Cascade petunia and super cascade: varieties, planting and care

For the past two centuries, the flower petunia attracts the attention of flower growers and breeders. There are several reasons for this. First, they love her for the wondrous beauty of flowers: bright, large, diverse colors and shapes. Secondly, it has a very long flowering period. Third, petunia is one of the few plants that combines well with other garden crops. And fourthly, it is unpretentious in the cultivation and care.

Did you know? Petunia got its name from the word "petun" - this is the name for tobacco in Brazil, where this flower comes from. It was under this name that the French biologist Jean Baptiste Lamarck first described petunia.

Petunia (Petunia) It belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennials of the family of the nightshade. It has about 40 species, among which there are annuals. The flower is used for decoration of gardens, city beds, fences, and rooms, balconies, houses.

In this article we will focus on the details of growing cascade or ampelous petunias.

Features of cascade and super cascade petunias

Cascade petunia was bred in the 60s of the nineteenth century as a result of cell hybridization. From all other types of ampelous or "hanging" petunia differs in length and flexibility of stems that grow downward, as if cascading. It grows quickly, grows well. Often hanging cascades petunias can be found in hanging pots on balconies, window frames, terraces, gazebos, lampposts.

At length shoots of cascade petunias reach 1-2.5 meters. The size, color of flowers, duration of flowering and methods of reproduction vary depending on the type of plant. The main feature of all cascade petunias is resistance to cold and adverse weather conditions.

By the way, sometimes ampelous petunia and cascade petunia are distinguished into separate species, although there are no fundamental differences in their form or in their care.

Popular varieties of cascade and super cascade petunias

We have already said that breeders are not indifferent to petunias. Vivid evidence of this is the many varieties and hybrids of this flower.

All varieties and hybrids of cascade petunias can be divided into three groups:

  • with flexible, durable lateral stems that grow downwards;
  • with stems that grow upwards and fall down as they reach a certain length;
  • short lashes with short lashings (super cascade petunia).
The most popular varieties of cascade petunias - "Surfinia" (Surfinia), "Conchita" (Konchita), "Fortunia" (Wonderwave), "Rambleen" (Ramblin), "Typhoon" (Typhoon Wave), "Tornado" (Tornado), "Rose" (Rose), Tidal Wave, Gioconda, etc.

Speaking about popular varieties, it is necessary to mention that such petunia is super cascade. Supercascade - This is a cultivar of a large-flowered petunia, which forms continuously flowering cascades of many large (12 cm in diameter) flowers. It is characterized by early and longer flowering. Forms not very long, but well-branched shoots. This series is often used for planting in balcony boxes, flowerpots, hanging baskets.

What love cascade petunias

Since petunia was originally a resident of hot and humid countries, she loves warmth, plenty of moisture and a long light day. However, in the process of selection, hybrids were bred that endure the absence of these factors. Petunia cascade and its varieties just belong to the category of weather resistant. However, like all plants, when grown, it requires adherence to certain agrotechnical rules.

Choosing a landing site: what should be the lighting, humidity and temperature

Since all petunias are warm and light-loving, if you plant it in the garden, it is better to take care of it to grow in an open, sunny place. In the shade the shoots are too stretched, the leaves become larger, and the flowers are smaller. If you plant it on windows or balconies, then it is better to do it from the south-west or south side.

Petunia is resistant to droughts and excessive moisture, but does not tolerate stagnant water. The plant can withstand temperatures up to -10 ° C. Sensitive to high temperatures.

Usually, petunia easily tolerates adverse weather conditions, however, shoots and flowers can be damaged by rain and wind. Therefore, if the flowers grow in pots, in such weather they are best moved to a safe place or think it over in advance.

Pots for growing cascade petunias

When choosing a pot for this plant, it should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to plant more than one flower in a capacity of up to 5 liters. Otherwise, fighting for a place in the sun, they will interfere with each other and lose their decorative effect. In large pots with sizes of 10-14 liters two or three plants can get along. In the case of planting petunias in pots, it must be borne in mind that the distance between the stems of plants should be at least 15-20 cm

Did you know? In Europe, it is not customary to plant in monoculture pots - there are usually used 2-3 plant varieties. We give advice on which petunias and with which flowers to plant in pots are better together. The compositions will be very beautiful: cascade petunia - bidens - ipomoea; Petunia - Calibrahoa - Bacopa; Colius - cascade petunia - Allisum, verbena - super cascade petunia - Calibrahoa, etc.

In the pots with a diameter of 28 cm, 3-5 double petunias and 5-7 ordinary cascade ones can be planted.

How to plant cascade and super cascade petunias

In order to achieve beautiful waterfalls from the petunia and lush flowering, it is necessary to follow several recommendations for its care and cultivation. They relate to soil requirements, planting and watering technology, fertilizing and nipping.

Soil requirements

Cascade petunias live well in fertile soils, however they prefer loamy and sandy loam most of all. The ground should be loose, moist, light and neutral in acidity.

For planting in pots, you can use the following soil composition:

  • turf ground (2);
  • leafy ground (2);
  • peat (1);
  • coarse river sand (1).
The following composition is also possible:

  • turf ground (1);
  • peat (1);
  • humus (1);
  • sand (1).

