Red Chickens: Top 10

Around the world, breeders do not stop working on improving different types of chickens. Efficiency, quality of eggs and meat are constantly increased, immunity is strengthened and the ability to adapt is developed. Let's get acquainted with the most popular breeds of chickens with plumage of different shades of red.

Yerevan red

Yerevan red refers to meat and egg breeds.

It will be useful for you to learn about the breeds of chickens, which are classified as meat-egg: "Master Gray", "Kyrgyz Gray", "Bress Gali", "Australorp", "Moscow Black".

This bird was bred at the Institute of Animal Husbandry. The main goal was to improve the productivity of local breeds. For breeding local chickens, New Hampshire and Rhode Island breeds were used.

As a result, received unpretentious and hardy birds with good egg production and high-quality meat.

Exterior standards:

  • torso - strong with a wide breast;
  • head - medium size;
  • eyes - red-yellow, medium size;
  • crest - small, toothed;
  • earrings - small, rounded, red;
  • beak - medium in size, slightly curved;
  • neck - well developed, thickish;
  • wings - tightly pressed to the body;
  • legs - well developed, strong, yellow;
  • tail - small, raised up;
  • plumage - thick, red-fawn color.

The weight of the adult hen is about 2.5 kg, and that of the rooster is 4.5 kg. At 5.5 months, puberty begins and chickens begin to trot. One chicken carries about 160 eggs per year, one egg weighs an average of 60 g.

Character Birds are quite calm and friendly, they quickly adapt to new conditions.

Hatching instinct well developed. The hen of the Yerevan breed perfectly incubates and takes care of it.

The bird needs regular walking and high-quality diverse feed. Productivity depends on these factors.

Did you know? A hen always lays eggs only in the light.


England is the birthplace of the Red-tailed. The goal of the breeders was to get meat and egg breed with good egg production and tasty meat. For this, New Hampshires were crossed with White Sorries and Plymouthrocks. The breed quickly spread to many European countries. It is popular on poultry farms.

Typical external signs of the Red-tailed breed:

  • torso - strong and wide;
  • head - medium size;
  • eyes - yellow, medium size;
  • crest - small, leaf-shaped, upright;
  • earrings - small, pink;
  • beak - medium size;
  • neck - medium length with a slight bend;
  • wings - small;
  • legs - strong, yellow;
  • tail - small;
  • the plumage is red-brown in color with white ends on the steering and flight feathers.

The white-tailed hen weighs about 3 kg, and the rooster weighs 4 kg. White-tailed laying hens have a good egg-laying capacity, it can reach 160 eggs a year, the egg weighs about 60 g. These chickens start laying eggs in half a year, but having reached the age of 4, they completely cease to nest.

They are discreet and calm. characterreal phlegmatic

White-tailed bad maternal instinct of incubation, so for the offspring is better to use an incubator.

The red-tailed breed loves a variety of foods and has a great appetite. It is necessary to take care of a spacious chicken coop and a walking yard. High hedge is not needed - the birds will not want and will not be able to fly away.

Red dominant

The red dominant was bred by Czech breeders. Their goal was to create a highly productive egg breed with good health that easily adapts to severe weather conditions. The best representatives of the breeds were used for crossing: Leggorn, Rhode Island, Sussex, Plymouthrock and Cornish.

Dominants are easily adaptable, unpretentious in care and feeding, have gained popularity in many countries around the world.

Learn more about the dominant breed of chickens.

Externally, the Red dominant breed is similar to Rhode Island, but is less stunted.

Exterior standards:

  • torso - strong, massive;
  • the head is small;
  • eyes - orange, medium size;
  • crest - small leaf-shaped, upright, bright scarlet color;
  • earrings - small, scarlet;
  • beak - small;
  • neck - medium length;
  • wings - small, tightly pressed to the body;
  • legs are short, light yellow, covered with feathers;
  • tail - small;
  • plumage - magnificent, red with a brown shade.

An adult chicken weighs about 2.5 kg, and a rooster weighs 3.5 kg. Dominant begin to sweep in 5 months, and the maximum productivity is reached in one and a half years. For 1 year the chicken can carry more than 300 eggs weighing about 70 g.

Character The dominants are fairly calm and peaceful, but they are very loud.

