Parsley for hamsters, rabbits and other animals. Can they eat it?

We all used to consider parsley as an addition to our favorite dishes, because its most common use is cooking.

However, due to its benefits, it is also used for medical purposes for healing. But the most amazing thing is that it is also useful for many animals.

You can read about how to give parsley and what kind of animals in this article. We will also tell you what to do if the animal has eaten this greens in large quantities.

Can I eat this green pet?

Hamsters (Dzhungarik, Syrian, Roborovskim, Campbell)

The diet of any hamster should be rich and diverse. One of their sources of vitamins is greens. In summer and autumn, an adult rodent should receive up to 300 grams of greenery, while a young rodent needs 100 grams. Parsley is a useful source of vitamins and trace elements that is why it should be included in the diet of hamsters at least twice a week. It is able to prevent the onset of avitaminosis. It is important to remember that it affects the bowels, so it does not need to be given every day.

Because of its composition parsley brings great benefits to rodents:

  • collagen, which is in its composition, improves immunity;
  • useful for elderly beasts, as it is the prevention of arthritis;
  • ascorbic acid eliminates avitaminosis;
  • as useful as the prevention of colds and diseases of the digestive system;
  • great benefits to pregnant females and during lactation: protects the mother's body from viruses and infections, makes milk more nutritious.
Greens must be clean and not treated with chemicals, pesticides or growth accelerators. Before giving it to your pet, rinse it under running water and dry it. In the winter, you can also use frozen parsley. To do this, it is necessary to run it over with boiling water and dry it well.

Guinea pigs

Guinea pigs, like other pets, need vitamins and additional nutrients. therefore You can and should add parsley and other greens to the usual diet.. Thanks to her, the animal will receive the necessary vitamin C, phosphorus and potassium. They also need parsley for proper digestion. You can give both the root of the plant and its green part.

On the day of the animal can get no more than 15 mg of greenery for an adult animal. If you give parsley for the first time, you should start with a small dose, and observe how it reacts to its use. This green has a diuretic effect and has a toxic effect in large doses. But pregnant females and during lactation, it is contraindicated.


Rabbits are given only parsley grown on their own so that they are not chemically treated. Rabbits, including decorative ones, are very fond of greens and are ready to eat it non-stop. However, you can not give a lot of parsley at a time. It is best to do this no more than twice a week. Rinse thoroughly with greens before feeding rabbits.. It is not necessary to give fresh greens, it should be slightly dried, because exactly how dry is better digested. If it is not possible or time to dry the parsley, then you can simply pour boiling water over it.

An adult rabbit is fed parsley 2-3 times a week. For pregnant individuals, it is especially necessary only if the body responds normally to it. At a time, you can feed 1.5 sprigs of parsley. Start feeding parsley should be carefully and in small doses, so as not to provoke an upset stomach. If the assimilation process went well and did not cause undesirable reactions, the dose can be increased at the request of the animal.

For dogs

Dogs are considered omnivorous animals, but their digestive system is not intended for the digestion of greens. That is why many dog ​​owners argue on the topic: can a dog be given parsley?

Parsley contains many vitamins and minerals.:

  • phosphorus;
  • folic acid;
  • sulfur;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • manganese and others.

All these elements are necessary for the dog's body. That is why parsley can still be added to the dog's diet. It is completely contraindicated for pregnant and lactating females, as well as for animals that have kidney problems.

It is worth remembering that you should only give fresh, just harvested greens, because only it contains all these useful elements. Just do not forget about the dosage. Dogs can only be given one teaspoon of finely chopped parsley per day.

Parrots (including wavy)

As for parsley in the diet of parrots, then in no case should they be given.

All due to the fact that it contains essential oils and other chemical compounds that are toxic to these birds. Its content in the parrot can lead to gastritis, inflammation of the intestines, fatty liver and kidney diseases.


But the chickens benefit from it only after 5-7 days of life. To do this, it is finely cut and mixed with millet or cereal in proportions of 1: 5. In order not to get an undesirable reaction, it must be introduced into the diet gradually. As the chicks grow, increase the amount of greenery. Do not let it rot in the feeders. If it is not possible to feed the chickens with fresh greens, then you can safely use the dry in crushed form.


Greens - an indispensable component in the diet of cats. At what they should receive it every day. Parsley is also included in the list of greens that you can give them. If your pet does not want to eat it, then you will have to replace it with another one. Do not abuse parsley. It is composed of essential oils, and they in large quantities can harm the animal. You can give a little bit in a crushed form, pre-scalding it with boiling water.

Snails Akhatinam

When fresh, it provides snails with vitamins and trace elements that they need for calcium absorption, growth and reproduction. Fresh parsley will immediately attract Achatories with its aroma. Thanks to their numerous teeth, they easily cope with it. Snails need to be given it only fresh, because the necessary substances are stored in the fresh one. The most important thing is not to give it in large quantities.

What if the animal ate the "forbidden fruit"?

If your pet has eaten parsley in large quantities, then the body's response may be the most diverse. Overstocking of parsley can lead to various diseases., disorder, etc. First of all, you must provide plenty of drink for your pet. And also completely eliminate parsley from the diet. If symptoms do not go away, then you should contact your veterinarian.

Parsley contains a lot of nutrients for animals and, at the same time, can have a negative effect on their body. It is necessary to be very careful with feeding your pet with this green and remember about dosages and its contraindications for some animals. Improper feeding can harm your pet.

Watch the video: SAFE FOODS FOR RABBITS (January 2025).