Wonderful precocious hybrid originally from Japan - Pink Impresh tomatoes

Breeders in Japan, however, like the inventors of electronics, literally carried out a coup, creating a surprisingly precocious hybrid of tomatoes called Pink Impreshn.

Unlike other early ripening varieties, this species completely gives off the harvest of large tasty tomatoes in 90-100 days.

Read more in our article. In it, we have prepared for you a description of the variety, its main characteristics and characteristics of agricultural technology.

Pink Impers tomatoes: variety description

Pink Impreshn F1-indeterminantny tomato with very early fruiting. The first fruits ripen on the plant 2 months after planting the seeds. It is this property of the hybrid that allows it to be grown in the most severe conditions by direct sowing into the ground. However, the manufacturer recommends growing a tomato in greenhouses made of film, glass or polycarbonate.

Plant height reaches 1.5-2 meters, they do not form a trunk, and therefore need to be tied to supports or trellis. Pink Impression F1 hybrid variety is highly resistant to wilt, spotting, stem cancer and bacteriosis viruses.

  • The color of the ripe fruit Pink Impresh is pink, bright enough and uniform. At the base of the fruit at the beginning of maturation there is a small green spot, which disappears after 5-8 days.
  • The shape of the tomatoes is round, slightly flattened from the poles.
  • Seed chambers are small, with an average amount of seeds and fluids.
  • The number of seed nests in one tomato does not exceed 12 pieces.
  • Pulp of fruits of average density, with the high content of solids, saturated sweetish and sour taste.

The average weight of one tomato variety Pink Impreshn is 200-240 g. They are relatively well tolerated transportation and stored in the refrigerator for 7-10 days without loss of consumer qualities.

A photo


Hybrid bred in Japan by Sakata breeders in 2008. Seeds appeared in free sale in Russia in 2012. In the same period, they were entered into the State Register of Seeds. For the cultivation of tomato Pink Impression F1 the most suitable are areas with a stable climate and a large number of sunny days per year. This culture successfully grows in Siberia (except for the regions of the far north), the Urals, the Moscow region and the Far East.

The hybrid differs in high commodity qualities of the fruits, suitable for long storage in a fresh form. Their skin is dense, and at the same time not too thick. Fruits are great for harvesting in the form of whole canning and salads. They also make excellent pasta with a rich tomato flavor. On one bush, with the observance of agrotechnics, up to 9 brushes are laid, each of which consists of 5-6 fruits. The total yield of a single bush can reach up to 9 kg..

Features of growing

Hybrid Pink Impreshn has an excellent growth force and high elasticity of the stems. They can be tied up in a vertical position, and also to form bushes like grapes - fan.

This variety is one of the few that does not require additional actions for the care and formation of the bush. To obtain good yields, you only need to leave 2-3 stalks, and remove the remaining stepchildren.

Feed must be done every two weeks.. It is better to use mineral fertilizers with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium. Watering plants is regularly, not allowing waterlogging and drying out of the soil. By mid-July, the bushes almost completely give the harvest, after which they can be removed, or the shoots can be separated to grow with the “second wave”.

Diseases and pests

Due to the very short growing season, Pink Impresh tomatoes are virtually unaffected by diseases and pests. To prevent infections, it is recommended to comply with agricultural practices.

A tomato with unusually large pink fruits Pink Impreshn is a real miracle for Russian summer residents. Without much effort, you can get an incredibly high yield of sweet juicy tomatoes.

Watch the video: From Darwin to DNA: The Genetic Basis of Animal Behavior (December 2024).