Bunch cucumbers: what it is and what it is eaten with

Experienced gardeners and gardeners who have been cultivating cucumbers for several years are surely aware of bundle cucumbers.

The name of this group of varieties appeared due to the main feature of these cucumbers.

And this feature is the ability of plants to form in one node more than one or two ovaries simultaneously.

When breeding these varieties and hybrids, the breeders put a lot of effort into securing the bushes against the effects of various cucumber diseases.

The number of ovaries in a node directly depends on several factors, namely on the growing conditions of plants, the amount of sunlight, the place of cultivation (greenhouse or soil), as well as on the general condition of the plants.

The main thing is that the varieties of this group are rapidly gaining popularity among gardeners.

Due to this, it is possible to study as much as possible the characteristics of each individual variety or hybrid.

Variety "Blizzard"

Recently derived parthenocarpic hybrid. Ripens very quickly, fruits can be removed from the bushes after 37 - 38 days after the first shoots of seedlings.

Plants appear to be rather weak, medium-length, side shoots grow very weakly, in the lower part of the bushes they practically do not appear. Type of flowering female. In one ovary 4 - 5 fruits form. Fruits are rather small, 6 - 8 cm in length, 60 - 68 g in weight, elliptical in shape.

The surface is covered with rather large tubercles, the pubescence is brown, and the skin itself is dark green with yellow stripes. The variety is not affected by the present and downy mildew.

The taste of the fruit is very good, and it does not spoil when canning or processing. Productivity is high, 15.5 kg per square meter. square meter.

In the conditions of regions with a fairly cool climate, it is impossible to sow seeds directly into the soil, since they will simply stop. If the area is southern, then you can skip the stage of growing seedlings at home.

Sowing seeds should be done in early April, and if there are no seedlings, then this process can be carried out after the first half of May. The composition of the soil and air temperature should maximize seed germination.

Replanting seedlings can be done from the first half of May to the first half of June. Since the percentage of parthenocarpy is equal to 100%, then you can not worry about the place of cultivation, since the fruits in any case will be formed.

It is important to prikopat seedlings rather sparsely, making the interval between plants at least 40 cm.

There are no special differences in the care of these bushes and in the care of all other varieties of cucumber. It is important to regularly water the plants, and only with warm water that has settled.

Experts recommend using the trellis method for growing these plants. Obligatory procedure is cutting lateral shoots. When applying fertilizers need to fill the lack of all trace elements.

Variety "Detinets"

Early ripe hybrid - parthenkarpik. Technical maturity of the fruits occurs within 40 - 45 days after the emergence of seedlings. Indeterminate shrubs, with an average force of growth, branch also medium.

As for the type of flowering, it is mostly female. In the sinus of one leaf can form up to 5 ovaries. Fruits are medium sized (10–12 cm), cylindrical in shape, green in color with a small amount of light yellow stripes.

The peel has small tubercles, the density of the irregularities is also medium, the pubescence of a light brown color is small. The average weight of cucumber is 90 - 120 g.

The taste of the fruit is excellent. High yield, 14.5 kg per square meter. meter This variety is grafted immunity to claasosporia. This variety differs from the remaining beam cucumbers in that the bushes have an early harvest formation in all nodes except the first. In one bosom of the leaf can form 2 - 5 fruits.

You need to start growing these bushes from seedlings. Sowing of seeds can be done not earlier than the second mid-April, when there is enough light in the place where the seedlings are grown, and the temperature is high enough (20 - 23 ̊С).

It is important that the seedlings are well strengthened by the time of transplantation into the ground, otherwise the bushes will die. To bushes enough to grow, you need water regularly and fertilize seedlings. Landing should be sparse. Dripping seedlings can be when the frosts are past.

In order for the plants to bear fruit, it is necessary to constantly maintain the water balance of the soil, to loosen and mulch the earth, and to fertilize regularly.

Bushes of this variety can also be grown on a support to facilitate the harvest process. We also need to constantly remove weeds, as well as make preventive treatments with fungicides against cucumber diseases.

Sort "Boy with a finger"

Partenokarpik. Early ripe hybrid - the technical maturity of the fruits comes in 37 - 39 days after the seedlings have risen. Type of flowering female. Bushes are powerful, branching is above average. 3 - 6 ovaries are formed in one node.

Fruits of medium length (8–10 cm), bright green, with large tubercles and a large number of white thorns. Taste and quality of fresh and processed fruits are excellent. Bushes of this variety need good lighting.

Sort not affected by true and downy mildew, olive blotch and cucumber mosaic virus. The amount of harvest from 1 square. m. is 10 - 12 kg.

It will be great to grow in any land - and in the greenhouse, and in the open field. To plant seeds for seedlings should be done in the first half of April. Transplantation into the ground can be done from the end of May. If dropping seedlings in the greenhouse, you can perform transplant earlier. Care for seedlings normal.

The density of planting in the greenhouse is 2 - 3 seedlings per 1 square. m, and in the open ground - 3-4 bush. The place for these bushes should be well-informed.

Aspects of care are watering, which must be performed regularly, cultivation of the soil, so as not to form a hard crust, the introduction of various fertilizers, as well as preventive spraying of bushes from various diseases. Water the bushes need warm water, loosen the soil immediately after watering, and feeding is desirable to combine with watering.

