Orange: how many calories, what vitamins are contained, what is the benefit, who can be harmed

Sweet, fragrant and delicious orange is one of the most beloved fruits. The orange color of citrus improves mood, and a large amount of vitamin C in its composition pleasantly invigorates and energizes. What other healing properties of the fruit - let's look further.

Calorie and chemical composition

Orange is good for human health due to the impressive composition of beneficial components, which are considered to be the basis vitamin C. One small fruit contains up to 60 mg of ascorbic acid, which is over 50% of the daily norm for a person. to Vitamin and mineral composition of citrus supplemented by:

  • vitamins B1, B2 and A;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • fluorine;
  • copper.

The composition of the fruit is so balanced that it can be used as a complete remedy for the treatment of colds, infectious, viral diseases in their initial stages. Orange fruit is considered a source of pectin, folic acid, iodine, bioflavonoids, which have antioxidant, cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Did you know? The maximum amount of valuable components contained in the white matter under the peel - in albedo. The use of citrus along with albedo has the strongest antioxidant effect, serves as an effective prevention of cancer diseases.

Orange belongs to the category of low-calorie foods: there are only 47 kcal per 100 g.

Nutritional value is:

  • proteins - 0.9 g;
  • fats - 0.2 g;
  • carbohydrates - 8.1 g

Why is an orange useful?

Orange nourishes the human body with valuable vitamins and minerals, which allows it to be used for the treatment and prevention of various ailments. A high content of vitamin C helps to restore strength, protect against viral and infectious diseases, improve immunity. The balanced composition of the fruit makes it possible to improve the work of the cardiovascular system, normalize blood pressure, helps strengthen bone tissue and improve the performance of the gastrointestinal tract.

At home, it is possible to grow an orange tree from a stone in a pot.

For men

Citrus has a beneficial effect on the body’s internal systems, including reproductive organs. It improves the quality of sperm, thereby contributing to the rapid conception of a child. Eating only one fetus per day will protect sperm from genetic diseases that can cause defects in a future baby.

The fruit serves as a natural anti-shampoo remedy, improves well-being after ingestion of alcoholic beverages.

For women

No less useful for reproductive function oranges for women, especially pregnant women. Folic acid in their composition contributes to the proper formation of the nervous system of the baby, reduces the risk of developing heart pathologies.

Antioxidant properties reliably protect the skin from premature wrinkles, preserve the elasticity, elasticity and freshness of the skin.

Did you know? Scientists have shown that limonoids of the orange color inhibit the development and growth of cancer cells in the breast, larynx, and oral cavity. Women who eat one fruit each day are much less at risk for cancer.

Citrus is considered a dietary product, it dulls the feeling of hunger, reduces appetite, reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol, allows you to quickly get rid of a few kilograms in a natural way. Orange also acts as a sedative. Helps to defeat insomnia, normalize sleep, cope with stressful situations, depression.

Dried oranges and lemons are a beautiful element of decor. They can be used to decorate flower arrangements, wreaths, cards, candles, garlands.

Usage features

The unique chemical composition of citrus makes it an indispensable product for strengthening the immune system, preventing hypovitaminosis, combating stress and maintaining skin youth. The fruit is useful for the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure. It is able to have a tonic, soothing effect, is indicated with fatigue, lack of sleep, helps to restore strength, gives vitality.

However, citrus should not be abused, as it can cause allergic reactions. It is recommended to use it with care for people with diabetes, peptic ulcer, gastritis with high acidity.

During pregnancy

In pregnancy, an orange can become real salvation from toxemia and an indispensable source of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid protects the future mother's body from penetrating viral and bacterial infections, strengthens the immune system. Folic acid helps to prevent the occurrence of birth defects in the baby. But do not forget that citrus is a strong allergen that can cause various negative reactions: rash, nausea, vomiting. Therefore, pregnant women, prone to allergies, should be excluded from the diet, in other cases - to reduce its consumption to two fruits per day.

It is interesting to read about the cultivation of citrus crops at home - calamondin, citron and mandarin, as well as the fight against pests.

With HB

The use of the product during breastfeeding will enhance the taste of breast milk, saturate it with valuable vitamins that help strengthen the immune system of the child. Safe use of oranges by nursing moms consists of several rules:

  • it is necessary to enter citrus into the menu only after the child has reached the age of six months;
  • do not consume more than two fruits per day;
  • eat it at intervals of 2-3 days;
  • Before entering citrus into the diet, you should test it by eating a small slice. If the reaction of the baby’s body is positive, the dose can be gradually increased.

Important! If during the period of pregnancy, the nursing mother experienced allergic reactions to the product, then it is better to refuse it during HB.

When losing weight

Orange is recommended to use during weight loss. It improves the functioning of the digestive system, activates metabolic processes, accelerates metabolism. Pectin contained in the product contributes to the rapid saturation of the body, reduce appetite and dull the feeling of hunger.

