Cultivation and reproduction of narrow-leaved (black-leaved, black-leaved) pion

Peonies are associated with the arrival of heat, the first juicy and bright greens, incredible spring aromas. These flowers are loved and valued in many countries for their nobility and beauty; they can be found in almost all gardens. Quite rare species are also found among popular plants, for example, thin-leaf peony, with a photo and description of which we suggest to get acquainted in more detail.

Botanical description

Thin-leaved peony is also called narrow-leaved peony or Voronets is a grassy perennial with bright red flowers and stunningly decorative leaves. The plant belongs to the family Pionovye, is considered rare and is listed in the Red Book. In the wild, it is extremely rare, but its popularity in culture returns to fashion.At one time, in the 70s-80s, this species was very popular, and then replaced by new garden views to the background. For a long time this flower could be found only in the flowerbeds of true admirers of beautiful classical plants.

Adult shrub grows 40-60 cm in height, it develops numerous buds of 8-10 cm in diameter. Flowering begins at the same time, so the crows remind charming lush bouquets for 7-10 days. Perennial does not lose its beauty after flowering: thin fern-like leaves remain decorative.

Did you know? In the wild, the plant is considered rare and protected by law. In the habitat, livestock grazing and construction are prohibited.

Where to plant the plant?

In the wild, the black spawn grows in the steppes, forest-steppes, on stony slopes and on spacious meadows. And in the garden is perfect for creating natural flower beds, rock gardens and decoration of stone hills.

Sun or shade?

Thin-leaved peonies grow well both in open sunny areas and in slightly shaded ones. Preference should be given to well-lit places: light is very important for a grassy shrub. It is not scary if the plant will be in the penumbra for a short period of time, the main thing is that the peony will adorn the sun most of the day. It is unfortunately impossible to give an unequivocal answer to the question of where to plant flowers on the crows, as there are cases when the plant feels great on a shady spot and blooms profusely, and sometimes it happens the other way around. Peony sheet rather requires an integrated approach when planting and caring for him in the open field.

Growing soil

Voronets belongs to those plants that prefer fertile soil nutrient neutral alkaline. The soil on which the shrub planting is supposed to be must be well drained.

Important! Acidic soil is not suitable for planting fine-leaved peony. If it is necessary to plant on such a place, it is necessary to add lime, wood ash or mineral fertilizers to the soil, which will help to neutralize the acidity..

Planting and breeding peony

The narrow-leaved peony simply multiplies both by seed and by dividing the bush. The main thing is to choose the right time and place for planting perennials, given the moment that without a transplant a plant can grow for quite a long time.


It is best to collect the seed boxes when they have not yet opened. Seeds should be wrapped in paper and refrigerated until planting. Planting material quickly loses germinationtherefore, it is not worth tightening. Vorontsy usually sown before winter, that is, in the middle of autumn, in light, loosened soil. Shoots will appear in early spring.

Also, your eyes can delight such flowering perennials - astilba, delphinium, lupine, stems, rudbeckia, echinacea, irises, daylilies, phloxes, kamnelomka, periwinkle, armeria.


Delenki are adventitious roots that are formed in mature plants (5 years or more). Specimens of two adventitious roots, 1–1.5 cm thick and 6–7 cm long, with 3-4 developed buds, are suitable as a seedling. Plants are planted at a distance of 55-65 cm from each other. In the landing hole must be put organic fertilizer. Delenki should not be immersed in the ground too much - the kidneys should remain above the ground. Delenki planted mainly in the spring.

Important! Shrub dividing is the best way to rejuvenate a plant. Therefore, the procedure should be carried out from time to time not only for the purpose of reproduction of pions.

Root cuttings

In late August - early September, you can repot peonies with root cuttings with a bud, that is, dividing a bush. At this time, the roots of the plant are formed. Vertical root layers are planted at a distance of 60-70 cm. This method of reproduction is used very rarely, but nonetheless has the right to exist.

We provide the right care

Narrow-leaved peony - pretty unpretentious plant, its cultivation is possible even for an inexperienced amateur gardener. The main thing - to ensure the timely implementation of simple rules for care.


It is best to prevent in advance the possible drying out of the soil around the plant by mulching it. Mulch will not only hold moisture, but also prevent the emergence of weeds. Watering is necessary for a herbaceous plant in arid weather at least 3 times a week. But the main thing is not to overdo it with water, since excessive moisture will only harm the plant. So the pions should be watered as the soil dries, but avoiding the formation of a dry peel.


In early autumn, you should feed the plant phosphate-potassium mixtures. In the spring the shrub is fertilized with saltpeter or carbamide (approximately 50-60 g for one shrub). During the growing season it is necessary to carry out mineral supplements with a high content of potassium and phosphorus.


Perennial roots are formed in the fall, so the place should be changed in the autumn. It is necessary to take into account the fact that they grow very slowly and, accordingly, do not need frequent transplants. If it became necessary to transplant the plant in spring, the shrub should be removed with an earthy clod and put in a new place - this little trick will ensure that the procedure is painless.

Major pests and diseases

Herb plant is quite strong and resistant to various diseases. But you should always remember that excessive moisture can cause fungal diseases, so you should approach the watering very thoroughly. It is recommended to pay more attention to the pion at the beginning of the vegetative period, since it is then that he is vulnerable to caterpillars and aphids. For the prevention of possible ailments, ash or dolomite flour, mineral fertilizers with a high content of potassium and copper should be regularly introduced into the soil.

Did you know? Adherents of alternative medicine believe that the infusion of fine-leaved peony is able to withstand such serious diseases as syphilis and tuberculosis.

Beneficial features

Despite the fact that this type of peony is considered poisonous, it also has a mass of substances useful for the human body. In folk medicine, its roots, leaves and kidneys are used to prepare various tinctures and lotions that are effective in combating diseases such as the common cold, cough, and anemia. It is considered a good antispasmodic and analgesic. But, naturally, this is not a panacea, and the use of such drugs should be approached with caution.

The surprisingly refined narrow-leaved peony will definitely bring bright colors and revitalize any spring flowerbed. Perennial for a long time retains its decorative and valued for its exclusivity. By planting such a flower in your summer cottage, you will definitely hear rave reviews and comments.

Watch the video: STOP Worrying About Tiny Holes, Curling leaves, and A Few Pests! (January 2025).