How to plant and grow a daffodil in a pot

Many people think that daffodils are exclusively garden plants. However, these flowers can be planted and grown at home in a pot. They are unpretentious, easy to clean. This article discusses the main varieties of narcissus for planting and care at home, the rules for the selection of bulbs, especially planting and supervision of indoor plants.

Narcissus: suitable varieties for growing at home

Daffodils can take root in your home in pots and delight with beautiful flowers from December to March. However, not all varieties of plants are suitable for growing at home. The most suitable for planting in pots are such varieties:

  • Avalanche.
  • Paper.
  • Inbal.
  • Ziva.
  • Magnet.
  • Grand Soleil d'Or.
  • Erlichir.
All varieties except Magnet and Grand Soleil d'Or may have three color options: beige, cream, white. The first two representatives exist only in yellow. The Avalanche flowers have a yellow center and white petals, and Erlicir differs from others in an interesting shape of flowers, which resembles velvet in appearance. The most unpretentious and long-flowering are considered to be Avalansh, Bumazhny and Ziva.

How to choose bulbs for planting

Daffodil bulbs for growing at home have special requirements for size and care. If you want the plant to stick well in a potted pot, choose large bulbs. They should not be damaged (holes, black spots, scratches, areas of festering). After purchasing the bulbs of room daffodils is recommended as soon as possible to plant in pots. Before planting, planting material should be stored in a dark, dry and well-ventilated place.

Important! In a damp or very warm room, the bulbs begin to take root ahead of time, and may also suffer from fungal damage.

How to plant a daffodil, basic requirements

Daffodils unpretentious. However, in order for the plant to stick well and have long pleased you with its charming flowering, you must adhere to certain rules of planting and care. When they are executed, the flowers of the narcissus can be admired from the winter until the middle of March. Sometimes there are complaints that the plant has no signs of disease and damage, but very little or does not bloom at all. Most often the cause of such trouble lies in the wrong approach to planting.

How to choose a pot for daffodils

The pot for planting daffodils should be low (about 15 cm), medium in size (10 to 13 cm). In one such pot can be planted from two to four bulbs, depending on their size and variety. Best of all, if it is clay or ceramic container.

Important! If the pot is tall or overly wide, the plant will not bloom.
On the bottom of the pot must be present holes. They serve to ensure that excess water during irrigation can get out of the tank. In another case, the moisture will stagnate in the ground, which will lead to rotting of the plant.

What should be the soil for planting daffodil

In flower shops you can buy a special soil for daffodils. However, this plant will take root well in the usual garden soil. In order to better bloom the daffodils, it is recommended to add some sawdust, river sand or clay to the ground.

The earth should be soft and crumbly. If there are breasts in the soil, and the particles of the earth begin to stick together among themselves, the soil will not receive enough oxygen, which will lead to the defeat of the plant by fungal diseases. It is recommended to fertilize the soil with minerals or wood ash.

Did you know? White paper variety daffodils can be placed in a glass beaker with gravel. At the same time, the tip of the bulb should peek out a little (about 5 mm), and the bottom (approximately 1, 5-2 cm) is covered with water.

How to plant a daffodil

With the choice of capacity and soil, we have already figured out, now we will decide on how to properly plant daffodils. At the bottom of the pot should be placed drainage (small pebbles, pebbles) layer of about three fingers. This will serve for better oxygen circulation and the ability to remove excess water during irrigation. Next, fill the container to the edge of the soil. The bulbs are placed on top and slightly pressed into the ground. The top of the planting material should peek over the edge of the pot.

The number of bulbs placed in the pot depends on its size. For example, in a container with a diameter of 9 cm you can put three onions with a size of 10-11 cm. In no case should the bulbs stick together. After planting, the ground is watered. No need to fill the pot, otherwise planting material will rot or start to hurt. In order for the bulbs to take root, the containers are placed in a cool (from +8 to +3 degrees) dark place for three months. Then transferred to the room. The bulbs of Ziva and Bumazny varieties do not need a preliminary cold period, they can be put on the window sill immediately after planting.

Planting time depends on the desired flowering period: if it is necessary for the plant to bloom in winter, plant in early September, if by spring in late November or early December. In order not to lose, read the description of the variety, how much time the plant needs for rooting and preparation for flowering.

Features care for daffodil at home

Growing daffodils in pots does not require much effort. It is enough to follow a few basic rules, and you can grow daffodils by March 8, which will pleasantly surprise your family and guests. One of the first secrets of how to grow daffodils on a windowsill is to not place them next to other types of flowers. The composition of the plant includes some toxic substances that can harm finicky in the care of plants with a weak root system.

Did you know? To the daffodils bloom by March 8, planting is carried out in the middle or end of November (it depends on the variety). Then the pots are placed in a dark, cool (from +8 to +3 degrees), well-ventilated place. Two weeks before the desired flowering period, the pots are transferred to the room and placed on a light window-sill.

Watering and feeding

The first watering is carried out after the landing. During the rooting period, watering should be very moderate - once every two weeks. After the pots are transferred to the room, water more often as the ground dries. This is best done with water at room temperature and in the pan. When the plant blooms, water it more often, after a period of flowering - moderately. After the leaves become yellow, watering is stopped.

To the daffodil at home well rooted and bloomed, the plant is recommended to feed. To do this, use nitrogen-potassium fertilizers. The first feeding is carried out after the appearance of sprouts. Then - when the buds appeared, once every two weeks. In the period of flowering and with the termination of irrigation fertilizer is not worth it.

Important! When flowers appear, the plant must be placed in a cooler place to extend the flowering period. At a temperature of + 10 ... + 12 degrees, they will bloom for about three weeks.

Pruning and care for daffodil after flowering

Daffodils need care after flowering. Dry flowers should be carefully cut, let the rest of the plant dry completely. During this period, it is moderately watered and fed (about once every 10 days). After the leaves have completely faded, the ground part is carefully cut with scissors or a knife. Then place the onion pot in a dark, cool place.

Bulbs can also be removed from the ground. Place the planting material in a paper bag or a cloth bag before the next distillation and place in a cool dark place. Pre-inspect the bulbs: discard infected or rotten ones immediately.

Did you know? At home, the same bulb can be distilled for 3 years. However, with each subsequent year, the flowers will be less, and the flowering itself is not so abundant. Such onion at the beginning of summer can be planted in the garden.

The main diseases and pests of room daffodil

The most common disease of the daffodil is a fungus infection. This happens when excessive watering and storage of bulbs in too warm a place. To protect the planting material from such a disease, before planting it can be treated with fungicides. Among the pests are the following types:

  • bulbous fly;
  • pincers;
  • nematodes.
In order to prevent infection of the plant, the soil around it is cleaned of wilted leaves and petals, loosened, injected with insecticides. In addition to such measures, follow the basic rules of care: do not flood, do not store the bulbs at temperatures above 9-10 degrees.

So we figured out whether to keep a daffodil at home. Compliance with the rules of planting and care will ensure a long period of flowering houseplant at the desired time. Distillation of daffodils at home does not require much effort, time and money.

Watch the video: How to grow daffodils in pots (December 2024).