Instinct brooding in this breed is poorly developed, it is difficult to breed offspring at home.

Birds can be kept in open-air cages and on free grazing, they do not fly and they do not need a high fence. Dominants are unpretentious in nutrition, have good immunity, withstand low temperatures, but do not like the heat.

Important! Most of the breeds of layers are most productive in the first 2 years. Then the number of eggs laid gradually decreases.

a red star

The red star has a high egg production, productivity, good character and endurance. To obtain the desired result, local American chickens were crossed. The red star is bred on large poultry farms on an industrial scale.

External signs of the Red Star:

  • torso - medium size;
  • the head is small;
  • eyes are orange-red;
  • crest - small, upright, red;
  • earrings - small, red;
  • beak - small;
  • the neck is short;
  • wings - medium size, tightly pressed to the body;
  • legs are light yellow, of medium length;
  • tail is small;
  • plumage - reddish.

The chicken is small and weighs about 2.5 kg, the rooster is 3 kg. The red star begins to fly early, at 4.5-5 months. Productivity of layers - about 300 eggs per year, with an average weight of 70 g.

Character the birds are calm and docile, they are in perfect contact with the person and get used to the owner, easily get along with other birds.

Maternal hen instinct is weak. Representatives of the breed tolerate high and low temperatures, have good immunity, but are very active, so it is necessary for them to build a high fence. They have a good appetite and may be obese.

Red Kuban breed of chickens

Red Kuban was bred in the Krasnodar Territory, its ancestors - the best representatives of Rhode Island and Leggorn. Birds are characterized by good egg productivity and viability, do not require special conditions of maintenance and economical in the use of feed.

Exterior of the Red Kuban:

  • torso - large;
  • the head is small;
  • crest - large, leaf-shaped, red;
  • earrings - red;
  • beak - small;
  • the neck is short;
  • wings - medium size, tightly pressed to the body;
  • legs are strong;
  • tail is small;
  • plumage - dense, red-brown color.

Kuban layers weigh about 2 kg, and roosters weigh up to 3 kg. Chickens start to be born very early, at 4 months, they are distinguished by excellent productivity - up to 330 large eggs per year.

Phlegmatic and stress resistant character allows birds to adapt quickly in a new place, they are quite calm and friendly, but at the same time curious.

Maternal instinct chickens are preserved, they perfectly incubate eggs and care for young offspring.

Kuban chickens have excellent health, endurance and early productivity. They are unpretentious and highly profitable, suitable for small farms and industrial poultry farms. True, over time, egg production gradually decreases.

Kuchinsky anniversary

Kuchinsky Jubilee has good productivity and refers to meat and egg breeds. It was created in the Soviet Union and preserved the genes of the extinct Livenian breed. Birds are disease resistant and easily adapt to new living conditions.

Exterior of Kuchinsky anniversary:

  • torso - massive, large;
  • head - medium size;
  • crest - large, leaf-shaped, red;
  • earrings - red;
  • beak - small;
  • the neck is short;
  • wings - small, tightly pressed to the body;
  • legs - strong, short;
  • tail - medium size;
  • plumage - light brown.

Kuchinsky anniversary can reach a weight of up to 3 kg, and a rooster - up to 4.5 kg. In 5-5.5 months, puberty begins, and then egg laying begins. The productivity of a chicken in one year is 180-200 eggs weighing up to 65 g.

The breeds of chickens with good egg production include such as "Barnevelder", "Moscow White", "Gilyanskaya", "Hungarian Giant".

Kuchinsky Jubilee is distinguished by high activity and curious character, does not like a closed space and is constantly in motion.

The brooding instinct is well developed, the chicken incubates the eggs and takes care of the offspring.

Birds love to eat and are prone to obesity, so they should not be overfed.

Did you know? For receiving fertilized eggs, 1 rooster per 10 hens is needed.


Redbro is originally from England, but very popular in France and the USA. Were bred by crossing Malayan fighting cocks with the best Cornish women. Redbro belong to the meat and egg direction, have a tasty dietary meat and good egg production rates.

Exterior Redbro:

  • torso - large;
  • the head is big;
  • crest - large, leaf-shaped, red;
  • earrings - red, round;
  • beak - short, yellow, slightly curved;
  • the neck is long;
  • wings - small, tightly pressed to the body;
  • legs - strong, long, yellow;
  • tail - small;
  • plumage - dense, red-brown color, maybe black tail.

