Measures and means of combating spider mite on cucumbers: in the greenhouse and on the site

Whatever measures are taken by gardeners, they are faced with many problems from year to year, the first place being pests.

These creatures that live on the plants and in the soil, impair the quality and quantity of the crop, causing damage to the root system, leaves and shoots.

Numerous insects can damage cucumber plantations, among which you should pay special attention to destruction. spider mite.

Causes of

What causes spider mites on cucumbers? The pest appears and actively reproduces only in favorable conditions for it - high temperature and dry air. Ticks overwinter in fallen leaves, topsoil, manure and greenhouses (especially in the corners).

The most annoying thing is to protect the crop from the appearance of the pest. is impossible - it can get on seedlings even with a gust of wind.

The only way out - carrying out usual agrotechnical measures in order to prevent the appearance of spider mites.

What is spider mite? Spider mite on cucumbers - photo:

How to recognize a pest?

On the appearance of spider mites on cucumbers say the following the signs:

  • bright spots (with a large lesion - spots) on the back of the sheet;
  • almost transparent web on a plant;
  • growth retardation;
  • yellowing leaves.

On the cucumber spider mite - what to do?

Methods and control measures

Spider mite on cucumbers: how to fight?

Location on

How to get rid of spider mites on cucumbers in the summer cottage or garden?

Take measures to combat pest need immediately after harvest: all plant parts must be removed and destroyed.

Fight against spider mite on cucumbers also includes:

  1. Before sowing the land must necessarily dig up, because most of the pests winters in the upper soil layer.
  2. Spider mite wintering in the open ground first develops on weedstherefore, they need to be systematically deleted.
  3. During the growing need inspect carefully plants and when detecting affected leaves - they need to be removed and bury or burn.
  4. Planting cucumbers should alternate with cabbage or tomatoes.
  5. If spider mite is found, the lesion should be treated biologics.

In the greenhouse

How to get rid of spider mites in a greenhouse on cucumbers? Most at risk the occurrence of spider mites are susceptible to plants in greenhouses.

Here to breed pests all conditions are created - high temperature (30 degrees and above) and relatively low humidity.

Spider mite on cucumbers in the greenhouse - control measures: the pest does not tolerate moisture above 60%, therefore raising its level in the greenhouse to 80-85% is the best method for preventing the development of pests.

Web on cucumbers in a greenhouse: how to deal with it? When growing cucumbers in the greenhouse, the main methods of dealing with spider mites should be added:

  1. Disinfection (fumigation) greenhouse construction in the fall after harvest and in the spring before sowing with full tightness.
  2. Post-harvest removal top layer soil.
  3. Burning trellis gas torch.
  4. Fertilizer phosphate mixtures.

How to deal with spider mites on cucumbers in the greenhouse, you will learn by watching this video:

Means for processing cucumbers

What to process cucumbers from spider mite? What is the remedy for spider mite on cucumbers use?

The main method of pest control on the site is insecticide spraying, but in the case of the spider mite, this method will bring little benefit.

The destruction of spider mites is guaranteed by such means as insectoacaricides and acaricides, but today there are no safe for humans systems that allow the use of these drugs on the site. Most use drugs of enteric-contact action, which gives quite good results.

The treatment of cucumbers by means of enteric-contact action should be carried out more than once. The higher ambient temperature - the smaller the interval is to be kept between treatments.

Of the drugs against spider mites on cucumbers, Karbofos, Iskra-BIO and Bitoxibacillin, Phytopherms are worth highlighting.

Spraying needs to be done in the eveningwhen there is no sun, so that the chemicals do not have time to evaporate and destroy the spider mite.

The safest pest control tool is mite phytosejlyus.

The predator is placed next to the affected foci to destroy the eggs of the spider mite, but for the best result you need to inhabit the mite every 3 weeks.

On how to properly use drugs for processing cucumbers from spider mites in the greenhouse, you can learn from this video:

Folk remedies

The most popular measures to combat folk remedies with spider mites include:

  1. Spraying plants soap solution.
  2. Landing flowering plants.
  3. Settlement area Ajarian Entomoftora.
Planted dill next to the cucumbers will help in pest control. Its bloom attracts ladybirds, which will eliminate the development of aphids and spider mites.

Diseases of cucumbers caused by spider mites

For humans, this pest does not represent no danger, but for cucumbers, spider mite is special enemy. It not only sucks all the juices from the leaf, disrupting photosynthesis, but also makes the plant vulnerable to a number of infections.

Infected culture gradually begins to dry out, which ultimately leads to its doom. Spider mite can cause gray mold dispute, which affects the entire terrestrial part of the plant. Not only shoots, leaves and flower stalks are endangered, but also fruits.

What do cucumbers, affected by spider mites look like? Cucumber diseasecaused by spider mite - photo:

How to save? Treatment methods

How to remove spider mite from cucumbers? Affected parts of a plant are imperatively needed remove, for a few days stop wateringfeed the plant nitrogen fertilizer and sprinkle ash stains.

If the disease continues to develop, it is necessary to take drastic measures - dig up and burn diseased plants, process healthy ones with special solutions.

The fight against spider mites is the case when an important role is played prevention. When carrying out all agrotechnical measures and attentive attitude to the cultivated crop, the risk of infection with a spider mite is minimized. And this, in turn, gives a great chance to get large yield without loss.

About ways to combat spider mite on cucumbers and preventive measures in this video:

Watch the video: How To Get Rid Of Thrips Pests In Your Garden (December 2024).