This, the Belarusian potato "Lileya": description of the variety and tactics of care

Belarusian potato is not just a vegetable, but a real brand known all over the world. Perhaps that is why the variety “Lileya” has so many fans.

This is an ideal example of a classic bulba - large, productive, elegant and very tasty. The grade is checked by farmers and gardeners, it is steady against diseases and is very fruitful.

In this article we will look at Lileya potatoes from all sides - a description of the variety, photos, basic characteristics and cultivation recommendations will help you to get an excellent harvest.

Variety of potatoes "Lileya": characteristics and photos

Grade nameLilea
general characteristicsHarvest variety of Belarusian breeding
Gestation period65-70 days
Starch content11-18%
Mass of commercial tubers100-200 g
The number of tubers in the bush8-15
Yieldup to 670 c / ha
Consumer qualitygood taste and poor stewiness
Skin coloryellow
Pulp coloryellow
Preferred growing regionsNorth-West, Central, Volgo-Vyatsky
Disease resistancehighly resistant to late blight of tubers, potato cancer and nematode
Features of growingresponds well to additional fertilizers
OriginatorRUE "Institute of Potato Science of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"

The main characteristics of the variety:

  • tubers are large, weighing from 100 to 200 g;
  • round-oval shape;
  • neat tubers aligned in weight and size;
  • defects are minimal; there are no hillocks and potholes in root vegetables;
  • peel yellow, evenly colored, moderately smooth;
  • eyes superficial, shallow, medium size;
  • the pulp on the cut is light yellow;
  • starch content ranges from 11.4 to 17.5%;
  • tubers are rich in protein, valuable amino acids, cartocin.

Photo potato varieties "Lileya":

Plant description

Variety of potatoes "Lileya" refers to the medium early table. The yield is very good, depending on the climatic conditions and nutritional value of the soil from 1 hectare you can collect from 246 to 400 centners of selected potatoes.

The maximum yield is fixed at 760 centners per hectare. Harvested potatoes are well kept, keeping quality at 90%. Transportation is possible.

Read more about the time and temperature of storage, about possible problems. And also about how to properly store roots in the winter, on the balcony, in drawers, in the refrigerator, peeled.

The yield of other varieties of potatoes is presented in the table below:

Grade nameYield
Lileaup to 760 c / ha
Santaup to 570 c / ha
Tuleyevsky400-500 c / ha
Gingerbread Man450-600 c / ha
Ilinsky180-350 c / ha
knapweed200-480 c / ha
Laura330-510 c / ha
Irbitup to 500 kg / ha
Sineglazkaup to 500 kg / ha
Adrettaup to 450 kg / ha
Alvar295-440 c / ha

The shrub is medium in size, upright, intermediate type, moderately sprawling. The formation of green mass is abundant. The leaves are dark green, medium-sized, intermediate type, with slightly wavy edges. The corolla is compact, assembled from large white flowers. The root system is well developed, up to 15 potatoes are formed under each bush.

Tubers are tied quickly, ripen in unison. The first potato can be undermined already in the middle of summer., but the bushes reach maximum yield by the end of the growing season.

Potatoes are easy to care, agricultural technology is simple. It prefers light nutritious soil, in poor soil yield is significantly reduced. During the planting season, you need to feed 2-3 times with mineral complexes or organic matter. Read more about when and how to apply fertilizer, how to do it when planting.

Drip irrigation is also recommended. Bushes at least 2 times spudforming high ridges. How to grow potatoes without weeding and hilling read here.

Tubers are resistant to mechanical damage, which greatly facilitates cleaning and reduces the number of scrap. Mulching will save from weeds.

The variety is resistant to many typical solanaceous diseases: potato cancer, golden cyst nematode, scab. Rarely affected by viruses. Slightly susceptible to late blight tubers and leaves.

Read also about Alternaria, Fusarium, Verticillium wilt.

Seed material does not degenerate, the tubers for subsequent planting can be collected independently.

