What is useful for black cumin man, the use of cumin and its oil in traditional medicine

Spicy vegetables contain esters and other fragrant substances. We offer you a black cumin. Black cumin - it is a biennial umbrella plant, its beneficial properties are endless, although there are contraindications to use. The medicinal properties of black cumin are known since ancient times.

Did you know? Black cumin has a lot of names - kalondzhi, nipper, roman coriander.

The composition of black cumin

Scientists have conducted a number of studies and proved that cumin seeds contain a lot of elements that are useful for the human body:

  • squirrels,
  • fats,
  • carbohydrates
  • cellulose,
  • B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B9);
  • micro- and macronutrients, such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, selenium;
  • choline,
  • vitamin PP,
  • beta carotene
  • vitamins of groups E, C, K.
Due to the presence of useful ingredients, black cumin has found application in many areas of human life.

Important! One hundred grams of spice contains about 44.2 grams of carbohydrates, 22.2 grams of fat, 17.8 grams of protein, and about 10.5 grams of fiber and glucose. In addition, the composition of the cumin is a small amount of water.

Useful properties of black cumin

Useful properties of cumin used even physicians of ancient Egypt. Even today, during excavations, vessels with kalondzhi oil are found. Black cumin is useful not only for adults, but also for children. Black cumin seeds are boiled to babies and give an infusion when colic appears in the tummy. Also, cumin helps milk to arrive during lactation in women.

The overwhelming share of the beneficial properties of black cumin is in its gift to enhance human immunity. Due to its saturation with beneficial esters, the nipper improves the functioning of the digestive tract and helps with respiratory ailments. Black cumin has been widely used in current healing. Use chernushka independently for the manufacture of tinctures, decoctions and oils, as well as in combination with other herbs.

Did you know? The Prophet Mohammed said that black cumin can cure all ailments except death. There is no better expression that could fully describe the healing properties of cumin.

The use of black cumin in traditional medicine

Traditional medicine is widely used black cumin. Healers consider it a panacea for all ailments. But do not forget that the seeds of caraway seeds in addition to the beneficial properties of contraindications to use. Folk healers use kalondzhi for making broths and teas that have a healing effect on the human body.

With cold and flu

It is generally known to use the fruits of cumin for colds and flu. Its medicinal properties help to improve the discharge of sputum when coughing and save for colds.

When coughing. A tablespoon of seeds is poured 500 ml of boiling water and placed in a water bath for 10 minutes, filtered. Drink 20 minutes before a meal, 100 ml 3 times a day.

With a cold. Practice inhalation with the fruits of cumin. We prepare inhalation: we crush the seeds, put them in a saucepan, pour boiling water and cover with a lid. Leave to brew for 10 minutes, then remove the cover, cover the head with a veil and inhale the steam for 15 minutes.

Use of black cumin for headaches

In the event of a headache, you can also resort to healing with black cumin. The effect of getting rid of headaches and migraines is due to black cumin interaction with several body systems:

  • regulation of the hormonal system
  • dilation of blood vessels
  • destruction of uric acid.

For this we need the seeds of anise, cloves and black cumin. Grind the seeds in equal shares with a coffee grinder and use the resulting powder one teaspoon before meals.

Important! Drink the mixture is strictly prohibited.

You can also rub the place around the temple cumin oil, it helps to improve the blood supply and detoxification.

How does a plant help with ENT diseases?

To get rid of the cold you need to lubricate the nasal passages inside and out. When rhinitis in the nose insert cotton swabs moistened with oil for 15 minutes.

With hoarseness and wheezing, the oil in a quarter of a teaspoon is ingested or rinsing their throats. They make inhalations of sore throat with black cumin oil.

How cumin is used for eye diseases

In most cases, eye diseases are manifested by inflammation of the eyeball, burning sensation, and heaviness. The cause is infection.

For treatment, consider the most common methods:

  • smear caraway oil on the night of whiskey and eyelids. Along with this drink 7 drops of oil with hot tea. This remedy helps relieve eye pain.
  • Apply to eyes for 10 minutes. warm lotions: one tablespoon of seeds is brewed with 250 ml of water and infused for about half an hour.
  • they bury oil in their eyes (one drop each) in the morning and in the evening, and also drink a tablespoon of butter, jamming it with honey.

Did you know? The Cancer Immuno-Biological Laboratory in Southern California has proven that eating black cumin helps the body produce bone marrow and makes it difficult for cancer to grow.

How to use the beneficial properties of black cumin cosmetologists

In antiquity, the fairer women used black cumin oil as a rejuvenating agent. Found him use in the current cosmetology. Black cumin has gained widespread use due to vitamins, minerals and unsaturated acids that make up it and have a healing effect on the dermis and hair.

Caraway oil is used externally. However, it has both medicinal properties and contraindications:

  • oil eliminates and smoothes wrinkles;
  • raises skin tone and increases its elasticity;
  • contributes to the elimination of postpartum stretch marks;
  • tones and cleanses the skin from pollution, smoothes their relief;
  • due to the ability to stabilize the processes of blood and lymph circulation, the oil eliminates swelling and prevents the formation of cellulite.
With the above features, black cumin oil is used as the main component for the production of care products for problematic skin types, and it is also used as an additional component in the composition of hair masks.

Important! Most of the cosmetics used for anti-cellulite massages contain black cumin oil.

The use of cumin in dentistry

Black cumin oil contains a lot of substances that have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic effect. Due to the presence in the seeds of essential oils, they are used to make balms and mouth rinses. Black cumin oil has regenerating and healing qualities, so it is used to treat gingivitis, stomatitis, fluxes.

To eliminate dental ailments, oil is applied to sore spots or rinsed to the mouth.

The use of black cumin for weight loss

Black cumin is used to reduce weight. Healing properties have both seeds and oil. Consider a few common methods for weight loss using black cumin.

We take inside. Cumin seeds chew on an empty stomach or drink cumin oil after a meal. For slimming, you can use the broth of nihushki. Two teaspoons of seeds is poured 500 ml of boiling water, put for 10 minutes in a water bath, filtered. Take a decoction inside of 100 ml three times a day one hour before meals. Cumin improves digestion, stabilizes metabolic processes, which favors weight loss.

Outdoor use. For the massage, a cocktail of caraway, pink and grapefruit oils is prepared. Heat the oil in the palms and apply with small circular gestures from the ankles to the waist. Massage do about 7 minutes at each problem area, until the mixture is absorbed. They perform a manipulation at bedtime so that the body does not become supercooled. In addition, black cumin oil is able to tighten the skin when sagging.

Contraindications to the use of black cumin

People believe that cumin has only medicinal properties, but there are also contraindications to use. Oil and seeds of roman coriander It is not advisable to use for a number of ailments, such as diabetes, gastritis, heart disease, hypotension. It is forbidden to use black cumin to pregnant women, as it causes uterine contraction, and to people who have undergone an organ transplant. Due to an increase in immunity, transplant rejection may occur.

Watch the video: 9 Reasons To Have A Teaspoon Of Black Cumin Seed Oil Every Day (December 2024).