Favorite by many breeders chickens breed Dwarf Velzumer

Dwarf breeds of chickens are beloved poultry for many collectors. They do not require maintenance in the big house, and also consume less feed. Dwarf Welzumer belongs to this type of breed.

Dwarf Welzumer is one of the most famous dwarf breeds bred by Dutch specialists. The formation of the breed occurred in the period from 1900 to 1930.

Rustic colored chickens, which were raised near the village of Welzumer of the same name, and dwarf Italian chickens were used as parents.

The Rhode Island dwarf form also took part in breeding the breed. Gradually, the breeders managed to get small birds with red and silver color.

Breed description Dwarf Welzumer

Dwarf velzumerov low-planted body, located horizontally in relation to the surface of the earth. Neck breed is characterized by an average length. On it plumage is not very well developed.

The chest of Weltzumer is also low set. It has a slight forward bend, giving it a more circular shape. The back is long, not very wide. The entire saddle is completely covered with feathers.

Gradually, it passes into the tail, located at an obtuse angle relative to the body of the bird. He has a small sickle standing out of rounded braids. The wings are closed, tightly pressed to the body.

The belly of this breed is voluminous and low. The head is of medium size, there is no plumage on the face. Comb simple form, medium size. It has from 4 to 6 teeth. The beard is short and round at the end.

Ear lobes are almond shaped. The bill is of medium length, its color can be both yellow and light yellow. The eyes are large, yellow-orange.

The hips and legs of this breed are very strong. They can be well seen under the plumage. The fingers are long and yellow, spread wide.

Many Russian breeders love Lohman Brown chickens for their egg quality.

About the rarer breed of chickens from Japan Ayam Tsemani, our specialists wrote a whole article, which is located at: //selo.guru/ptitsa/kury/porody/sportivno-dekorativnye/ayam-tsemani.html.

Dwarf Hens Velzumerov have a more massive body shape. Their stomach is well developed, rather soft to the touch. The back is wide, almost horizontal. The tail is closed, stands at an obtuse angle. The comb is very small, so it is almost invisible on the head of a chicken.


Dwarf Welsumer primarily attract breeders with their external data.

These birds are not very big, so compared to large chickens they seem to be toy birds. Because of their small size, they become ideal pets in limited summer cottages.

Chickens of this breed can live in small poultry houses or aviaries, so even novice breeders can keep them busy. In addition, small Velzumery do not require a large amount of grain feed, so their maintenance will not be too costly in finance.

These poultry attract not only small size. Dwarf Weltzumera are calm chickens. They easily get along with other pets and poultry, so for them you can not organize a separate house with a walk.

Despite its modest size, Dwarf Velzumera are able to carry more than 130 eggs per year. For ornamental small breeds, this level of egg production is considered to be quite large.

Unfortunately, this breed has almost no incubation instinct. Because of this, livestock owners need to buy an incubator in order to periodically update the parent flock.

Content and cultivation

When keeping the dwarf form of Velzumers, it is important to keep in mind that these chickens are susceptible to the action of cold. In the winter season, it is advisable not to let the birds on the run so that they do not freeze the ridges and legs.

It is also desirable to additionally warm the house with hay mixed with peat. If the breeder has additional financial means, then they can be equipped with heating in the house, which heats the velzumer's habitat much more efficiently.

In the aviary where this breed is kept, need to install a large pot of clay and sand. In it, chickens will arrange baths that help to get rid of parasites. This will help the livestock to avoid many invasive diseases.

As is well known, this breed has good egg productivity, so the breeder should carefully monitor the regular walking of the hens. It has long been proven that natural lighting favorably affects the overall egg production of the breed. In winter time in the house or aviary you need to organize artificial lighting.


Chickens Dwarf Velzumera poultry farmers always give chopped greens with yolk. This mix will help young birds get used to feeding with nutritious feeds. One week after hatching, it is replaced by cereals.

Adult hens of breed Welzumer must receive grain food, and the number of cereals in the combined feed should not be below 65%. Few breeders know that the grain for these birds can not be cleaned, since the husk is a source of mineral substances that are actively used by the bird's body.

As for the rest of the feed, greens, vegetables and insects should form its main part. As a rule, chickens themselves find insects during walking, but if it is absent, then you need to buy special food.


The total weight of Rooster Miniature Velzumer can vary from 1.2 to 1.4 kg. Laying hens of this breed can gain weight up to 1 kg. They lay on average up to 130-140 eggs per year, but breeders need to remember that the egg production of this breed is highly dependent on the amount of natural light received during walking.

On average, each egg with a light brown shell can reach a mass of 45 g. For incubation, the largest eggs should be selected.

Where can I buy in Russia?

  • Buy Dwarf Velzumerov possible on the farm "Bird paradise". It is located at the Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk district, Novinki village, 42. Here you can find not only hatching eggs and day-old chicks, but also the right feed, incubators and anti-parasitic preparations for these chickens. You can find out information about the cost of goods by phone phone: +7 (915) 049-71-13.
  • You can purchase adult chickens, eggs for incubation and daily chickens from Dwarf Velzumers in "Bird village". The farm is located in the Yaroslavl region, in an ecologically clean region, just 140 km from Moscow. To find out about the presence of poultry, you can specify the cost by calling +7 (916) 795-66-55.


For lovers of large chickens are great large Welsumer, from which the dwarf form was derived. These birds have exactly the same appearance as dwarfs, only they can gain a large body weight, and are also characterized by increased egg productivity.

The large form of this breed copes better with weather conditions, but it requires more feed and it needs a more spacious poultry house.

As a dwarf breed you can use Dwarf Cochinquins. They are characterized by small size, interesting appearance and low productivity. That is why this breed of domestic chickens is bred only for decorative purposes.


Dwarf Welzumera is a breed of chickens that is ideal for breeders who do not want to keep a large bird due to limited financial resources.

Welsomer hens can easily lay up to 140 eggs a year when fed with a small amount of feed. However, in order to increase egg productivity, a breeder needs to increase his walking hours.

Watch the video: The Best Chicken Breeds (January 2025).