Are there flying cockroaches? Do they have wings at all? What types can fly

Everybody is familiar with home cockroaches. They can be found in any room, be it an ordinary apartment, office or hotel.

When a “uninvited guest” is found, a person often experiences discomfort. And this feeling is quite understandable. The presence of pests in the kitchen, one way or another, speaks of the uncleanliness of the owners of the dwelling, although not always.

Cockroaches are unique in that they are able to adapt to any living conditions. There are even myths that they will survive even after a nuclear explosion. Today, find out whether cockroaches are able to fly?

Of course, not all types are undesirable. There are those that are a real find for lovers of the exotic, are the subject of close observation and decorate with their presence living corners. And few people know that some adults are capable of more than crawling. And so we will understand cockroaches fly or not.

Do cockroaches have wings?

The most common are the red-haired Prussians living next to a man. Although there are only in the world more than 5,000 species these "cute" creatures. Among them there are instances of different sizes, different colors, living in the wild and in the human dwelling.

However, they all have the same body structure: belly, head and chest.

The head and chest are covered with wings. Therefore, they have really cockroaches are present.

Moreover, they can be seen in almost all existing species.

The size of a black cockroach depends on the environment in which it lives. Its length can reach 3 cm. But, despite the above structure of the body, it can't fly. The sheaths allow you to distinguish female from male. In males, they are longer than females.

Reference! Wings grow this insect not right away. Small cubs hatch from eggs: with chitinous shell and soft to the touch. During the period of growing up, the "little ones" more than once shed their shells, after which they already have weak, but real wings.

About these creatures of nature many myths were invented. But most of them are a clear exaggeration.

  1. Flying cockroaches mostly live in the tropics in the wild. An ordinary red prusak is unlikely to feel a person next to it, fly somewhere in the window. Rather, just run to hide, and, with considerable speed. During one of the experiments of researchers, an adult individual ran 22 cm in one second. And the tightly folded wings make it easy to squeeze into suitable crevices and cracks.
  2. One of the very few reasons forcing even the Prusak to rise into the air (though not for long and not at all) is considered the mating season.
  3. Another reason why adults fly is to avoid danger. For example, open fire. In this case, the insect simply plans from a dangerous place.
  4. Very rarely, but flying cockroaches use this opportunity to quickly get to the source of light. But they do this only if there is no food near at all. If there is an opportunity to find something edible on the floor surface, they are unlikely to use this ability.

Ability to fly

Interesting to know! Find out all the ways where the whiskeys come from in the house? Their life cycle, where have they disappeared lately from the apartments? And you know why cockroaches are called Stas, if you're interested, read the article about the nicknames of these insects.

So do cockroaches fly? Homework is definitely not. Individuals who can move through the air for long distances in fact, have differences in appearance from their usual relatives and live mainly in a tropical climate. But there are exceptions.

  1. For example, from America to Russia and the CIS countries once Lapland copy. A great example of how cockroaches fly. It resembles Prusak, but its color is not red, but yellow with a brown or grayish tint.

    He lives in the wild and rarely enters the house, except that he may accidentally fly into the window. It feeds on plants, sometimes it can eat dried fish.
  2. American cockroach with wings (Periplaneta Americana), despite its name, is of African origin and is found throughout the world.

    Dwells in sewer pipes or in collector systems. It is picky in food, as well as red prusak. Eats the remains of foodstuff, paper, fabric, soap, leather products, etc.

    Flies great thanks to strong and well developed wings. He came to America from hot tropical forests by sea, on merchant ships delivering slaves to the continent, gold and all kinds of goods. Soon spread in Europe and in Russia, moreover, with great speed.

    The unique ability to adapt allows him to transfer increased radiation. Therefore, he very quickly lost the habit of wildlife and settled next to a man. The adult individual is distinguished by the appearance of a red or chocolate brown shiny chitinous sheath and long legs. Males and females can reach a length of 5 cm.
  3. It is interesting! Periplaneta Americana is distinguished by high mobility and aggressiveness. Not only domestic animals can suffer from bites of this species, but also people, especially during sleep. But, nevertheless, it is adversely affected by low temperatures. Apparently, this is due to its origin. At 0 degrees Celsius, the insect dies.

  4. Another view that deserves attention is Banana cockroach (Panchlora nivea). Habitat - Ecuador. Lives in the forest floor and is earthy. Only active during daylight hours. Females have a body length of up to 25 cm, males - a little smaller - 22 cm. But those and others are able to move easily through the air and are omnivorous.
  5. But the birthplace Megaloblatta longipennis is Latin America. Megaloblatta longipennis has a rather exotic appearance and looks really huge. This is also a flying insect. Moreover, its wingspan can reach 20 cm.

    It goes without saying that in flight such a creation of nature looks especially impressive. By the way, the largest copy, recognized as a record one, was once found in Colombia and belonged to the Japanese Akira Yokokure. His body reached a length of 9.7 cm, and its width was 4.45 cm.

A photo

We offer you a photo of flying cockroaches:

In fact, despite the fact that most species of these insects are perceived by humans as pests and are destroyed when they appear in residential premises using all available methods and chemical means (powders, crayons, traps, gels, aerosols, repellents), they remain very interesting nature and deservedly attract the attention of naturalists around the world.

After all, there was such a question: can cockroaches fly? And yet some individuals can, as evidenced by cockroaches with wings in the photo above. Moreover, there is a folk sign that their appearance in the house promises wealth and well-being to its owners. Who knows, maybe that's the way it is.

Watch the video: Can cockroaches fly? (December 2024).