Variety Tomatoes Blagovest: characteristics and description of the variety

The choice of varieties of tomatoes is so great that in all their diversity, even experienced summer residents find it difficult not to get confused and opt for one of them.

After reading the characteristics and description of the variety of tomatoes Blagovest, many will choose this particular variety.


"Blagovest" is a universal high-yielding variety of tomatoes, bred by breeders. The versatility is due to the fact that tomatoes of this variety are excellent for preparing salads, soups, sauces, marinades, as well as for rolling and pickling for the winter season.

Did you know? The variety of tomatoes "Blagovest" was bred and registered in the State Register of Breeding Achievements in 1996 in the Russian Federation.


The root system of the bush is superficial, branched, strongly developed.

Deterministic shrubs (low growth), with non-stemming variety of the stem. Maximum stem grows to 170 centimeters. For this reason, when planting in advance it is worth taking care of additional support to support the bush.

Important! The yield of the variety increases if the point of growth of the bush shifts from the central shoot to the side.

On the bushes are pinnate leaves of medium size, gray-green and with a deep dissection. The flowers are bisexual, small, forming a brush, sprawling shoots. From 7 to 9 fruits ripen on one hand.


The description of the fruits of tomatoes "Blagovest" is not too different from the description of the fruits of its relatives.

Check out such varieties of tomatoes as Labrador, Eagle Heart, Fig, Eagle Beak, President, Klusha, Japanese Truffle, Prima Donna, Star of Siberia, Rio Grande, Rapunzel, Samara, Verlioka Plus, Golden Heart, White Pouring, Little Red Riding Hood, Gina, Yamal, Sugar Bison, Mikado Pink.
  • shape: rounded, slightly flattened with a smooth top;
  • appearance: smooth, shiny, rich red color;
  • pulp: dense, juicy;
  • weight: 110-120 grams;
  • taste: rich, sweet and sour;
  • shelf life: long;
  • safety during transportation: high;
  • Each fruit contains 2-3 seed chambers.

Characteristic variety

"Blagovest" - a hybrid variety of tomatoes, as evidenced by the note "F1" on the package with seeds.

Did you know? Seeds of hybrid varieties are not able to produce offspring with "parental" qualities, so the fruits are not suitable for collecting seeds.

The variety is recommended for cultivation in greenhouse conditions. Under the conditions of open ground, yield indicators are low or even zero in the northern regions.

Productivity is high, up to 6 kg from one bush. The variety is early ripe: from sowing seeds to first fruits, the period is 13 weeks. The ripening period is 95-105 days.

Advantages and disadvantages

In general, the variety is highly valued by gardeners, but has some drawbacks.

The advantages of the variety include:

  • 100% seed germination;
  • early term of ripening;
  • high yield;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • the versatility of the use of fruits;
  • good and long preservation of the fruit;
  • subject to transportation over long distances.

The disadvantages of the variety include the following characteristics:

  • exceptional greenhouse plants;
  • when planting in open ground very low yield;
  • mandatory garter to support the central trunk.

Landing features

Growing seedlings and their proper planting is an important condition for tomatoes of hybrid varieties. If these conditions are met, the death of the plant is excluded, the level of its survival, rooting, and subsequently high yields are increased.

Learn about the intricacies of growing tomatoes in the open field, in the greenhouse, according to the Maslov method, in hydroponics, according to the Terekhins.


Planting seeds produced in late February - early March. After 6 weeks after planting the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place. Direct sowing of seeds in the greenhouse soil is carried out in the beginning - middle of April.

In general, the process of planting tomatoes can be divided into several stages:

1. Seed preparation

Seeds before planting seedlings need to properly prepare. To do this, they must first be visually evaluated and removed inappropriate (moldy or with the presence of black spots).

Evaluated seeds should be disinfected in a weak (light pink) solution of potassium permanganate. Maintain seeds in solution for at least 15 minutes. After disinfection, the seeds should be washed from the remnants of the solution under warm running water.

2. Planting seeds

Before planting, prepared containers (boxes, pots) are filled with a mixture of soil and humus. Seeds are laid out on a soil mixture and sprinkled on top of it with a thin layer. Top soil must be moistened with warm water from a spray bottle.

3. Dive seedlings

With the right seed planting, the first shoots appear after 2 weeks. When the shoots are formed by 2-4 full leaf, you can begin to dive.

Important! Picks should be done carefully, so as not to damage the young shoots and weak roots.

Plants are planted in separate pre-prepared (filled and hydrated) containers. These can be special pots with separate seedling containers or ordinary plastic cups bought at the garden shop.

After seating for good rooting, you can feed a small amount of mineral fertilizers.

4. Preparation of seedlings

In advance (2 weeks) before planting at a permanent place, the seedlings must be hardened. By this process is meant airing the seedlings in the open air. Weather for airing should be warm and sunny.

Hardening starts from 2 o'clock, gradually increasing the time. The start time of hardening should fall on the period of plant development (4 weeks).

It takes 3.5 months from planting seeds to ripening first fruits.

Sowing scheme

From the order in which, according to what scheme and at what distance from each other planting occurs, depends on the future yield of tomatoes "Blagovest".

