How to make a rabbit feeder

Every rabbit owner knows how fast they can breed.

And in connection with the replenishment you have to buy not cheap accessories for the rabbit.

In this article we will describe how to make a feeder for rabbits with your own hands.

The main types of feeders for rabbits

There are several types of feeders for rabbits. All of them can be made independently, using for this purpose available materials which for certain will be in each economy.

You will be interested to know how to feed the rabbits at home.

A bowl

Bowl - the easiest option, which is suitable for providing animal feed. To do this, it is enough to take a dish that is not new and has lost its presentable appearance. It is convenient to fill up the food and wash it in a bowl, however, there are also disadvantages - rabbits often overturn the container, and this leads to cell contamination.


It is used quite often and has many advantages, namely:

  • convenient to fall asleep feed;
  • several rabbits may gather near one feeder;
  • easy to manufacture.


Yaselny feeders are used for the distribution of hay rabbits. They are practical to use, do not require much time and money to create. However, you must constantly monitor the filling and periodically replenish the nursery with hay.


Bunker feeders are used for concentrated and bulk feed.

The advantage is that the feed in such a device is filled up once a couple of days. The design itself prevents the rabbits from scattering food around the cage.

Did you know? The life span of a rabbit in the wild is about a year, while a domestic rabbit can live 8-12 years with proper care.

In the form of cups

This accessory is made from empty cans that serve as feeders and drinkers. It is important to process the edges of the cans so that they are not sharp and the animals do not get hurt during the meal.

Learn how to make feeders and drinkers for chickens.

What you need for making

Consider the option of the most convenient device for animal feed. For the manufacture of feeders will need:

  • sewer pipe (weaving);
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • hacksaw for wood;
  • building hair dryer;
  • press;
  • scissors for metal;
  • a knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • sticky plastic gun.
Did you know? If they were allowed to breed as freely as possible, then ninety years later the number of rabbits would be equal to the number of square meters on our planet.

Step-by-step instruction

Consider the steps of creating a feeder for rabbits with your own hands.

  • We measure the device with a tape measure in the rabbit's size. Cut off the remains with a hacksaw.
  • Again, take the roulette wheel and mark the center of the pipe, and from the center back down a centimeter to the left and right. Mark with a pencil or marker. Sawing hacksaw along, starting from the edge, we reach the center line.

Important! Material for the construction of structures should be chosen such that rabbits could not gnaw it.
We measure 13 cm from the incision and mark it with a marker. Then make a second cut to the center. We got two cuts on the right side. Separate the unnecessary part and get a hole. Repeat the same with the left side.

  • We got something in the form of a basket. Now you need to close the holes on the sides. To do this, you will need the remaining parts of the pipe that were sawn off before. We take the building hair dryer and heat up the parts until the state when they fall on the bed. Then we put the press on them and press hard. There should be two flat parts of the pipe.
  • We take one part of the pipe and put our feeder on it with one side. Mark the size of the marker. Cut the plugs with scissors for metal.
Important! Constructing the feeder of metal elements, ensure its safety for animals. Make sure that all sharp corners and edges are sealed and do not represent a danger to the health of your pets.
  • Sharpen the sharp edges with a knife so that the rabbits do not hurt themselves. The plugs need to be glued with a pistol on the sides of the accessory, but before that, sand the edges of the sandpaper to ensure better grip. If you do not have a gun, you can use a soldering iron.
  • When you install the plugs on the device, then retreat a centimeter from the edge. Then we apply glue on this gap and press it tightly so that the cap fits better. Similarly, repeat the action on the other side.

    Use glue and the inside of the cap to make it more reliable.

The device is ready, it remains to secure it in the rabbitry on the screws.

This type of feeder is increasingly used by many rabbit breeders. In addition, it is not difficult to do it yourself and save money.

Watch the video: How to make a simply rabbit feeder-easy to make (December 2024).