Why is it important to sow black radish on time and when to plant it in the Urals, in Siberia and the Moscow region?

Black radish is a culture that is useful in many ways. Despite the bitter taste, gardeners love this vegetable for essential oils, fiber and minerals, as well as a whole complex of vitamins. Black radish will help to get rid of colds both of young children and adults.

In the article we will talk about when it is planted in the ground, as well as in different regions of our country: in the Moscow region, Siberia and the Urals. In addition, you will learn how to avoid mistakes in determining the timing of the landing of this useful culture.

Why is it important to do it at the right time?

What are the consequences of a delayed landing? To understand why black radish can not be planted earlier, for example in mid-summer, you need to refer to the school course of biology.

Radish is a two-year-old culture and in the first year it grows a tuber, in the second year it throws out an arrow and seeds are formed in it.

If you plant a crop when it is summer heat, then the radish will “think” that it will not be able to grow a large root crop that will survive the winter months and frosts and immediately go to the arrow. In this case, the fruit is small, too bitter and does not possess those qualities that should be present in a normally developing root vegetable. Such a radish is not subject to storage, it quickly cracks and starts to deteriorate.

What determines the landing time?

It is difficult to navigate the landing time when too controversial recommendations sound. But everything becomes easier if you understand that planting dates depend not only on the black radish variety, but on the climatic zone, the type of cultivation (in open or closed ground) and other nuances.

Errors can be avoided by carefully reading the label with the seeds, for example, if the period of ripening is 90 days, then the landing in the climate of Siberia should be planned before July 1 to 15, and in the Moscow region on July 25 to August 10. But this information is relevant for winter varieties of black radish, and there are also early and mid-season varieties. They differ in small caliber and lower keeping quality.

Also, when planting, take into account the phases of the moon, it is believed that the roots are planted with a better descending month. In 2018 in July are considered favorable days from 1 to 12 and from 28 to 31. In June, from 29 to 30 number.

According to national signs, it is considered that the landing 2 weeks after the Trinity is the most favorable. It’s up to everyone to decide whether to follow them.

Do they differ for home and outdoor conditions?

Planting in a greenhouse or at home is good because you don’t need to be afraid of extreme cold or, on the contrary, excessive heat. It is possible to plant radish in a greenhouse, which is especially well heated in winter, and to receive a harvest in the spring, or in the deep autumn, i.e. almost all year round. When to sow radish in open ground, including seeds? It depends on the climatic conditions of your region and we will discuss the nuances below.

What is the sowing time?

The dates of sowing of this frost-resistant culture largely depend on the climatic zone and the warmer the region, the later you need to landbecause frosts move closer to winter, just like harvesting.

In the Urals

It is in the Urals that black radish varieties behave perfectly, so you can plant it in May (and get a harvest in July), but most often black radish is intended for use in the winter, and in this case it is recommended to land the plant in well-lit areas in mid-June soil.

The following varieties are suitable for growing in the Urals:

  • Round winter black. This is a mid-season variety, in which due to weather characteristics of the Ural region the fruits ripen in 100-108 days. The stability of this variety is up to 93%.
  • Night. Mid-season variety. Fruits are black, with juicy white flesh inside. Great keeping quality.

In outskirts of Moscow

Selection of varieties and planting dates in central Russia, incl. The suburbs are more variable, you can plant both mid-season and late-ripening varieties:

  • You can choose the most popular variety of round black radish and plant a little later than in the Urals, namely the end of July, because the growing season will allow to collect root crops at the onset of the first frost.
  • Variety Chernavka refers to late ripening and ripens in 110 days. Can be planted in mid-July. Well kept.

In Siberia

When sow such a radish in Siberia? The landing is in many ways similar to the landing in the Urals. Climatic conditions are excellent for sowing in the conditions of autumn-summer crop rotation. Radish is not afraid of Siberian frosts and winter frosts, the main thing is to have time to collect the roots until the temperature at night drops below -5 degrees Celsius.

Planted black radish in the Siberian climate is recommended in mid-June.

Suitable varieties:

  • Round black radish;
  • Night;
  • Negro Woman

Black radish is a useful vegetable and just a storehouse of vitamins, this is exactly what the body needs in the winter period. If you choose the right time for planting this crop in your region, you will get a high yield with excellent keeping quality, which will please you before the new crop appears.

Watch the video: Why It Is Important To Sow Seeds In Black Institutions And Not Simply Consume the Fruit (December 2024).