Ovoskop: how to properly equip eggs

Checking eggs, both before incubation and during, are important steps in breeding chicks. A good assistant in this matter is an ovoscope - a device that makes it possible to identify defects, abnormalities, or to monitor the correct development of the embryo.

What is an ovoscope?

Ovoskop is special devicewith the help of which biological quality control of the filling material is performed. The principle of its work consists in scanning the bright lamp of eggs that are pre-installed and fixed in the corresponding recesses of the ovoscope. Bright light can detect even minor defects.

The protein should be practically transparent, and the yolk should be located inside so as not to touch the walls. Accordingly, the analysis should pay attention to the presence of blood in the protein, the presence of breaks in the shell of the yolk, etc. With regard to various kinds of defects (cracks or other damage that are on the shell), they will appear dark in the process of ovoscoping. spots or streaks. Almost all ovoskopov work on the network standard voltage 220 V; There are also portable options. Most often, the device is designed for simultaneous testing of several eggs. The only exception would be the home-made donoscopes (sometimes hand-made), which allow you to examine only one fruit.

Did you know? During the period of antiquity, only priests were entrusted with growing chickens from eggs.

What types are there?

There are several types of opaskop. They differ in the shape, size and quantity of filling material, which can be viewed at a time.


Hammer leg-catcher acquired this name because of its appearance.

What does such an ovoscope look like? In shape, it really resembles hammer. Working with this type of device is quite simple. On the handle is a button on the lamp. Holding the device by the handle, the poultry farmer conducts scanning the required number of eggs.

TO features This type of ovoskopov include the following:

  1. You can work with the device not only from the network, but also using a battery or batteries.
  2. It is important to choose the power of the light flux, because in order to check the eggs with an ovoscope, you need high-quality light. However, he should not overheat the fetus itself, because it must be borne in mind that the work is carried out with live material.
The main advantage Hammer overhead scanner is considered the fact that for scanning the backfill material it is not necessary to get it from the tray. This reduces the number of manipulations, increases the speed of work and, importantly, minimizes the likelihood of causing the material to remove any damage.

Important! Bookmark material is recommended to be taken from birds as young as eight months old. There is a possibility receive good amount inSpring and autumn.


Vertical ovoskop is most practical and frequently used species. The instrument case has a vertical shape, the lamp is at the bottom. Material for inspection is placed in special holes that are located on top of the ovoskop.

Important! It is important to choose the right type of lamp to avoid overheating of the eggs. Often use energy-saving lamps, which provide a good flow of light, and low heat. In addition, in some ovoskopakh there are special holes near the lamp, designed for good ventilation.

The weighty advantage of this type of device is that the eggs do not need to be held with your hands, but you can simply lay on top. You can also place and examine several eggs at the same time. Ovoskopov are on sale, which make it possible to enlighten four to tenthat significantly saves time. The most convenient model of the vertical ovoskop is deservedly the one where the egg tray is removable - it repeats the standard form of purchased cardboard trays. In order to unload the eggs for inspection, a cardboard tray with material for testing is covered with a tray of an ovoskop, and then the structure is turned over. By the same principle, eggs are easily removed after analysis.

Did you know? In industrial production, an even more versatile device is used, which makes it possible to check at the same time a sufficiently large number of eggs - tables for ovoscoping.


In the horizontal ovoskopov light source is also located down below designs and pointing up. At the same time the opening for check is sideways. It is possible to enlighten the eggs with such an ovoscope, leaning them against the hole - the advantage is that in this case they do not overheat, because the light is directed not directly at them, but upwards. But there is a significant disadvantage of this type of device - you can check at most one unit at a time. Such ovoskopov buy much less than others. Most often, this type of device is made by hand. In fact, it is just a box with a hole and a light bulb. But here it is important to understand that this option is extremely fire hazardtherefore only non-flammable materials should be used.

If you decide to breed poultry seriously, you will probably need an incubator, which is quite realistic to make with your own hands.

The stages of ovoscopy: when and how to check eggs

The process of ovoskopirovaniya eggs of different species of birds is absolutely identical. But the scan time and the required number is somewhat different.


Too often, ovoscopy of chicken eggs is not necessary. The optimal interval between treatments should be at least 4-5 days.

Important! The first ovoskop check falls on the fifth day for egg breeds and on the sixth day for meat.
  • Starting from the fourth day, you can already see if the egg is fertilized. Blood vessels and even the shadow of the embryo should be visible. The glow becomes pinkish.
  • During the second inspection, the allantois is visible - this is the respiratory organ of the embryo, which, if properly developed, should line the entire surface of the shell from the inside and close at the sharp end. The embryo itself at this time is also quite large and must be shrouded in blood vessels.
  • At the very end of the incubation, the last ovoscopic examination is carried out. With it, you can identify frozen fruit and generally assess the progress of the incubation process during the second phase. The embryo in this period already occupies almost the entire space in the shell, all its outlines are well translucent, and even slight movements can be seen.

At home, quails, pheasants, peacocks and even ostriches are also bred.


Before incubation is carried out ovoscoping goose eggs for the purpose of rejecting those from which the chicks will not hatch. These include those where there is an enlarged air chamber (usually old units), as well as those that have micro cracks in the shell, breaks in the yolk shell, various darkening (this may be mold).

In the process of incubation are held still two translucencies:

  1. The first analysis is carried out on the eighth day. When translucent, you can see the threads of blood vessels.
  2. During the second inspection, which falls on the fourteenth day, the embryo itself is clearly visible.


Duck filling material is subject to copying. three times.

  1. The first procedure is carried out on the eighth day. Visible is a grid of blood vessels, indicating the presence of an embryo.
  2. The second scanning is carried out on the 21st day, now the embryo is clearly visible.
  3. On the 25th day, during the third translucency, it is possible not only to see the embryo, but also to track the features of its development. If there were any deviations, then such an egg is rejected.


View the turkey egg through the ovoscope should three times.

  1. The first scanning is necessary to assess the correct location and integrity of the yolk, as well as to determine the size of the air chamber, which should be no larger than a regular coin in diameter.
  2. The second ovoskopirovaniya carried out on the 8th day of incubation. At this time, the embryo is seen, and the circulatory grid is formed.
  3. The third scanning is necessary on the 25th or 26th day. During this period, the eggs gradually pecked. In the lumen they must be completely dark, which indicates the presence of a developing embryo there.

Ovoskopirovaniya - Mandatory step in breeding chicks from eggs. It helps to reject poor-quality filling material at the initial stage, as well as to monitor the development of embryos in the future.

Watch the video: овоскопирование инкубационного яйца Овоскопирование яиц на 5й день Embryo eggs (December 2024).