Growing a tuberous begonia: planting and care in the garden

In the desire to refine their own plot gardeners do not spare either effort or time. Their favorite among the decorative flowers for the garden in our region is begonia. This article will help you not only not to get lost in the variegated variety of begonia of the tuberous home, but also will tell you about all the intricacies of caring for our southern beauty.

Description of the variety

This flower surprises not only with the beauty of its flowering, but also with the variety of species. Mostly emit Three main varieties: deciduous, bush and tuberous.

In our article we will discuss directly the tuberous begonia, as being the most thermophilic and the least whimsical among all her relatives, she confidently settled on the beds of our summer residents.

Tuberous begonia is a perennial plant with large heart-shaped or asymmetrical leaves; terry or smooth depending on the variety. The sizes and color palettes of begonias are vast: from large, juicy red flowers to small pale pink ones.

To begonia beautifully blossomed you need to know how to deal with the main diseases and pests of the flower.

Tuberous Begonia Varieties

We invite you to familiarize yourself with some of the brightest and most interesting representatives of this family.

Ampelnaya begonia

The asymmetrical shape of the leaf, lush bush and juicy, variegated inflorescences - this beauty will be a worthy decoration of your porch whether at home. It is also noteworthy that directly this sort of flower is intended for cultivation in pots.

Camelia flora

This species is characterized primarily by large, terry flowers. A small, very compact bush, as usual up to 30 cm in height. It blooms throughout the season.

Opium White

This delicate beauty may not be so motley, but the scent is exceptionally pleasant. The leaves, unlike most begonias, are smooth and shiny. It blooms from July to frost.

Features of landing: the choice of a place for cultivation

The seating position of these flowers must be chosen with all care and responsibility, since the plant is very thermophilic and needs good soft consecration.

Important! Direct sunlight can "burn" the sensitive foliage of begonias.
The distance between the planted tubers must be selected on the basis of the plant variety. For tall begonias it is 30-40 cm, and 15 cm is enough for a short-growing one.

Flower planting technology

Planting of flower tubers is tentatively carried out at the beginning of June, when the air temperature at night reaches at least 12 degrees. Depending on the size of the seedling, it is necessary to select the optimum depth of the planting fossa, since begonia has a very fragile stem, especially in the initial stages of development.

Selection and preparation of planting material

To multiply tuberous begonia at home, you must first acquire the bulbs of the plant - they must be dense, smooth and have a dark brown color. In this case, special attention should be paid to the buds: it is their color that indicates the color of the future inflorescences.

Important! If there is already a growing shoot on the tuber, it is not recommended to buy such a plant.

The rules of planting tubers

When you have acquired good, healthy tuberous begonia bulbs, you can proceed to planting. As a rule, bulbs are pre germinated in small boxes (with necessarily prepared soil and drainage) or greenhouses. Tubers deepen in soil fertilized by the substrate by 5 cm, while the kidneys should be on the surface. After 5-6 weeks, already grown plants with small flowers are planted in the ground.

How to care for tuberous begonia

The flower requires increased attention throughout the entire flowering period. With the southern beauty, we will not lie, will have to be bothered.

Watering plants

Having a very fragile root system, the flower needs regular watering. In order not to ruin it, watering should be carried out either early in the morning or late in the evening with warm, settled water.

Did you know? On one shoot of a plant, as a rule, both male and female inflorescences are located.

Top dressing of a flower

Fertilizing the soil is beneficial and is necessary. You can use as potash-phosphorus fertilizers, and organic - humus or ash. During the flowering period, the flower needs only a few dressings.


Begonias grow very quickly, and therefore pruning plants should not be missed in any case.

The first pruning is carried out in order to give the flower the desired shape - for this, the stems must reach 7-8 cm. When the lateral shoots grow to 12 cm, it is necessary to trim their tops in order to awaken the lateral buds, which later will form the begonia bush . Pruning must be done only with a sharp knife. Scissors can damage fragile stems.

Did you know? For the fastest healing of the affected areas of the plant it is useful to process the crushed charcoal.


Replanting the plant is not recommended because of the fragile root system. But if such a need has arisen, then it is best done in the spring during the growing season.

To begin, the roots must be carefully cleaned of the old soil and place the plant in a container with a solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes. After that, prune the decayed or shrunken parts of the rhizome, and boldly plant the plant on the vending site.

The tubers also multiply: caladium, gloxinia, anemone, oxalis, stachis, ranunculus, potatoes, artichoke, and earth pear.


Multiply tuberous begonia two ways:

  1. Cutting involves the use of the largest shoots of a flower not less than 10 cm long. Sprouts root well in the substrate and in the water. In this case, the plants are recommended to cover with plastic wrap to maintain the required level of humidity and temperature.

  2. Sowing seeds of begonias is best done in special containers with prepared soil. Seeds are located on a well-moistened, fertilized with peat soil. The boxes are covered with glass and placed in a well-lit room at a constant temperature of 20-22 ° C. Two weeks after sowing you can expect the first shoots. After the appearance of the third full leaflet, the seedlings must be transplanted into loose soil, watered and fed abundantly.

Wintering flower

Closer to autumn, watering the plant must be reduced. The bulbs must be dried before wintering, otherwise there is a high probability that they simply rot.

You can dig up the tubers in early November before the onset of the first serious frosts. The bulbs must be cleaned and the roots cut. Also do not forget to treat them with fungicides to protect against pests and insects.

Store tubers in a bag or box of peat in a dark, dry room.

Important! During storage, plants emit a lot of moisture.
It is not so easy to care for the tuberous home begonia, as you already understood. But believe me, all your efforts will pay off a hundredfold, when the southern girl will be round summer to delight you with her variegated buds and magical scent.

Watch the video: BEGONIA PLANT CARE, How to Grow and Propagate Begonia Cuttings - Garden Tips in English (December 2024).