So, for seedlings, seeds are laid out on the ground at a distance of 15 mm from each other, followed by picking them into separate prepared containers. The grown seedlings are planted in a permanent place when they reach one and a half months.

Did you know? You can significantly increase the yield by planting two tomato bushes in one hole with their subsequent merging into one stem.
Wells for seedlings are dug in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other. Planting density per 1 square meter should not exceed 3 bushes. The depth of the holes should not exceed the size of the capacity of seedlings. Transplantation is done by transshipment, saving a lump of earth. Near each hole in advance it is necessary to provide a base (peg or stick) for the future garter of a tomato bush.

With direct sowing in greenhouse soil, seeds are immediately sown in a checkerboard pattern at the same distance. With direct sowing on the ground, the probability of subsequent thinning of the seedlings is possible.

Important! Practice has shown that planting seeds in open ground does not contribute to the maturation of the bush or gives too little harvest.

The chess landing scheme at a distance of 45-50 cm from each other provides enough space for the development and subsequent fruiting of Blagovest bushes.

Also, this scheme maintains a high level of aeration between bushes, which creates unfavorable conditions for the life of pests and insects and reduces the likelihood of fungal diseases and decay.

Care culture

With proper crop care and proper agrotechnical methods, the yield increases.

By agrotechnical methods are meant pasynkovanie, loosening the soil and mulching. Under proper care means moderate watering of the bushes.

In the process of growth it is necessary to carry out the pinching (i.e., plucking the side shoots), which will make it possible to transfer the growth of the bush from the main stem to the main side shoot. The side shoot during this process is formed during the formation of the inflorescence, located under the brush. To pluck such a flight is impossible.

Mulching is an important element of land protection. You can mulch with hay, straw, grass, sawdust. This process helps to preserve moisture in the soil and creates favorable conditions for the development of beneficial microorganisms in the soil. Watering is carried out every 10 days in sufficient quantities (at the root - not wetting the fruits and shoots of the plant).

Important! At increased humidity, cracks form on the fruits, and at low humidity, the fruits dry out and fall off.

Daily ventilation of the greenhouse will also contribute to moderate air circulation. It is necessary to leave the door open during daylight hours, and to save heat at night, the greenhouse doors should be closed.

Did you know? Doors of the greenhouse should be left open after each irrigation.

The next day after watering the soil should be loosened. This will help avoid crust formation on the ground. The formation of such a crust prevents the penetration of air to the root system and slows down the development of the plant. Loosening should be done carefully and without sudden movements, so as not to damage the roots of the bush. The depth of loosening - no more than 5 centimeters.

Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers will help support the plant and increase the fruiting of the bush. It is necessary to produce top dressing three times a season. This is the minimum figure, as the maximum make feeding is worth every 2 weeks.

Mineral fertilizers for dressing are selected universal or special for tomatoes. They must be based on elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You can buy them at any garden store. The price category is different: from the cheapest to medium-expensive.

Nitrogen fertilizers (urea and ammonium nitrate) will help in the early growing season and accelerate the growth and formation of shrubs. The solution is prepared at the rate of: 1 table per false per 10 liters of water. Phosphate fertilizers (superphosphate) contribute to the development of the root system and are especially in demand when planting seedlings in the ground or during the pick-up period.

The solution ("extract") is prepared in advance (24 hours before processing) at the rate of - 1 tablespoon of fertilizer per 1 liter of boiling water. After infusion, 1 liter of the extract is diluted in 10 liters of water.

Potassium fertilizers (potassium sulfate) will also have a positive effect on the development of the root system, increase the plant immunity and increase the taste of the fruit.

It is applied at any stage of the growing season in the calculation: per 1 square meter 40 mg of fertilizer - per 10 liters of water.

Did you know? When applying fertilizers can be mixed and used in the complex.

These components of care will help not only to increase the yield of tomatoes "Blagovest", but also to increase the period of fruiting bushes.

Diseases and pests

This variety of tomatoes is unsightly for pests, so it is resistant to all kinds of insects.

Learn how to deal with diseases of tomatoes, especially with blight, fusarium wilt, Alternaria, leaf rolling, powdery mildew, and vertex rot.
The variety has conditional immunity to diseases:

  • late blight - a fungal disease, manifested by the appearance of dark brown spots on the leaves during fruit ripening. Manifestations of the disease increase in wet weather;
  • Cladosporia (brown spot) - a fungal disease, accompanied by the appearance of light yellow spots on fruits and leaves, which eventually turn brown. Manifestations also increase in wet weather;
  • tobacco mosaic - a viral disease, manifested by the appearance of yellow-green spots on the leaves and fruits.
Of all diseases, the variety is located to a viral disease - chlorotic leaf curl.

The disease is accompanied by a change (clarification) of leaf color with their subsequent twisting. The diseased bush slows down its growth, and over time the developmental retardation becomes visually noticeable.

Important! Sick bushes are not treatable, and later they are dug out and burned.

Greenhouse variety of tomatoes "Blagovest" for many years retains its positive characteristics. The variety is distinguished by its early ripening, and if certain conditions are observed during planting and cultivation, it provides a high level of fruitfulness.

Fruits are universal in their use, have good taste and are used not only in salads, but also as preparations for the winter.

Planting and care require certain physical and financial costs, but these funds are justified by good quality of the crop.

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