Table, medium late potato "Aurora": description of the variety, characteristics and photos

If you prefer varieties with excellent table qualities that could be used to prepare delicious homemade dishes, then the Aurora potato is ideal for you and you will certainly be pleased with the rich harvests and large sizes of root crops.

Read in our article all about the Aurora potato: a description of the variety and its characteristics, especially agrotechnics and a tendency to be affected by insects and the main diseases.

Potatoes Aurora: variety description

Grade nameAurora
general characteristicsmid-season tableware of high enough yield with good taste
Gestation period60-80 days
Starch content13-17%
Mass of commercial tubers90-130 gr
The number of tubers in the bush20-40
Yield300-400 centners / ha
Consumer qualitygreat taste, crumbly, suitable for soups, mashed potatoes, casseroles
Skin coloryellow
Pulp colorcream
Preferred growing regionsNorth, North-West, Central, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth, North Caucasus, Middle Volga, Far Eastern
Disease resistancemoderately susceptible to late blight
Features of growingadapts to any weather conditions
OriginatorCJSC "Vsevolozhskaya breeding station" (Russia)

Aurora was bred to Vsevolozhskaya Breeding Station, and got into the State Register of Varieties of the Russian Federation in 2006 (for the North, North-West, Volgo-Vyatka, Central, Central Black Earth, North-Caucasian, Middle-Volga and Far Eastern regions).

CJSC "Vsevolozhskaya breeding station" is the originator of potato varieties "Aurora". This is a table, medium late variety of potatoes, fully ripened in 80-90 days after the first shoots. On average, about 21–38 tons of marketable yield per hectare of crops, however, yields of 40 t / ha were also recorded.

To compare the yield and keeping quality of a variety with others, you can use the table below:

Grade nameYield (kg / ha)Stability (%)
Queen Anne390-46092

The tubers grow oblong, the skin is thin, smooth, light brown in color. The fruits are quite large in size, and the weight reaches from 90 to 130 g. On average, one bush can form up to 10 - 15 such rather big tubers.

The flesh is soft cream colored and has excellent palatability, and the starch content varies between 13 and 17%. The eyes are usually formed a little, and they are very small and almost imperceptible. The marketability of the tubers is pretty good (83 - 93%), and keeping quality is kept at 94%.

In the table below you can see what this indicator is for different varieties:

Grade nameStarch content
The pot12-15%
Svitanok Kiev18-19%
Purple Haze14-17%
Read more about all the storage of potatoes: the timing, temperature, places arising in the process of the problem.

And also, how to store potatoes in the winter, in vegetable stores, in the cellar and apartment, on the balcony and in the boxes, in the refrigerator and peeled.

Bushes are high, semi-upright, sheet type. The leaves are large, light green with an average waviness at the edges. During the flowering period, the plant is covered with flowers with large red-violet halos. They also fall off pretty quickly, so it’s impossible to admire beauty for a long time.

Read more about the different properties of potatoes: the harmful solanine and useful juice, why people, people eat raw potatoes and sprouts.

A photo

Vsevolozhskiy Aurora potato variety you can see in the photo below:

Features of growing

Thanks to its wonderful taste, Aurora will be a welcome guest at any dinner table. The fruits have a noticeable crumbly, so are ideal for cooking soups, casseroles and mashed potatoes. But when cooking with them you need to be careful.

Besides, Aurora perfectly tolerates almost any natural whims, especially successfully coping with drought. As for soils, floodplain, sandy and sod-podzolic light loamy soils are more suitable for its cultivation. Before planting, planting material should be germinated, and it is better to begin this process one month before disembarking on the beds. Naturally, germination in no case be produced in dark and warm rooms.

IMPORTANT! Very much the young plant will help well plowed soil. In this case, it would be nice to handle it with ammonium nitrate and urea solutions.

If you want to get a big and high-quality crop, then in the future It is necessary to follow the basic rules of growing this variety.:

  1. After planting in the ground and before the appearance of the first shoots, it is recommended to harrow the soil.
  2. Aurora very much does not like the appearance of a crust on the ground, so do not forget about the periodic loosening of the soil.
  3. As soon as the potato bushes reach a dozen centimeters in height, it is imperative to carry out hilling. It contributes to the better formation of tubers and shoots.
  4. If the soil is poor in minerals, then feed should be done with slurry or bird droppings.
  5. Many gardeners fix increased crop volumes when mulching beds with hay and straw.
Read more about whether hilling is necessary for potatoes, how to do it, how to do it manually and with the help of a walk-behind tractor.

And also, is it possible to get a good harvest without weeding and hilling and how to organize watering correctly.

Diseases and pests

This variety is especially loved by many owners also because it has good protection against many diseases and pests.

It is well protected from the golden potato nematode and the causative agent of cancer. It also has moderate protection against late blight of tops and tubers, and this, it is worth noting, is the most terrible enemies of potatoes. Read also about Alternaria, fusarium and potato verticillis, common scab.

In general, if you monitor your harvest, hilling, digging and fertilizing with minerals, your plants will not need any additional protection from pests. Read more about how to feed potatoes, when and how to apply fertilizer and how to do it when planting, which ones are the best.

As for pests, the most dangerous and unpleasant of them are the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae, wireworm, medvedka, potato moth, cicadas, aphids. About each of them, as well as about the measures of control you can read on our website.

You can see how quickly weed and spud potatoes using the motoblock in this video:

Aurora belongs to the universal varieties of potatoes, which does not require some supernatural care, but at the same time provides you with a bountiful harvest with wonderful taste. And thanks to the pleasant appearance of the fruits of this variety are sold faster than many other competitors.

There are many interesting ways to grow potatoes. Read on our site all about the Dutch technology, about working with early varieties and the development of the potato business. About what varieties are loved in Russia and what is grown in other countries of the world. And also about alternative methods: under straw, in bags, in barrels, in boxes, from seeds.

We also offer you other varieties of potatoes with different ripening terms:

Late-ripeningMedium earlyMiddle late
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Watch the video: Growing Potatoes: Planting Tips for a Better Potato Harvest (January 2025).