All summer residents and those who grew plants at home at least once in their life face insect pests. For their extermination was invented a large number of different drugs. The most popular is "Inta-vir" - a broad-spectrum insecticide. With it, you can destroy 52 types of malicious insects and parasites.
Description and features of the drug "Inta-vir"
The insecticide "Inta-vir" paralyzes pests due to the fact that its composition is based on the active substance cypermethrin. Its concentration is 3.75%. The drug is available in tablets and in powder form. "Inta-vir" is included in the group of pyrethroids - natural insecticides contained in certain complex flowers. In large quantities, these substances are contained in daisies, chrysanthemums and tansy.
Pyrethroids are a synthetic analogue of pyrethrins, so the treatment with Inta-virom contributes to the immediate damage to the nervous system of parasites. In contact with plants in insects, spasms and muscle cramps begin, leading to rapid paralysis and their further death. The main thing is that pyrethroids do not carry any danger for plants.
"Inta-vir" has a universal chemical composition, therefore, it fights with lepidoptera, coleoptera, and even-winged insects. The drug helps with the attack of bedbugs, Colorado potato beetles, potato moths and cows, cabbage whitefish and scoop, sorrel leaf beetles, moths, aphids, thrips and many other harmful insects. "Inta-vir", the use of which is aimed at the extermination of harmful insects, can have a negative impact on beneficial, pollinating individuals. Use the drug with extreme caution. Also, pests can experience immunity to pyrethroids, so the drug should be replaced by another with a different chemical composition.
Did you know? Australian scientists have come up with an unusual way to deal with malicious insects. By biotechnology, parasites are transformed into same-sex males unable to reproduce. Such measures were taken against Queensland fruit fly infecting kiwi, mango, apples and avocados. The annual damage caused by them is more than 6 billion dollars. The need for such scientific refinements arose due to the fact that previously used pesticides were harmful to humans.
Consumption rates and instructions for use "Inta-vir"
"Inta-vir" is applied to plants in the form of an aqueous solution, so you can crush the tablets or dilute the powder. Spraying should be carried out only in dry and calm weather, preferably in the morning or evening. To evenly distribute the solution on the leaves, you can take a household spray.
The best result will be, if after the treatment of plants with a preparation for several hours dry weather continues. Apple, pear and quince should be processed ten days after the start of flowering. Repeat the procedure after 14 days. In order not to cause the pest to get used to the drug, it is not recommended to spray it more than three times and it will be better to alternate with other insecticidal agents.
It is better to process strawberries before flowering, and currants and gooseberries before and after. Trees of cherries and cherries should be processed before the fruits are painted. On average, one tree should take up to 2.5 liters of solution. For these purposes, the drug "Inta-vir" is used in the amount of 1.5 tablets per ten liters of water, the instruction says. The same proportions are suitable for spraying tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots and cabbage. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated after a while.
"Inta-vir" is also suitable for the destruction of indoor insects, only the instructions for use will be slightly modified in this case. To destroy bedbugs, fleas and bed mites, you need to dissolve 1 tablet of the drug in 700 ml of water. For cockroaches, the solution should be made more concentrated, so water for the same amount of the drug should be taken 500 ml.
Important! Only fresh Inta-Vira solution can be used. If you still have a solution after the procedure, dispose of it, as it is absolutely forbidden to store the drug in finished form!
Safety measures at work
"Inta-vir" is moderately toxic, but can still harm a person.
When conducting procedures with this drug, you must comply with the following safety rules:
- wear a long robe or closed clothing, rubber gloves, goggles and a respirator or gauze bandage;
- on the feet - rubber boots;
- after spraying, wash hands and face with soap;
- rinse mouth well and wash protective clothing.
When a dwelling is treated with a pyrethroid insecticide, there should not be other tenants in it in order not to poison itself.
Important! If the processing of "Inta-vir" is performed in one of the premises of the apartment or house, then it is forbidden to smoke or eat there.
First aid for poisoning
If after the procedures with the drug "Inta-vir" the state of health began to deteriorate sharply, this signals the first signs of poisoning.
In this case, you should immediately provide first aid to the victim, causing the ambulance:
- wash the mouth and nose with a weak solution of manganese;
- rinse eyes thoroughly with running water if the preparation is injected into them;
- if "Inta-vir" got into the body, the victim must induce vomiting, giving him to drink 1 liter of water;
- In order to permanently eliminate toxins, 30 grams of activated carbon and any suitable laxative should be taken.
Term and storage conditions of the drug "Inta-vir"
The drug "Inta-vir", as stated in the instructions, can not be stored near food and medicines. In no case should he fall into the field of view of children, and especially in their hands. The permissible temperature range of storage of the drug is from -10 to +30 degrees.
Did you know? In 1958, Mao Zedong ordered the organization of a large-scale pest control company. During the season, 2 billion sparrows were destroyed and the density of crops increased. This all led to the fact that the yields dropped sharply and the Great Famine began in the Celestial Empire. 30 million people died. It was necessary to urgently restore the population of sparrows, importing them from Canada and the Soviet Union.
Recommendations for the protection of flora and fauna
The drug is toxic to bees, so for their movement it is necessary to allocate a protective zone with a diameter of 5 km and limit the flight time to 120 hours. Inta-vir is also dangerous for fish, therefore its use near water bodies at a distance of less than two kilometers is prohibited. The container from under the used solution must be burned or buried so that the product does not fall into the sewage system and the nearest water bodies.