Any amateur gardener who is seriously engaged in the cultivation of vegetables very closely follows the lunar calendar, according to which it is necessary to carry out cultivation works.
In this article we will talk about the order of cultivation of tomatoes in 2018, starting with the sowing of seeds in March and ending with the harvest in the summer.
When to plant tomatoes for seedlings on the lunar calendar in 2018
Usually in private farms in the open ground, and especially in the greenhouse, the seeds are not sown. Of these, pre-grown seedlings, and only then it is planted at a permanent place of cultivation. Moreover, such an agrotechnical method allows a little earlier, in July, to harvest the first crop. The main thing is not to miss the favorable planting days in March, so that the seeds of tomatoes have taken root well and in the future they have sprouted healthy shoots. Let's see when will it need to be done in 2018. From grandmothers we got the tradition to sow tomato seeds on March 8th. In many ways, they were right, but, firstly, in our time there is a special light for seedlings, which "lengthens" the daylight and allows you to start planting a little earlier.
And secondly, to determine the date, you need to take into account many different factors:
- plant variety (early or late);
- climate of the area (forecast of the last spring frosts);
- periods of change of the lunar phases;
- Are you planning a picking (it slows down growth by 7-10 days);
- conditions for growing vegetables (open ground or greenhouse).
It is necessary to take into account the change of synodic months in agricultural engineering in order for the plant to develop in accordance with its natural cycles, that is, to get a rich harvest.
Soaking and sowing seeds
If you plan to plant seedlings in the greenhouse in the first week of June, then the seeds should be sown in the second decade of March. This is a rough count. And the exact planting days, taking into account the region, in March 2018 for tomatoes will be (hereinafter, the breakdown into southern regions, areas with a temperate climate, for example, the Moscow region, and northern regions):
Sowing, auspicious days | for the southern regions | 03/20/2018. 4th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Taurus |
for temperate climate | 03/25/2018. 9th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Cancer | |
for the northern regions | 03/30/2018. 13th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Virgo |
But before that, the seeds need to be processed accordingly:
- discard "dummies" and "trifles" that float when samples are immersed in a saline solution for 10 minutes;
- warm the selected samples for 2-3 days on the battery in a tissue package, if these are pure varieties (not hybrids) and they were kept in the cold;
- disinfect the seed, for example, keeping it for about a quarter of an hour in a weak solution of potassium permanganate or dressing a few minutes with a weak solution of hydrogen peroxide;
- be sure to soak the seeds (if they are pure varieties) by packing them in a gauze bag and putting them in warm water for 12 hours, preferably water flavored with nutrient composition (sodium or potassium humate or something like that), which must be changed every 4 hours;
- germinate on a moist gauze pad (or of filter paper) at room temperature;
- harden nested embryos for 12 hours in a refrigerator, and then for 12 hours at a temperature of + 18 ± 2 ° С, then repeating the procedure 2-3 times.
Important! The days of the new moon and the full moon are unfavorable for the cultivation of plants, including tomatoes. At this time it is better not to carry out any work at all.Seeds for seedlings are sown in a slightly compacted earthen mixture, it is filled with large boxes with sides of 10 cm in height. Such substrates are sold in any garden store or DIY supermarket, but if you wish, you can make your own hands from equal parts of turf soil, humus and peat, adding a pinch of ash and a drop of phosphate fertilizer.

