Chemical composition and use of oregano

Oregano - herbaceous perennial plant, widespread throughout the world. Its popularization covers the expanses of glades, forest edges, forests and grassy areas. In a number of states, oregano is cultivated for the purpose of further application in various qualities. Along with the demand for this plant, its unpretentiousness, it differs from a number of herbs in an incredible symbiosis of useful properties.

This unique culture has many names, such as Ladanka, zenovka, oregano, motherboard and others, but behind all of them hidden oregano known to every person.

The chemical composition of oregano

Due to its chemical composition, oregano can easily compete with the prevailing majority of well-known drugs and products. It is caused by a high concentration in the composition of medicinal substances. For medicinal purposes, dried flowers and leaves of the plant are actively used, on the basis of which they produce alcoholic and aqueous tinctures and decoctions.

Oregano is also saturated with essential oils, organic acids, phenols and coumarins. Separate substances from the selected chemical composition of oregano demonstrate high efficiency in the treatment of a number of diseases, especially if they are combined with each other.

Thus, the herb and the inflorescences of the plant contain about 1.5% of the essential oil, which contains aromatic alcohol, carvacrop, thymol; free spirits; geranyl acetate. During the flowering period oregano secrete polyphenolic compounds, glycosides. Among other things, with the help of modern technologies and techniques, tannins, ascorbic acid and fatty oil, which has a pleasant smell and has unique bactericidal properties, are actively released from the plant.

What is useful oregano

The popularity and wide distribution of this plant over time caused a lot of questions about the usefulness of oregano for humans.. Faced with a wide range of modern uses of grass, many are surprised and admired, which is not surprising. The use of oregano, thanks to its beneficial properties, is currently virtually unlimited.

Various compositions, tinctures and decoctions based on this medicinal herb are actively used in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, and a number of chronic diseases of various nature. The active substances in the chemical composition of oregano, have a stimulating effect on the secretion of gastric juice, as well as normalize digestion, increase appetite. Oregano decoctions, which are often a panacea in traditional medicine recipes, are an excellent expectorant. The calming effect, which also differs medicinal oregano, in turn, often helps people suffering from chronic insomnia and constant nervous tension.

It is noteworthy that the properties of oregano in medicine are used even in the treatment of a number of skin diseases, such as rashes and boils. Despite the wide range and variety of beneficial properties of the herb, its effect on the body of men and women often varies, which is why it is desirable to understand the usefulness of oregano for men and women.

Did you know? Oregano is the source of a number of antioxidants that actively support and protect the human immune system, as well as prevent premature aging. Broths and herbal infusions can significantly slow down the development of cancers, atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Among the scientifically proven beneficial properties of oregano also distinguish anti-inflammatory and sedative effect. So, in 2004, the authoritative scientific journal "Clinical and Experimental Allergy" published the results of many years of research, which proved that the use of oregano is most effective in treating allergic asthma.

The benefits of oregano for men

Along with the generally recognized benefits of the properties of medicinal herbs, experts identify rather specific indicators of the effect of oregano on the body of men. In addition to treating the gastrointestinal tract, the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system and other organs, the recipe of traditional medicine says that infusions and decoctions of oregano can help a man to get rid of alcohol addiction and tobacco smoking.

Important! In pursuit of quick treatment, one should not exaggerate the volume of consumed decoctions and infusions based on oregano, since a large concentration of soothing substances contained in the grass can reduce a man’s sexual desire and / or even lead to the development of impotence.

Useful properties for women

Over the years, almost every doctor and folk healer knows the benefits of oregano for women. Oregano-based drugs can help women in the treatment of countless gynecological diseases. For example, a decoction is able to relieve the girl from pain during menstruation, as well as to normalize the lost cycle of menstruation.

Among other things, the grass helps to increase the formation of milk during lactation. Immediately after the birth of the baby, Oregano helps to quickly return to normal, to the usual rhythm of life, and also restores the uterus and normalizes the menstruation cycle. Some experts and folk healers believe that oregano, the beneficial properties of which are already numerous, can help girls who are not actively developing their genitals and breasts. However, this opinion is shared by numerous women who have personally successfully tested this tool.

In addition to all of the above, with menopause, a herbal remedy helps to remove unpleasant painful hot flashes, and also relieves migraines and nervousness of the nervous system.

Important! During pregnancy, the use of oregano (oregano) in any form is strictly prohibited, because the chemical composition of the herb contains substances that cause miscarriages.

The use of oregano in traditional medicine. Recipes

In addition to the official medical use, in folk medicine oregano is also often and effectively used. Over the years, healers and healers skillfully answer the question "Oregano grass: what does", which is so common lately. A variety of folk recipes based on oregano is inconceivable, but the most popular and effective ones are known to almost everyone.

