Jackfruit: what is and how to eat - taste and its beneficial properties

On the modern market there are many exotic and atypical for our man fruits. But not each of them has such a variety of useful qualities and cooking methods as jackfruit. What kind of fruits and how to use them, we will consider in this article.

What is jackfruit

Jackfruit or Eve is called Indian breadfruit. The plant belongs to the mulberry family and grows in India, Bangladesh, Asia, Kenya, Uganda, in the north of Brazil.

This fruit grows on trees, the shape of the fruit is oblong. The diameter of the fetus reaches 20 cm, and length - from 20 cm to one meter, the weight can be 35 kg. On top of the thick skin there are a lot of rather sharp thorns.

Important! Eating only healthy fruit is good for eating. To check the ripeness of jackfruit, you need to knock on it with your fingers. If the sound is deaf, then the fruit can be safely eaten, but if the sound is clear, then the purchase should be abandoned. Also, a quality product should be soft and slightly squeezed by lightly pressing with your fingers.

The unripe fruit has a green shade, and the ripened one is brown or yellow. In the middle there are slices, inside of which is placed the yellow pulp with a sweet taste. A slice inside contains a brown seed up to 4 centimeters long. Jackfruit Tree

Composition and calorie

Jackfruit is very useful for the human body due to the high content of various vitamins in the composition (per 100 grams of product):

  • A (retinol equivalent) - 15 μg;
  • B1 (thiamine) - 0.03 mg;
  • B2 (riboflavin) - 0.11 mg;
  • B6 (pyrodioxin) - 0.108 mg;
  • B9 (folic acid) - 14 μg;
  • C (ascorbic acid) - 6.7 mg;
  • PP (niacin equivalent) - 0.4 mg.

Learn more about the benefits of such exotic fruits as bail, longan, granadilla, lychee, papaya.

Jackfruit contains a number of mineral substances useful for the human body (per 100 g of product):

  • calcium (34 mg);
  • magnesium (37 mg);
  • sodium (3 mg);
  • potassium (303 mg);
  • phosphorus (36 mg);
  • iron (0.6 mg);
  • zinc (0.42 mg);
  • copper (187 mcg);
  • manganese (0.197 mg);
  • selenium (0.6 mcg).

Nutritional value of jackfruit (per 100 g of product):

  • 22.41 g carbohydrates;
  • 1.47 g of proteins;
  • 0.3 g fat.
  • 1.6 g dietary fiber (fiber);
  • 1 g of ash;
  • 73.23 g of water;
  • 0.063 g of saturated fatty acids.

Jackfruit contains 94 kcal per 100 g of product and can be used in various food systems.

Important! If the fruit without a peel has an unpleasant smell, then it should not be eaten. Unpleasant smell in jackfruit can only peel.

Jackfruit Smell and Taste

Green fruit has no smell, and the pulp is tasteless. When the jackfruit matures, the peel surface turns yellow and emits a smell that resembles a rotten onion. The pulp has a juicy citrus aroma and banana-pineapple flavor. Some people taste like fruit gum or candy. Peeled Jackfruit Pieces

Beneficial features

Using jackfruit can have a different beneficial effect on the human body:

  • improve immunity;
  • clean the intestines from bacteria and viruses;
  • maintain the desired level of leukocytes in the blood;
  • improve intestinal function, relieve constipation;
  • remove toxic substances;
  • reduce the negative impact of alcohol on the liver;
  • increase skin elasticity;
  • have a preventive effect against cancer;
  • improve visual acuity;
  • reduce pressure;
  • strengthen bones;
  • to establish the work of the thyroid gland.
Did you know? Jackfruit - the world's largest fruit that grows on trees. The weight of one jackfruit can reach 36 kilograms.

Contraindications and harm

Exotic fruits can be grown in our latitudes. We recommend to learn about the peculiarities of the care of Pitahaya, Annona, Feijoa, Kivano, Longan, Azimina, Mango, Papaya.

Fruit is undesirable for those who are prone to allergic reactions. To check how your body relates to an exotic fruit, it is enough to eat a small piece of it and wait for the reaction of the body. If there are no allergic manifestations, then use the product is not prohibited. If the body responded with a rash, itching or other unpleasant manifestations, then it is worth refraining from such a product.

In addition to allergies, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, rash on the body, laryngeal edema, pain in the head may occur. You can freeze, sometimes even the temperature rises, there is an upset stomach. Such symptoms are possible only when you consume a large portion of the fruit, not having performed the test beforehand. Therefore, be careful and do not rush to eat the whole fruit.

Did you know? There is latex in the composition of the tree trunk on which the jack fruit is growing. Glue and chewing gums are made of it.

How they eat

You can clear the fruit in several stages:

  1. Cut it first with 2 pieces.
  2. After that, cut the core. Finishing work is best done with medical gloves or with a little oil on your hands. Such measures are necessary, because the inside of the product is very sticky and slippery, and it will be very problematic to wash your hands of the juice after cutting.
  3. After you have taken a few cloves of pulp, completely clean them of the skins. You can taste the fruit.

Yellow fruits can be eaten raw, stewed, fried, boiled. They are made stuffing for cakes, used in salads, desserts, eaten with fish and meat. The flesh is added to the preservation, pickled, baked.

VIDEO: HOW TO CUT THE JACKFRUIT CORRECTLY There are allowed and seeds, which are often fried. They taste like roasted chestnuts. Eat flowers and plants. They make a delicious sauce or a light salad.

You can also make syrup from the pulp, cook jam, ice cream, jelly. If you boil jackfruit "onions" in milk, you get custard. In India, where the product grows in abundance, chips are made from the pulp.

Did you know? The peel of the fruit and the trunk of the trees are used to obtain a yellow natural dye for fabric. In Burma and Thailand, Buddhist monks' clothes are colored with this color.

Jackfruit is a tasty and healthy way to diversify your diet. You can eat it raw, or cook an original dish and surprise everyone with an unusual treat. The main thing is to properly follow the technology of use and check the body for allergies.

Watch the video: Miracle Fruit? 10 Amazing Health Benefits of Jackfruit (January 2025).