Sort "King beds"

A hybrid pollinated by bees, mid-season (45 - 48 days). Bushes vigorous, shoots of medium length, stalks are woven to a moderate degree.

Fruits are cylindrical in shape, 9–11 cm long, 80–90 g in weight, covered with large tubercles and white spines. Neither the flesh nor the rind is bitter, but have excellent taste.

There are light streaks on the surface, which makes these fruits even more attractive. You can use greens of this variety as fresh for salads, and for canning and pickling.

In one bosom of the leaf is formed more than 5 ovaries. Average yield, 5, 3 - 6.2 s. meter The variety withstands weather deterioration and is not affected by downy powdery mildew.

Sowing seeds for seedlings can be done from the beginning of May. Dripping seedlings can be a month and a half later, when they have already formed 2 to 3 leaves. If you decide not to grow seedlings, then the laying of seeds can be done from the end of May. Landing scheme - 40x40 cm.

Since the variety is unpretentious to the weather conditions, there is nothing special in the care of these bushes. It is enough to properly water the plants, and they can withstand a slight hitch in this process.

The first sign of lack of moisture is weak wilting of the leaves, then you should water the bushes with a sufficient amount of warm water. You also need to perform all other activities for the care of cucumber bushes.

It is also interesting to read about self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers.

Sort "Master"

Hybrid - parthenokarpik kornishonnogo type with a female type of flowering. Early (40 - 45 days). Bushes calmly experience fluctuations in temperature, as well as a lack of moisture in the air and soil. A large number of short lateral shoots are formed in plants, therefore branching is limited in bushes.

In one node is formed from 2 to 6 ovaries. Fruits of medium length (10 - 12 cm), weighing 80 - 110 g, elliptical, dense in structure. The peel is dotted with tubercles and white thorns, dark green.

The flesh of these cucumbers is crispy, very tasty, with a wonderful aroma. Neither the flesh nor the rind is bitter. Shrubs bear fruit for a long time, they are not affected by olive blotch, cucumber mosaic and powdery mildew. But plants can be damaged by downy mildew.

Growing seedlings can be skipped, but only if the region’s climate is mild enough. In this case, sowing of seeds can be done from mid-April to mid-June. If it is decided to grow seedlings, then seed sowing can be done from early April to early May.

Young bushes can be transplanted to the ground from the beginning of June, and seedlings can be added in the greenhouse even earlier. Planting density is ordinary.

The variety is unpretentious in care, so the process of growing these bushes will not be time consuming. You just need to regularly water the plants, fertilize, pinch, and you can also tie up to the trellis or to the stretched wire between the stakes.

Variety "Robin Hood"

Partenocarpic hybrid of early ripening. Shrubs sredneroslye, weak branching, the type of most flowers female. In the node 4 - 5 fruits are formed.

Fruits are short, only 5–6 cm long, weighing 50–55 g, of a cylindrical shape, green. The peel is covered with black spikes and bumps, as well as light stripes.

The taste of the fruit is good. The yield is 6.5 kg per unit area. The bushes are unpretentious, and are not affected by cucumber mosaic and powdery mildew.

The fruits of this variety are ideal for canning, but can also be used fresh.

You can start with seedlings, and you can skip this stage. It is important to take care of the seedlings in every possible way so that strong bushes will later grow from them. Sowing seeds and seedlings, and already in the ground is carried out at the usual time.

Transplant seedlings are also on the plan. Planting density normal - 3 - 4 seedlings per 1 square. m

The variety is unpretentious, so it can safely withstand any changes in the mode of watering or feeding. Loosening and mulching should be carried out immediately after irrigation, when the water is already fully absorbed.

bushes of this variety can be applied trellis growing method.

Sort "Okhotny Ryad"

The early ripe hybrid, bushes begin to fructify for 37 - 40th day after shoots. Gherkin parthenkarpik. The first harvest will be the most abundant, since it is the initial parthenocarpy that is the highest.

In bushes, the type of flowering is female, the formation and development of lateral shoots depend on the load on them: the more fruits on one such shoot, the less it will grow. Fruits of medium length (8 - 11 cm), cylindrical in shape, with a small number of tubercles, at the ends of which there are white spines.

Cucumbers retain their good taste both fresh and canned / marinated. In one node many formations can form (from 2 to 6). Plants and fruits of this variety are resistant to most cucumber diseases, except to downy mildew.

It is necessary to apply the seedling method for guaranteed sprouting of the bushes, and after - their fruiting. Sowing seeds should be done in a fairly warm soil in the period from the beginning to the middle of April. You can dive saplings to make the bushes feel more comfortable.

When the plants will have a third or fourth leaf, then you can drop them in the ground. The main thing is that during this period there would be no night frost.

Caring for these bushes is absolutely identical to caring for cucumber bushes in general. You just need to water and feed the bushes, then they will give a bountiful harvest. If plants have a lot of vegetative mass, and fruits do not form, then the ends of the central shoots need to be pinned.

Diversify your cucumber beds, "dilute" them with bundle cucumber bushes to get much more yield compared to previous seasons.

Watch the video: Cucumber Salad Healthy and Easy Recipe (January 2025).