Important! The bottom of the pot must be covered with a layer of expanded clay to retain moisture in the soil, and also not forget that the bottom should be with holes to remove excess water.

The technology of landing cascade and super cascade petunias (seeding scheme + terms).

Very much depends on the quality of planting material - it’s better to stop your choice on imported seeds. And be sure to buy them only in proven specialized stores.

The recommended time for sowing is February. At home - the end of March. In this case, the flowering need to wait in May and June.

For sowing, it is necessary to take a shallow container with a drainage hole, fill it with the substrate, not getting 1-1.5 cm to the edge. Petunias are sown on the surface of the soil, not powdered with earth, otherwise they simply will not germinate. In order to make it easier to level, resorted to using a toothpick.

Did you know? Since the seeds of petunia are very small and when planting it is difficult to see exactly how they are placed in the ground, you can plant them on the snow. It is easier to evenly distribute them on white snow.

Sown seeds should be sprinkled with water and covered with plastic wrap or glass, paper, and agrotechnical tissue. (Some petunia breeders advise planting seeds in food containers with lids.)

The room where the seeds germinate should be well lit, it is important to maintain the temperature in it not lower than + 20 ° С (optimal - + 23 ° С). Since ample plants need a lot of light, it would be very good to arrange additional lighting for 14-20 hours. At home, you can use a fluorescent lamp.

Periodically crops need to be aired (for 10-15 minutes), and also to check the soil moisture.

Shoots should appear within one to two weeks. If after this period they have not yet appeared, it is not worth waiting for them - either the sprouts will not be at all, or the plants from them will come out weak and unsuitable.

Proper care of seedlings, feeding cascade petunias (+ transplanting in open ground or in hanging pots)

When the ends of the leaflets of the seedlings touch the lid or glass, the container with them should be opened. From now on, it is very necessary to control the soil moisture - it is important not to overdry or pour it. Watering is carried out in the pan or under the root.

As soon as the seedlings can be picked up with your fingers (or with the appearance of three leaves), they need to be picked out - planted in separate containers.

Important! If, as a result, you want to get good flowers with a developed root system, you can start planting seedlings in small containers, but after a month they will need to be moved to a larger container. Such plants are easier to adapt in open ground.

In order for the flowers to give good side shoots and not to stretch out strongly, during this period they need to organize the temperature regime at + 18-20 ° C, at night - + 15 ° C. In no case should water the leaves.

A week after picking, the plants need to be fed with a universal complex fertilizer. If the seedlings are weakened, they can be helped with nitrogen fertilizers.

Subject to all recommendations and successful shoots, seedlings will be ready for transplanting into a flower bed by mid-May - early June. If the weather is favorable at the same time, seedlings can be planted in balcony boxes or hanging pots.

How to care for an adult plant

When your petunia has grown, you need to continue to control two factors: soil moisture and the presence of nutrients in it. In addition, in order for the petunia to have a beautiful shape and bloom magnificently, you should get rid of the top shoots and extra inflorescences. This is done by pinching. If you are wondering if you need to pinch a cascade petunia, we highly recommend it, since this procedure is necessary for it to properly form and grow.

Primary pinching is done when the bush enters the phase of active growth and the shoots reach a length of 5-7 cm. At this point, the growing point above the fifth leaf is removed. This will allow the side shoots to grow. From the bosom of each leaf grows a new shoot. Perform this procedure on a monthly basis.

They also hold a weekly pinch of cascade petunias, removing excess buds along with seed pods. So you will help the plant to bloom more abundantly, because the removal of the ovary stimulates the development of new flower buds.

Features of watering cascade petunias

It is necessary to water a petunia daily, during the dry period - twice a day. Water should infiltrate the entire soil, from top to bottom, as evidenced by its leakage through the drainage holes. Also, plants will enjoy the daily spraying of the spray. It is advisable to put the pots weekly in a container with cold water. With the onset of cold weather, the amount of watering is reduced.

Plant nutrition and fertilizer

The key to good growth and flowering plants is its regular feeding. During the flowering period of once every two weeks, petunia must be fertilized with a full complex fertilizer for flowers, preferably with a predominance of potassium and magnesium.

Breeding methods for cascade and super cascade petunias

In addition to the seed method, cascade petunia can multiply vegetatively. To do this in the fall should select healthy, well-developed plants, which later become maternal. The biggest problem with reproduction in this way will be to ensure proper conditions for the preservation of queen cells — good long-term illumination and a temperature regime of + 12-15 ° C. The cuttings are carried out in February-March. For cuttings use the upper parts of the shoots with a length of 4-6 cm. They are immediately planted in the substrate and covered with a film or lutrasil.

For root formation, a temperature of + 20-22 ° C is suitable. Under normal conditions, the roots are formed in 6-10 days. After another 10-12 days, the cuttings can be planted in pots, after pinching their tops for the proper formation of cascade petunias.

So, we have analyzed in detail how it is necessary to cultivate cascade and super cascade petunia and under what conditions it must be grown. Following these recommendations, you will definitely be able to grow beautiful waterfalls from flowers that will delight you with their flowering throughout the summer.

Watch the video: Trailing Petunia: Part 1 (December 2024).