Chicken mass Redbro - about 3.5 kg, rooster - 4.5 kg. Egg production period starts at 5-6 months. The hen lays 160 eggs in the first year of life. Egg mass - 60

Redbro calm and livable, with other birds behave peacefully. They love spacious chicken coops and walking courtyards.

Hatching instinct saved, but not used by households. The reason is that the new generation of chickens are deteriorating all indicators of productivity.

Redbro is characterized by fast weight gain and high performance, good resistance to various diseases and unpretentiousness to feed.

Rhode Island

Rhode Island is one of the most popular meat and egg breeds. It was bred in the United States, unpretentious in content, has excellent taste of meat and good egg production.

Exterior of Rhode Island:

  • trunk - large, oblong;
  • head - medium size;
  • crest - upright, leaf-shaped, red;
  • earrings - bright red, round;
  • beak - medium size, brown, curved;
  • the neck is long;
  • wings - small, with wide feathers;
  • legs - strong, orange;
  • tail - small, black with green overflow;
  • plumage - dense, brilliant, dark brown color.

Chicken mass can reach 3 kg, rooster - 4 kg. Layers start to be born at 7 months. Egg production rate - 170 eggs per year, an egg to lead an average of 60 g. Eggs and meat are valued for excellent taste and quality, the weight of the carcass is about 2.8 kg.

Character calm, sociable and peaceful. Rhode Island does not create much noise.

Instinct incubation is underdeveloped.

They are characterized by increased vitality and unpretentiousness, they love free-range walking.

Important! For chickens it is necessary to provide a tank with sand and ash for baths. Such procedures relieve the birds from parasites.


Tetra, originally from Hungary, is characterized by good egg production and meat taste. Popular in many countries, the breed is bred both in small farms and on an industrial scale.

Exterior breed Tetra:

  • torso - large, rectangular;
  • the head is small;
  • crest - upright, leaf-shaped, scarlet;
  • earrings - bright red, round;
  • beak - strong, light yellow;
  • the neck is long;
  • wings - medium length, tight to the body;
  • legs are strong, light yellow;
  • tail - medium size;
  • plumage - dense, brilliant, brown color.

Average chicken weight - 2.5 kg, and roosters - 3 kg. Egg production comes early, at 4-5 months. Egg performance - 309 eggs per year, eggs are large enough, about 65 g, with good taste. Meat tender and dietary, very tasty.

Character The representatives of Tetra are calm and docile, the birds are friendly and have easy contact with the person.

Hatching instinct Hungarian chickens lost.

Tetra - universal, highly productive, resistant to diseases, unpretentious, like walking.

Foxy chick

Foxy chik meat and egg breed was bred in Hungary, they are also called Hungarian giants. Birds are distinguished by strong stocky build and bright plumage, good productivity.

Exterior foxy chick:

  • trunk - large, wide;
  • the head is small;
  • eyes are orange;
  • crest - medium size, leafy, bright scarlet;
  • earrings - bright red, round;
  • the beak is yellow;
  • neck - medium length;
  • wings - medium length, tight to the body;
  • legs - strong, yellow;
  • tail - medium size;
  • plumage - dense, bright red or orange-brown.

Foxy chickens can weigh up to 3.5 kg, and roosters up to 4.5 kg. Egg-laying begins early, at 4-5 months. In the year the layer produces 250-300 eggs weighing about 60-70 g.

Character Hungarian birds are peace-loving, they are active and curious, they are energetically looking for food on the ground.

The representatives of this breed have a very well developed maternal instinct, they selflessly and patiently hatch eggs, take care of the offspring.

Foxy chick adapts remarkably to new conditions, tolerates cold, is unpretentious, and has excellent immunity and good productivity.

So, we looked at the most popular breed of red chickens with different areas of productivity. Universal meat-egg and egg, with different characteristics and characteristics. Some chickens have retained maternal instinct.

All breeds have good productivity, good health and peaceful nature. Depending on preferences, you can select and breed one of these breeds.

Watch the video: The Top Ten Most Beautiful Chickens (January 2025).