1. Oregano useful properties of tea

To prepare, you need 20 grams of pre-prepared, dried flowering buds to crumble and pour a liter of boiling water. You can add a little dry lime and / or mint. Infused such tea for 5-10 minutes, then carefully filtered. 2-3 cups a day of oregano-based tea help to soothe the inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and the urogenital system. Under stress, a cup of tea can calm the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

2. Infusion of oregano

20 grams of dried oregano billet need to pour 40 ml of alcohol or vodka and put in a dark, cold place for a day. After that, it is insisted by a liter of boiling water. After an hour you can strain the tincture. Teas based on such infusions (no more than 4 cups a day) contribute to sputum withdrawal, calming cough, and also treating bronchitis, pneumonia and other diseases.

3. Oregano Massage Oil

100 grams of dried oregano flowers should be added to 500 ml of olive oil, the resulting product should be thoroughly whipped and put in a warm place, filtered before use. Oil helps with pains in the limbs, temples, general headaches. To do this, rub the composition in small circular movements 2-3 times a day. In addition, oregano is one of the main components of the treatment for lichen planus. If the recipes of traditional medicine do not relieve symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Did you know? Regular consumption of oregano in food significantly increases the body's defenses and contributes to additional protection against pathogenic bacteria of various nature. According to the published results of laboratory tests carried out on animals, oregano oil activates the production processes of white blood cells. Moreover, the substances contained in oregano are capable of destroying the protective shells of a number of viruses, which boosts immunity.

How to use oregano in cooking

Oregano herb is often used in cooking as a spice. The spice is obtained from the top of the stem of the plant, its leaves and flowers. Collecting herbs for culinary use at the end of the summer. In many countries, traditional national cuisine is impossible without the use of this spice.

For example, in Belgium and France, it has been used in meat and mushroom dishes, and in Italy - in pizza. The taste of oregano (oregano) gives an extraordinary aroma, combined with a delicate bitter-spicy taste. It is noteworthy that the plant has a rich taste, that is, it is quite enough to add it in small quantities. Oregano is often a key component in the composition of fragrant compositions used for liver, pate, sausages. Housewives are actively using dried oregano in the preparation of baked potatoes with vegetables. In addition, in almost every home cooking book, it is noted that oregano goes well with stewed, baked, fried dishes, as well as with sauces and gravies.

Such dishes are distinguished by a gentle, but very rich taste. On the basis of oregano they often make spicy stuffing for meat dishes, eggs and pies. Moreover, the marinade for pickles and pickled vegetables also often contains this spice. The combination of oregano with other spices, such as black pepper, basil, marjoram, rosemary, is almost unique and inimitable in its aroma and taste.

Did you know? On the territory of our state oregano has long been added to the traditional components in the preparation of kvass and beer. The grass gave the drinks a special aroma and protected them from souring during prolonged storage.

How to procure medical raw materials

Oregano grass, the use of which is possible for various purposes and industries, is collected during the flowering period of the plant and the full disclosure of its flower buds. This period falls on June-August. It is noteworthy that the collection can be done later, but in the fall the content of certain substances, such as essential oils, decreases, which reduces the quality and benefits of the grass as a whole.

As a rule, only oregano tops are prepared with a size of about 20-30 cm. Dry the grass in the open air or indoors with good ventilation, but be sure to protect the workpiece from direct sunlight. Faster drying of the plant is possible with the help of specialized forced-draft dryers, which maintain a constant air temperature of about 40 degrees. It is noteworthy that when this temperature is exceeded in the process of drying of oregano, its useful properties are partially lost, as the essential oils evaporate.

The process of harvesting is considered complete and correct when the grass stem breaks when bent slightly. Harvested oregano has a spicy, spicy smell and astringent, tart taste. Keep it away from other medicinal herbs.

Important! When keeping oregano, the whole period of preserving the properties of the plant is about a year. After that, the use of the workpiece is undesirable because of the likelihood of side effects. You can increase the shelf life by chafing grass and placing it in an airtight container. In this state, oregano can be used up to three years.

Oregano: contraindications and harm

Along with the irrefutable benefits of this medicinal plant in some cases, its use is contraindicated. In view of this, it is necessary to understand not only the usefulness of the oregano herb, but also what consequences and in what case may be.

First of all, it is worth remembering that oregano contains a large amount of substances, so the application must be combined with individual tolerance and the absence of allergies. Excessive use of oregano can reduce sexual desire, and in men even provoke a decrease in potency. Contraindications include increased acidity of the stomach, as well as hypertension in the latter stages.

Due to the properties of herbs in folk medicine, oregano is considered to be an effective means of stimulating miscarriages. That is why taking oregano is contraindicated for pregnant women. Essential oils contained in oregano, in some cases, can cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, so the volume of spice consumed must be controlled and minimized.

Oregano - herbaceous plant with a unique set of useful properties and applications. Modern traditional and traditional medicine, as well as cooking is impossible without the use of this plant. But, despite the panacea, which is almost oregano, its reception is not allowed to everyone, so you need to use spice in small quantities.

Watch the video: 7 Health Benefits Of Oregano (January 2025).