Before sowing, shallow grooves are plowed into the soil, with a third of a finger groove, with 2 fingers between rows, and they are already throwing seeds at intervals of 1 finger, and then sprinkling them with the same mixture.
Did you know? Tomatoes contain serotonin, a “good mood hormone,” which is why they are recommended as antidepressants and for relieving psychological stress.Seedlings are grown warm (+ 18 ... +25 ° C), with good lighting, daily maintaining high soil moisture. At the very beginning, in the first 14 days, to stabilize the temperature and humidity, containers are covered with a transparent lid (glass or plastic) or a film, which are ventilated daily.
The total period of maintenance of seedlings of tomatoes from the moment of spitting shoots at home is approximately 7 ± 1 weeks, taking into account the lunar calendar. On warm, windless days they must be taken out into the open space for sunbathing. In addition, the emerged shoots need feeding with a regularity of 1 every two weeks.
As was shown by the example of the Moscow region, favorable planting days for tomatoes in 2018 will be March 20, 25, 30 and 31. Dive sprouts should be made on the 10th day of their life, which begins a week after sowing. Thus, the placement of the "young" from the general box on individual tanks should be carried out:
Dive auspicious days | for the southern regions | 04/06/2018. 18th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Sagittarius |
for temperate climate | 11.04.2018 25th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Aquarius | |
for the northern regions | 04/16/2018 2nd day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Taurus |
Individual containers are peat pots, but you can also use regular 200 ml plastic cups.
Important! Picks require great care: you can damage the tender roots of seedlings. In order to earthy lump was quite loose and light, it must be watered two hours before the pick.
Feeding seedlings
10 days after the dive, the shoots already need regular feedings. Periodicity - every 2 weeks. Thus, the first feeding should occur:
The first feeding of seedlings, favorable days | for the southern regions | 04/16/2018 2nd day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Taurus |
for temperate climate | 04/21/2018 7th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Cancer | |
for the northern regions | 04/26/2018 11th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Virgo |
And the second feeding should take place:
The second feeding of seedlings, favorable days | for the southern regions | 04/30/2018 15th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in scorpio |
for temperate climate | 05.05.2018. 20th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in capricorn | |
for the northern regions | 05/10/2018 25th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Pisces |

When planting seedlings in open ground or greenhouse
After 40-50 days (depending on the variety) floral brushes grow on the shoots, and then after 15 days it will be time to plant them on garden or greenhouse beds.
Planting seedlings, favorable days | for the southern regions | May 14, 2018 29th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Taurus |
for temperate climate | 05/19/2018 5th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Cancer | |
for the northern regions | 05.24.2018. 9th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Libra |
And to ensure a good yield of tomatoes, they need a light soil that does not suffer from a shortage of humus, with a neutral acid-base balance and oxygen access to the root system.
The beds before planting seedlings need to be prepared in an appropriate way: thoroughly loosen, warm up under a black film and flavor with organic matter. In this case, nitrogen in the fertilizer should not be in excess, otherwise the stems will grow more intensely fruits. Planting need to shoot without yellowing and cotyledon leaves, and not too deep. Planting should be done in the absence of the sun (in the evening or on an overcast day) and wind, in moderately wet soil. Planting scheme depends on the type of plant.
Weeding for open ground
You need to take care of the beds not only before planting seedlings. It is necessary to cultivate the soil constantly, during the whole time of growth of tomatoes. After all, their productivity depends on it. So tomato beds need to be weeded and loosened regularly.
First weeding, favorable days | for the southern regions | 05.24.2018. 9th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Libra |
for temperate climate | 05/29/2018. 14th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Sagittarius | |
for the northern regions | 03.06.2018. 19th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Aquarius |
Second weeding, favorable days | for the southern regions | 03.06.2018. 19th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Aquarius |
for temperate climate | 08.06.2018. 24th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Aries | |
for the northern regions | 13.06.2018. 29th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Gemini |

All tomatoes from the axils of the leaves at a certain point in time begin to grow so-called stepchildren. These shoots do not make the bush more prolific; on the contrary, they slow down the ripening of already formed berries. And besides, stepchildren make the bush more lush, which creates an unnecessary shade of planting, and increases the likelihood of its infection. In order to reduce all these risks and eliminate unfavorable factors, stepsoning, that is, removal of unnecessary side shoots, is carried out.
When growing tomatoes, individual characteristics of the variety occupy an important place, so it is important to know whether you need pasynkovanie tomatoes Riddle, Rio Fuego, Black Prince, De Barao, Crimson Giant, Star of Siberia, Volovye Sertse, Klusha, Chocolate, Chio-Chio-San, Madeira, Pink Paradise, Verlioka.
First stepson, favorable days | for the southern regions | 05/22/2018. 8th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Virgo |
for temperate climate | 05/27/2018. 12th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in scorpio | |
for the northern regions | 06/01/2018. 17th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in capricorn |
Second staving, auspicious days | for the southern regions | 06/01/2018. 17th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in capricorn |
for temperate climate | 06.06.2018. 22nd day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Pisces | |
for the northern regions | 11.06.2018. 27th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Taurus |

