as about the benefits and dangers of guinea fowl eggs, goose, duck, turkey, indouki.

The weight of chicken eggs depends on the breed, climatic zone and conditions of detention, and an average of 50-55 g

By composition

The table below presents the composition of chicken and quail eggs for a comparative analysis of their useful properties:

Composition per 100 gQuail




Fats and fatty acids11.0 g9.8 g
Squirrels13.0 mg12.7 mg
Carbohydrates0.3 g0.7 g
Saturated Fat3.7 g3.0 g
Polyunsaturated fats1.4 g1.5 g
Monounsaturated Fat4.3 g3.7 g
Omega-3 fatty acids44.1 mg74.1 mg
Omega-6 fatty acids941 mg1149 mg
Cholesterol845 mg424 mg
Ash1.0 g9.8 g
Water74.2 g75.7 g
Micro and macro elements:
Phosphorus225 mg192 mg
Sodium140 mg139 mg
Potassium131 mg133 mg
Calcium64.1 mg53.1 mg
Magnesium13.1 mg12.1 mg
Iron3.7 mg1.9 mg
Manganese0.01 mg0.01 mg
Zinc1.6 mg1.2 mg
Copper0.1 mg0.1 mg
Selenium32.1 mcg31.8 mcg
Fluorine-1.2 mcg
Calorie (kcal)159150
Vitamin A0.47 mg0.25 mg
Vitamin D-36 mg
Thiamine (vitamin B1) mg0.3 mg0.1 mg
Riboflavin (vitamin B2)0.7 mg0.4 mg
Niacin (Vitamin B3)0.3 mg0.2 mg
Choline (Vitamin B4)264 mg252 mg
Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)1.9 mg1.5 mg
Pyridoxine (vitamin B6)0.3 mg0.2 mg
Folate (Vitamin B9)67.0 mcg48.0 mcg
Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12)1.7 mcg1.4 mcg
Vitamin K0.4 mcg0.4 mcg
Alpha tocopherol (vitamin E)1.2 mg1.1 mg
As we can see from the table, there is no big difference in chemical composition between the products, therefore we can conclude that both types of product are useful.

But you can see that quail eggs lead in the amount of monounsaturated and saturated fats, some vitamins (A, B4, B9, B12), and chicken eggs have fluorine, vitamin D, which is absent in quail, they are also richer in Omega-3 and Omega-3 fatty acids 6

Chicken eggs contain half as much cholesterol.

By benefit

Next, tell about the benefits that bring both types of product for the body of consumers.


  1. Due to the fact that one testicle contains a daily rate of cholesterol (up to 25 percent) and protein (up to 2 percent), this makes this product indispensable for increased physical exertion.
  2. It will be helpful for you to learn how to properly and gently break a quail egg, what a useful and harmful quail egg shell is, how much a quail egg should weigh and how many eggs a quail carries.

  3. It is recommended to eat for people who want to keep their weight normal: during the day, it is permissible to eat 1-2 eggs, while not exceeding the specified number of calories per day.
  4. Protein, polyunsaturated fats and folic acid in the product are able to maintain normal levels of female hormones.
  5. Due to the rich chemical composition of the testes are recommended during pregnancy.
  6. On the male body, quail eggs can be of benefit, similar to the effect of taking Viagra.
  7. In the nutrition of a preschooler (1-2 pieces per day) are an indispensable product for the prevention of mental retardation, and daily use by a schoolchild (2-3 pieces) will make it easier to memorize and assimilate the school curriculum.
  8. The product is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and bronchial asthma.
  9. Products are dietary, and with regular use contributes to the elimination of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  10. Eating eggs removes toxins and radionuclides from the body.
  11. Protein contains a large dose of interferon, so it should be consumed by patients with a weakened immune system, with pretumor states, after operations and with various inflammations.
  12. High iron content helps eliminate iron deficiency anemia.
  13. The increased content of vitamin A helps to fight eye diseases.
  14. Important! Antibiotics are not used in the cultivation and maintenance of quails, since due to the high temperature of their body (+42°C) Salmonella and other microorganisms do not survive. Therefore, this product can not be subjected to heat treatment, which preserves its nutritional value and allows you to eat raw.
  15. The presence of B vitamins improves the functioning of the nervous system.


  1. The presence of vitamin D is used for the prevention of osteoporosis and the destruction of dental tissue, and is also useful for people who do not have the opportunity to spend enough time in the sun.
  2. Find out if it is possible to freeze chicken eggs, what constitutes a chicken egg, what are the quality requirements for chicken eggs.

  3. Easily assimilated protein is useful in sports and mental loads.
  4. The presence of lecithin (3 g in one egg with a daily requirement of 4-10 g) helps the liver to remove toxins and poisons, normalizes its work, and also helps to combat the deposition of "bad" cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Lecithin also has a positive effect on the functioning of brain cells.
  5. The amount of choline contained in the 2 testicles, when consumed every day, will be enough to prevent breast cancer in women.
  6. The presence of folic acid will improve the health of women who are planning a pregnancy, will help make a healthy child, safely give birth to him and feed him.
  7. Niacin helps the formation of germ cells and has a beneficial effect on brain activity.
  8. Vitamin A serves to prevent cataracts, protects the optic nerves and neutralizes the adverse effects of the environment.
  9. Important! Compared to quail eggs, chicken eggs are not so safe in their raw state due to the threat of insemination with Salmonella, therefore, they should be washed with soap and food and cooked for at least 10 minutes before use.
  10. Vitamin E and lute are needed for normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels, as well as improve vision.

Cooking Application

In the world of cooking quail eggs occupy the first place of honor among similar products. They are gaining their popularity among our cooks.

It will also be useful for you to find out whether you can drink or eat raw eggs, how to determine the freshness of the eggs at home, why you get two yolk eggs.

Here are some ways to use these miniature products:

  • cold, hot appetizers (sandwiches, salads, toasts);
  • as a part of sauces for meat, fish and vegetables;
  • for cooking liquid and pureed first courses;
  • for any baking (in the ratio of 1 chicken per 4 quail eggs);
  • as part of dairy desserts;
  • in the preparation of mayonnaise;
  • as part of drinks (egg cocktail, etc.);
  • omelette and poached eggs;
  • marinating boiled eggs in a complex brine.

Chicken products are also widely used in world cuisines and are indispensable products.

Here is a list of dishes, the ingredients of which are chicken eggs:

  • boiled egg, poached eggs and scrambled eggs;
  • baked eggs;
  • in the dough;
  • custard cake;
  • biscuits;
  • in salads;
  • eggnog;
  • various meringues and souffles;
  • sandwiches;
  • cocktails;
  • pickled eggs;
  • traditional soups and borscht;
  • cream soup;
  • in the preparation of meat rolls;
  • Did you know? In Turkey, in 2010, during the celebration of World Egg Day, a two-and-a-half-hour omelette was cooked for two and a half hours, which required more than 100,000 chicken eggs and 430 liters of oil.
  • yolk as a complementary food for a child in the first year of life.


Considering all the above, we emphasize that there is not a very big difference in the ratio of nutrients between quail and chicken products. The presence of all the necessary vitamins and minerals in both products makes them a unique food product.

Also, the digestibility of both products is about the same. There are still more useful components in quail eggs than in chicken eggs, for example, essential amino acids, but quail eggs are inferior in terms of fat content in chicken eggs.

It is important to remember that these products can bring the maximum benefit only with moderate and careful use and after consulting the attending physician, as they may have some contraindications and individual intolerance.

Watch the video: Quail Egg vs. Chicken Egg (December 2024).