The diet, which is based on the consumption of citruses, makes it possible to quickly get rid of several kilograms, cleanse the body of harmful substances, reduce cholesterol levels. Freshly squeezed orange juice accelerates the digestion of foods, increases gastric motility, relieves constipation. Regular consumption of the product gives vitality, relieves fatigue, which is often a problem for those who follow a diet.

Read also about the beneficial properties of lemon and harvesting method of freezing, as well as varieties and cultivation of lemon in the home.

With diabetes

Diabetes not a contraindication for eating oranges. Citrus has a positive effect on blood vessels, strengthens the walls of arteries and veins. Trace elements in the composition of the product normalize the electrolyte balance, do not allow an increase in blood pressure. Ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system, protects the body from infections and viruses. It should be remembered that it is necessary to eat an orange in diabetes raw, without any heat treatment. Safe daily dose is 1-2 fetus. It is necessary to refrain from drinking juice, as this may cause surges in glucose levels. It is better to combine citrus with nuts, honey or diet crackers.

From what age can children

The nutritional value of an orange for a child's body is extremely high. Using citrus, children receive the necessary portion of vitamin C, as well as other useful substances necessary for the normal growth and development of the body. Calcium strengthens bone tissue, pectin helps normalize the digestive system, ascorbic acid increases the protective functions of the immune system.

To teach children to use this product can be one year. The initial dosage should be one wedge. In the absence of allergy or individual intolerance, the dose can be gradually increased. Up to 5-6 years, the daily dose of citrus should not exceed 1 fruit.

Learn more about sweeteness - citrus fruit, hybrid of pomelo and white grapefruit.

How to choose good, sweet oranges when buying

In order not to harm your health due to improperly chosen, low-quality fruits, you should know a few secrets of how to distinguish a good, sweet and healthy fruit.

  1. High-quality citrus has an elastic, dense structure.
  2. Orange must be heavy and very fragrant. The greater the weight, the juicier the fruit.
  3. The best taste and medicinal qualities have fruits grown on the shores of the Mediterranean or in the United States.
  4. The larger the fruit, the less sweet it is. Better to give preference to medium-sized fruit.
  5. When choosing a product should not be guided by its color or thickness of the peel. Even a greenish fruit with a thick skin can be much sweeter than the thin-skinned bright orange citrus.

Did you know? Oranges do not have ripening properties after harvest. If you bought an immature fruit, then at home it will not mature.

Where and at what temperature to store at home

Oranges are unpretentious in storage. They can be saved in dry, well ventilated, dark place at room temperature or in the refrigerator, in the lower compartment, designed for vegetables and fruits, for two weeks.

The basic rule of storage is the absence of freezing. Do not freeze the fruit or keep in the cold. It is also not recommended to keep other products around them, especially with a pungent smell, so that citrus fruits do not lose their stunning flavor.

How to use in cooking

Due to its amazing taste and the brightest aroma, oranges are one of the main products in cooking, which is used as for cooking. dessertsso for different salads, sauces and snacks.

The pulp, juice and rind of the fragrant fruit are used to make drinks, tinctures, jams, jams, pastes and marmalades, salads and snacks, sauces for meat, fish and vegetable dishes. Product goes well with cottage cheese, honey, nuts and berries. Pieces of fruit are an additive to tea and mulled wine. Citrus perfectly harmonizes with spices, especially with ginger and cinnamon.

Confectioners add peel of fruit to pastries, desserts, cocktails and drinks. One of the best French desserts is candied orange peel, which have an extraordinary taste and pleasant aroma.

How much can you eat per day

The main rule that must be followed when consuming the fruits of an orange tree is adherence to the norm. Safe for a healthy adult is considered to be a daily dose of two medium oranges. Daily consumption of the product in food is not recommended. Eating the best fresh fruit, because the juice is less useful.

The qualities of orange, lemon and mandarin are combined in one small fruit - kumquat, which is often grown in pot culture. This small fruit is full of useful substances, fresh it is eaten with the peel, and also dried.

Is it possible to eat orange peel

Most people throw away the peel of an orange, considering it to be useless. And it is in vain, because they deprive themselves of the mass of nutrients: ascorbic acid, vitamin A, calcium and several other minerals. Freshly dried zest is recommended to be added to tea or compotes, infusions and other beverages.

The peel has a slight laxative properties, improves the digestive tract, helps cleanse the body, reduce cholesterol, can even fight worms. Peel is the raw material for the manufacture of miraculous, fragrant essential oil, which has soothing, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, regenerating and disinfecting properties. Beauticians are advised to add a few drops of oil to traditional cosmetics. Oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, leads to a tone, improves elasticity, rejuvenates the face and returns to it a natural glow.