Important! Tomato bushes over time can break under the weight of the fruit (or just bend down to the ground), so they must be tied up from the very beginning when planting plants. It will also help them to take root and grow faster.
Watering and feeding
Tomatoes of almost all varieties, being already in the open field or in the greenhouse, do not require any careful care. You just need to do everything on time, in accordance with the lunar calendar and do not forget about watering, especially in July, when the weather becomes arid.
However, tomatoes, even the most unpretentious varieties need constant irrigation to avoid drying out the soil. Moisture they should be enough until the harvest. The method of water supply is watering under the roots of bushes or between the rows, but even better - drip irrigation. In addition, in order to prevent a little ash can be added to the water. Sprinkling also increases the likelihood of plant disease vertex rot.
The frequency of irrigation - every 3 days (including dry or wet weather).
First watering after disembarkation, favorable days | for the southern regions | 05/21/2018 7th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Leo |
for temperate climate | 05/26/2018 11th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Libra | |
for the northern regions | 05.31.2018. 6th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Sagittarius |
Second watering after disembarkation, favorable days | for the southern regions | 06/02/2018. 18th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in capricorn |
for temperate climate | 07.06.2018. 23rd day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Pisces | |
for the northern regions | 12.06.2018. 28th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Gemini |
The intensity of irrigation: before the appearance of flowers - half a bucket per square meter, and during flowering - a bucket per square meter.
Watering time - evening. Then the moisture from the open ground will evaporate more slowly, and in the greenhouse condensation on the walls of the room decreases.
Important! Excessive moisture during flowering and ripening of the fruit leads to deterioration of their taste, cracking and even fall.In addition, to maintain a stable humidity and temperature in the greenhouse, as well as the condensate that does not drip onto the plants, you need to ventilate the room after watering (and also in the heat) for at least a couple of hours.
Top-dressing of most varieties of tomatoes should be done at least 3 times during growth, but it is better to do it once every 2 weeks.
First feeding, favorable days | for the southern regions | May 28, 2018 13th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in scorpio |
for temperate climate | 06/02/2018. 18th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in capricorn | |
for the northern regions | 07.06.2018. 23rd day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Pisces |
The second feeding, favorable days | for the southern regions | 11.06.2018. 27th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Taurus |
for temperate climate | 06/16/2018. 4th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Leo | |
for the northern regions | 06/21/2018 8th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Libra |

The beginning of fertilization - the 10th day after the "relocation" of sprouts on the beds. Re-feeding is done after another 14 days. And so on.
As it was stated at the very beginning, if tomatoes are not sown in open ground (or in a greenhouse bed) and planted seedlings, then the first crop will please in July, or more precisely, 110 days after sowing.
Harvest, auspicious days | for the southern regions | 08.07.2018 25th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Taurus |
for temperate climate | 07.13.2018 1st day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Cancer | |
for the northern regions | 07/18/2018 6th day in the lunar calendar. Moon in Libra |
Which type of harvesting to choose, split or the entire crop at once, followed by ripening of the fruit, depends on the variety of tomatoes, as well as whether the vegetables will be stored for a long time or transported over long distances. In any case, the cleaning should be done in dry weather, in the not hot time of the day, avoiding injury to the fruit.
Did you know? The fruit of a wild tomato weighs only 1 g, while some cultural vegetables reach a weight of more than 1 kg.Unripe tomatoes need to be stored in certain conditions, which are selected depending on how long it is necessary to stretch storage. So, for ripening for 2 months, the crop is laid out in one layer and stored at a temperature of + 12 ± 2 ° C and at a humidity of 80 ± 5%. At higher climatic parameters, fruits rot, and at lower levels, they become flabby.
Lighting does not affect the process of ripening, but it is necessary to ensure ventilation of the room. In addition, it is necessary to remove reddened berries from the storage all the time, almost every day, otherwise they will “adjust” the entire stock of vegetables.
For quick ripening, pre-calibrated fruits are placed in two layers and stored at + 20 ± 2 ° C. For super-fast ripening, unripe fruits are placed ripe.
If you want to grow a rich harvest, follow all the listed rules of advice and recommendations. And then everyone will be happy: both you and your home, and, perhaps, the vegetables themselves!