The taste of the potato is excellent. The moderate starch content makes the tubers versatile, they can be boiled, roasted, baked, stewed. From root vegetables a delicious puree of creamy color is obtained. Potatoes does not darken when cutting or cooking.

Preparation of semi-finished products in industrial conditions is possible: french fries, freeze-dried mashed potatoes, soup gas stations. Dense but gentle tubers of a pleasant balanced taste are ideal for baby or diet food.


The potato variety “Lileya” is of Belarusian origin, in 2007 the creators received a patent of the Republic of Belarus. Sort registered in the State Register of the Russian Federation in 2008.

Zoned for the Central, Volga-Vyatka, North-West regions. Possible cultivation on an industrial scale.

Potatoes are suitable for businessmen and amateur farmers. Smooth and beautiful tubers good for sale, they are stored for a long timewithout losing commercial quality.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the variety include:

  • high taste qualities of root crops;
  • good yield;
  • Harvested well stored;
  • universality of tubers;
  • resistance to major diseases;
  • lack of care;
  • drought tolerance;
  • insensitivity to the vagaries of weather;
  • high commodity qualities of tubers.

In the table below you will find keeping figures for comparing Lileya potatoes with other varieties:

Grade nameStickiness
Red lady92%
There are practically no flaws in the variety. The only feature is the demands on the nutritional value of the soil.

Features of growing

Potatoes can be grown on any soil, but it demonstrates maximum yield. on a light, nutritious soil. Improving the soil will help loosening and making humus. Fields suitable for sowing are meadow grass or cabbage. You can not use the same areas for many years.

Before planting, seed potatoes are pickled. Wood ash is laid out through the holes. The distance between the bushes 30-35 cm, wide aisle, facilitating the care of plantings.

For normal moisture drip irrigation system recommended, guaranteeing constant access of moisture to the roots.

A very important point - hilling. Ridges are processed 2-3 times per season with simultaneous destruction of weeds. Aisle can be mulched with straw or mowed grass.

Increase yield will help timely feeding. It is better to alternate mineral complexes based on potassium and magnesium with organic matter (diluted bird droppings or mullein).

An excess of nitrogen-containing fertilizers is contraindicated, such complexes are developing abundant greens to the detriment of yield.

Harvest need a week after the start of the withering wilting. Earlier digging is also possible, it may reduce the yield, but will save plantings from wireworm and blight. Collected tubers are dried at the border or under a canopy, sorted and harvested for storage. Seed potatoes are taken from the strongest and most promising bushes, it must be stored separately.

A very important place in the cultivation of potatoes are spraying different drugs.

Read all about the use of herbicides, fungicides and insecticides.

Diseases and pests

The potato variety “Lileya” is resistant to many typical diseases: potato cancer, viral diseases, golden cyst-forming nematode.

Tubers and leaves are rarely affected by late blight or fusarium. For prevention at the peak of the epidemic, it is recommended single spraying with copper containing preparations.

Fresh green bushes attracts Colorado beetles, thrips, aphids.

Insecticide spraying will help get rid of insect pests. Affected tops cut and destroy. Tubers may be affected by the wireworm (larvae of click beetles).

Timely weeding, hilling, mulching the soil will help prevent the occurrence of pests.

We have prepared for you a series of interesting materials about different ways of growing potatoes. Dutch technology and the potato business, the cultivation of early varieties, methods under the straw, in barrels, in bags and boxes without bottom.

“Lileya” is a fruitful and very tasty variety suitable for industrial, farming or amateur cultivation. Large calibrated potatoes can be sold or left for personal use, it is tasty, healthy, very nutritious, but not too high in calories.

We also offer to familiarize yourself with other varieties of potatoes that have different ripening terms:

Middle lateMedium earlySuperstore
CraneLord of the expansesMeteor
LasockRed FantasyVeneta
ZhuravinkaJellyZhukovsky early

Watch the video: The Best Potato Song Ever (January 2025).