How to deal with azalea pests

Azalea, like the vast majority of plants, can affect various diseases and pests. This beautiful flower can very quickly lose its appearance, if the pest is not found in time and does not destroy it. This article describes the most common pests of this plant and how to combat them.

How to deal with strawberry mite

One of the most dangerous pests that azalea suffers from is strawberry mite. It affects the flowers, buds and tops of the shoots. Young leaves begin to curl around the edges in the form of a boat, and instead of large buds, many small ones are formed.

The plant slows down its growth, the buds form ugly flowers that quickly die or do not open at all. In closed ground, the mite constantly breeds and can give a new generation with regularity every 3 weeks. You need to fight ticks with the help of "Aktellika".

Important! This drug is very harmful, in its application it is necessary to use a respirator, and all manipulations should be performed only in working clothes, which are then removed and thoroughly washed.
The plant must be processed 3-4 times with an interval of 9-10 days. It is also necessary to handle the walls, window sill and all the flowers in the house, as the tick is transferred onto the clothes.

An insect can get used to one means, therefore, as a substitute, with what else can the azalea be treated from these pests, it is recommended "Neoron"he helps fight even the tick larvae.

Methods of dealing with red tick

This mite damages the queen cells, cuttings and adult plants. Insects parasitize on the underside of leaves, they fade, turn brown, and then fall off.

Tick ​​orange, flat, elongated trapezoid shape. It can give several generations at once, therefore in the affected areas one can find eggs, larvae and adults. Methods of dealing with red tick are the same as with strawberry.

How to get rid of spider mites

Spider mite usually due to excessively dry air. A spiderweb begins to appear on the stems, the buds dry out, and the leaves become sluggish and fall off. Like other types of ticks, they are very difficult to remove, so the sooner you find them, the better.

These are small insects of yellow-green or milky-transparent color. At first they appear on the bottom of the sheet, but then they spread everywhere. In order to destroy these pests, the plant is washed with a warm shower and carefully wiped with a soapy sponge. Also do not forget to regularly spray it.

If the case is not running, these procedures may be sufficient, but if the plant is severely affected by a tick, then the above-mentioned means should be applied - "Actellic" or "Neoron".

How dangerous are greenhouse whiteflies and how to fight them

Pest called greenhouse whitefly kills the plant, sucking the juice out of it. In adult plants and cuttings, the leaves begin to discolor, then they wither and eventually die. Over the sugary secretions of the whitefly, a sooty fungus appears over time, which pollutes the leaves and slows the assimilation process.

Most often this pest appears in autumn and spring. In closed ground it gives four generations, as it develops all year round.

Important! The greenhouse whitefly is also dangerous because it can be a carrier of some viral diseases of flower and vegetable crops.
Initially the plant is washed with a soapy sponge, then sprayed with a solution "Aktellika". Also against whitefly well help spraying "Aktaroy" and "Karbofos".

How to protect the plant from the greenhouse aphid

Hothouse greenhouse parasitic on azaleas in large colonies, and many do not know how to fight it. Because of it, the leaves curl, the plant begins to slow down growth, and flowering is delayed. Damaged buds are not disclosed, the plant completely loses its appearance.

As in the case of the whitefly, a soot fungus appears on the plant because of the plant louse, and it also carries viral diseases. Indoors at high humidity and temperature gives up to 12 generations. The highest risk of infection occurs in the period from January to June.

When aphid appears on azaleas, many do not know what to do. Struggling with a greenhouse with aphids with a 0.3% solution of Karbofos, a 0.1% solution of Aktellika or Ambusha.

Mealworm Fighting

Mealybug amazes shoots, flowers and leaves of azalea. They warp and dry, and then fall off, which eventually causes the plant to die. Chervets suck out cell sap from the plant, and also cause black carbonate.

Females and larvae fall into the axils of the leaves and behind the scales of flowers, as a result of which they cease to grow, bloom and become covered with arachnoid secretions of the insects. When symptoms are detected, the plant is washed with warm water and rubbed with a soapy sponge. With a strong defeat also sprayed with a solution "Aktellika".

Did you know? By increasing plant immunity with organic fertilizers, it is possible to improve the natural defense mechanisms that will help fight most diseases.

Azalea Moth

One of the specific pests of azaleas is azaleus mole. It feeds on the parenchyma of the leaves, as a result of which the damaged leaves crumble and fall. Then adult caterpillars move to healthy foliage and parasitize there. Over time, they fold them into tubes, continuing their growth inside them. Pupation on the underside of the leaves. To get rid of these pests, plant fumigate or sprayed with sulfur.

Orangery thrips and azalea

Hothouse thrips got its name because of the habitat, but recently it can also be found in open ground. It is also called black, because of the color of these insects. The larvae are yellow.

Pests eat the leaves, because of what they appear on the holes of gray on top and black - on the bottom. The leaves first become silver-gray, then turn yellow and fall off. Plants are beginning to lag behind in growth, and the flowers completely lose their appearance.

Azalea can die, therefore, to combat the greenhouse thrips use a 0.3% solution of "nicotine" or a 0.2% emulsion of karbofos.

Ways of dealing with the scythe

Skosar corrugated or striated weevil, - the big beetle is black in color, up to 10 cm in length. The young beetles are yellowish-brown. Adults do not differ in mobility, but fly.

They feed on leaves, can eat away buds, flowers, buds and even bark. The larvae in appearance resemble the larvae of the May beetle. If you do not fight this pest, over time they eat up the root neck and the roots themselves, which leads the plant to its final death.

Skosar lays eggs all summer, they can winter in the soil, form pupae in spring, and in May-June new individuals will appear. To combat them plant watered and sprayed with a 0.3% emulsion of karbofos.

Did you know? Pollination should be done at night, since adult individuals actively feed at this particular time of day. And water better during the day.

In June-August also sprayed with a solution of "Basudin". In addition, in the fight against the mowers also use spraying "Furadanom" and "Diazinon".

Azalea is a wonderful flower that uninvited guests can spoil, but now you know what the main pests are and how to control them. With their timely identification and destruction of the plants will be safe and will not cease to please you.

Watch the video: How To Deal With Black Spot Leaf Disease (May 2024).