Important! Modern suppliers of oranges to improve transportability and shelf life of products, process their surface with special chemicals. Therefore, the rind of such citrus fruits can be extremely dangerous for human health. It is recommended to thoroughly clean and rinse it before applying the peel.

How to use for medicinal purposes

Orange is a great folk doctor that will be an excellent solution for various diseases. Recipes from it are very simple to prepare, but, at the same time, give a tangible effect.

For constipation

People who suffer from frequent constipation, it is necessary in the morning and before bedtime eat one small orange or drink a glass fresh orange juice along with the pulp. The product will force the intestines to work hard and in the morning the problem will be solved.

With painful menstruation

For painful menstruation, folk medicine suggests using orange peel tincture: the peel of one citrus is thoroughly washed, crushed, poured boiling water and insist 30 minutes. Infusion take 3-4 times over several days. This infusion will also help with heavy periods.

Many people know tea with bergamot, but there are many other uses of citrus. In addition, bergamot can be grown in a pot at home.

With bleeding and gum disease

Consuming orange juice will help replenish calcium levels and strengthen teeth. In addition, citric acid in the composition of citrus has a positive effect on the condition of the gums, reduces inflammation, prevents bleeding. The white inner layer of the fruit - albedo - contains a number of elements that allow you to normalize the level of acidity in the oral cavity. It is recommended to rub the gums with a cleaned crust or peel, then rinse the teeth with clean water.

With hypertension

Fruits of an orange tree will help to cope with high pressure. They contain an ideal ratio of potassium and sodium, which allow to normalize blood pressure, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, thereby improving the functioning of the heart. For pressure normalization use this recipe: 70 ml of orange juice is mixed with 1 tsp. honey

Take 200 ml of the mixture per day, divided into 3 doses. Do not exceed the specified dose, as this may lead to pressure surges.

How can be used in home cosmetology

The beneficial properties of orange are also known in cosmetology. Its juice, pulp and peel are used to prepare various masks for skin and hair. On its basis make creams, lotions, refreshing tonic.

Read also about the beneficial properties and application of exotic fruits: dates, figs, lychee, papaya, arbutus, feijoa, medlar, longan, guava, kivano, pineapple.

Hair care

Quickly and efficiently restore hair, to give them shine and shine, to get rid of dandruff, will help a very simple mask: peeled white slices of one orange grind and add 2 tsp. honey

The mixture is immediately applied to clean, damp hair, paying attention to the roots. Keep the mask under the towel for about 40 minutes, wash off with warm water without shampoo.

Beauticians recommend adding a few drops of essential orange oil to the shampoo. This will cure seborrhea, eliminate dry skin, prevent brittle hair.

For face and body

To get rid of acne, blackheads and rashes will help very simple orange mask. For its preparation, one small fruit with the peel is rubbed on a grater and the resulting gruel is applied to problem areas for 10-15 minutes. Masks are done every other day, until the complete elimination of the problem.

The product is able to cope with age defects tighten skin, rejuvenate it, make more elastic and resilient. For this help mask: the pulp of one fruit is mixed with oatmeal and 1 tsp. honey to get a consistency, reminiscent of thick sour cream. Means is applied on massage lines to clean skin, washed off after 20 minutes. It is recommended to conduct a course of 10 anti-aging procedures, every other day.

To maintain the elasticity of the whole body, add a few drops of essential orange oil to the shower gel or body milk.

Contraindications and harm

Do not forget that the orange is a fairly strong allergen that can provoke the development of various negative reactions of the body: nausea, rash, vomiting, dizziness, dermatitis in children.Do not use the product to people with individual intolerance.

The acids contained in the fruit can provoke an exacerbation of gastric or duodenal ulcers, gastritis.

Read also about the beneficial properties and use of fruits and berries: apples, pears, quince, plums, cherry plums, peaches, apricots, nectarines, cherries, cherries, raspberries (black), strawberries, gooseberries, currants (red, white, black), blueberries , blueberries, sea buckthorn, cloudberries, lingonberries, cranberries, princes, yoshty, goji, mulberry, chokeberry.

Excessive use of the fetus can lead to:

  • the development of diabetes;
  • weight gain;
  • problems with teeth and gums;
  • allergic rash.

It should be wary to eat citrus pregnant and lactating women. People with herpes should temporarily abandon its use, since the acids in the product may exacerbate the disease. It is contraindicated to eat fruits with pancreatitis. Doctors do not recommend eating an orange on an empty stomach or before eating, as this can lead to a breakdown of the digestive system.

Orange is one of the most popular and common fruits that can be found on store shelves all year round. That is why its useful and healing properties will not prevent every consumer to know. Citrus is useful, both for adults and children, it will help to solve many health problems, saturate the body with valuable substances, as well as give an unforgettable taste.

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