Delicious greetings from Siberia - “Countryman” tomato: characteristics, description of the tomato variety and their photos

For those who do not like or do not have time to grow complex varieties of tomatoes, and also prefers to plant them in open ground, rather than in the greenhouse, suitable variety of tomatoes of the Siberian selection "Countryman".

It is easy to clean, does not require special conditions for growing and has a good taste and yield.

In this article you will find a complete description of the variety Zemlyan, familiar with its characteristics and characteristics of agricultural technology. We will also talk about how a variety can be affected by a variety, and which of them it successfully confronts.

Tomato Countryman: variety description

Grade nameCountryman
general descriptionEarly ripe variety of determinant type
Ripening96-98 days
The formSmall oblong fruit
Average tomato mass60-80 grams
Yield varietiesup to 4 kg from a bush
Features of growingLanding layout 35 x 70 cm
Disease resistanceResistant to most diseases

This is a determinant, non-standard variety, a bush grows up to 70-75 cm. Read about indeterminant varieties here. Bred by Siberian breeders. Included in the State Register in 1996. Designed for outdoor use. It grows well and bears fruit in the middle lane and Siberian regions. Can be grown from seedlings or sowing seeds directly into the ground.

The variety is early ripe, the fruits ripen in 96-98 days after the emergence of sprouts. The variety is convenient because it does not require the formation of a bush and pasynkovaniya.

Not a hybrid. Its advantages include high yield - up to 4 kg from a bush, ripening, transportability and resistance to the main “tomato” diseases.

You can compare the yield with other varieties in the table below:

Grade nameYield
Countrymanup to 4 kg from a bush
Grandma's Giftup to 6 kg per square meter
American ribbed5.5 kg from a bush
De Barao the Giant20-22 kg from a bush
King of the Market10-12 kg per square meter
Kostromaup to 5 kg from a bush
The president7-9 kg per square meter
Summer resident4 kg from a bush
Nastya10-12 kg per square meter
Dubrava2 kg from a bush
Batyana6 kg from a bush
Read also on our website: Which tomato varieties have good immunity and high yields? How to get a high yield in the open field?

How to care for early varieties and grow tomatoes in the greenhouse all year round?

A photo

Get acquainted with the tomatoes of the variety Zemlyak in the photo below:


Tomatoes varieties "Countryman" brings small - 60-80 g - fruits of oblong shape. The color of ripe tomatoes is red. They are small, the number of nests - 2-3. The juice contains 4.6 g of dry matter. On the hand can be formed up to 15 fruits. Tomatoes have a sweetish, very pleasant taste. Suitable for storage and transportation.

You can compare the weight of tomatoes Countryman with others in the table below:

Grade nameFruit weight
Countryman60-80 grams
Diva120 grams
Yamal110-115 grams
The Golden Fleece85-100 grams
Golden heart100-200 grams
Stolypin90-120 grams
Raspberry jingle150 grams
Caspar80-120 grams
Explosion120-260 grams
Verlioka80-100 grams
Fatima300-400 grams

The variety is recommended for cultivation on an industrial scale. The use of the universal - in fresh and canned form. Suitable for wholegrain canning and vegetable platter.

Features of growing

In cool areas, varieties of "Countryman" are best grown from seedlings. Seeds for it are sown in early April. Landing in the ground is made in the first week of summer. Tomato prefers a light fertile slightly acidic soil. Landing layout 35 x 70 cm.

Read more on our website: What types of soil for growing tomatoes exist? How to prepare the soil in the greenhouse in the spring?

What soil is needed for planting seedlings and for planting adult tomatoes in the greenhouse?

Attention! Requires regular watering with warm water. Watering time - after sunset.

During the entire growth period, the tomato is fed 2-3 times with mineral fertilizers dissolved in water.

As fertilizers for tomatoes also use:

  • Organic.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.
  • Ammonia.
  • Iodine.
  • Yeast.
  • Ash.
  • Boric acid.

The rest of the care is a constant weeding and loosening the soil. Mulching will help in weed control.

Diseases and pests

In general, the variety is considered to be well resistant to the main diseases of the nightshade, but protection and prevention measures will not hurt.

The main diseases are:

  • Late blight.
  • Alternaria
  • Verticillosis.
  • Fusarium

On our site you will find many useful articles about which varieties are most resistant to diseases in general and do not suffer from late blight, in particular. How to deal with diseases in greenhouses and what protection against phytophtoras can be provided for your plantings.

As for pests, the most common trouble gardeners deliver Colorado beetles, slugs, aphids, spider mites. Insecticides will help in the fight against them.

Here we are with you and acquainted with the tomato Countryman, characteristics and description of the variety. If the care of tomato "Countryman" was correct and constant, he will thank the harvest to 18 kg from 1 square. m for the season. The variety is recommended for those who are just starting to grow tomatoes.

In the table below you will find links to varieties of tomatoes with different ripening terms:

Early maturingMiddle lateMedium early
Pink meatyYellow bananaPink king F1
Ob domesTitaniumGrandma's
King earlyF1 slotCardinal
Red domegold fishSiberian miracle
Union 8Raspberry wonderBear Paw
Red icicleDe barao redBells of Russia
Honey CreamDe barao blackLev Tolstoy

Watch the video: Tomatoes- Determinate and Indeterminate Types (January 2025).