The specificity of gastronomical preferences during pregnancy has long been the conclusion: the more unusual - the tastier. And this is true, because during pregnancy, women undergo physiological and psychological changes, which, in turn, affect mood swings and taste preferences, which entails numerous headaches of fussy husbands and heavy sighs of doctors. Is it possible to eat these vegetables in the first, second and third trimester, as well as what benefits and harms they make for pregnant women? In addition, we will tell in our article what can be combined with a vegetable, and whether it can be consumed in baked form or with croutons.
Benefit and harm
What is known about the use of garlic during pregnancy? Garlic is one of the most useful vegetable crops today., contains such useful substances as fitancides, allicin, folic, silicic, phosphoric, sulfuric acids, mineral salts, iron, zinc, magnesium, sodium, calcium, manganese, iodine, vitamins B, D, and other compounds.
But, despite all the advantages of garlic, this vegetable culture, if the quantity of consumption is not observed, can cause such harmful manifestations as heartburn, blood thinning, incompatibility with some drugs, the development of product allergy, active reduction of the uterus, which increases the risk of threat further development of pregnancy, which is why it is impossible to abuse this vegetable crop. Is it possible to eat a vegetable during pregnancy in the early stages, including during the 1st trimester, or is it not?
In order not to wonder in vain - should be guided by their state of health, and best of all - to consult with your doctor.
We offer to watch a video about the benefits and harm of garlic:
Use during different trimesters of pregnancy
Can I eat a vegetable in the early and at a later date and how does it affect the body during pregnancy?
Doctors recommend determining the amount of garlic used by expectant mothers depending on the duration of pregnancy:
- In the early stagesIt is reasonable to eat garlic during the first trimester, because during this period the female body is especially vulnerable and needs such useful elements as allicin and folic acid, which garlic is so rich with. Allicin is a natural antibiotic, and folic acid provides optimal conditions for the structure of DNA and RNA, and plays an important role in cell division.
But it is necessary to observe the measures of caution, since in case of any problems of carrying a child, as well as during toxicosis, this product should be abandoned for a while. Allowable rate - 1-2 cloves of garlic per day.
During the second trimester the use of garlic does not lead to any special harm, since by this time the fetus is already protected by the placenta and amniotic fluid.
One has only to focus on their well-being and portability of the product. The recommended amount of garlic consumed is 2 cloves per day.
- At a later date, in the third trimester, it is necessary to reduce the use of garlic to a minimum or completely remove it from the diet - garlic leads to blood thinning, which can provoke excessive bleeding during childbirth and cesarean section.
Also in the last months of pregnancy, expectant mothers often pursue heartburn, and garlic is a common cause.
Effect on the mother and fetus
Basically, garlic has a positive effect on the body of the expectant mother, and a huge amount of nutrients in this vegetable speaks for itself. But the most important thing in using garlic is adhering to the normBecause overeating of any products, not only garlic, has not benefited anyone yet. You should also always rely on your well-being - due to abnormal garlic consumption in pregnant women, this product is often intolerant and allergic reactions.
Important! As for the effect of garlic on the fruit - it is minimal, while respecting the norms of consumption.
As is known from the above, a limited amount of garlic is recommended in the first trimester, because of its ability to cause uterine contractions in order to reduce the risk of miscarriage.
During the second trimester, future moms often complain that the baby does not like the smell of garlic, and it begins to rage in the tummy. This is quite a double situation, because every doctor will answer that the baby is safely protected by the placenta and no odors and tastes pass to it. But if there really is a connection between anxiety of the baby in the stomach and the use of garlic - you should abandon this product.
Maximum dosage
The recommended rate of garlic consumption is 1-2 cloves during the first and second trimesters; in the third trimester, this product should be completely discarded.
Onion vegetables
Is it acceptable to use onions and other onions? Onions, like garlic, definitely useful during pregnancybecause it is rich in folic acid, which reduces the risk of developing fetal pathologies, iron — the basis of which is hemoglobin — is doubly needed by the female body during pregnancy, and vitamin C, which helps the absorption of iron.
However, like garlic, onions are allowed in moderate quantities to prevent heartburn, an allergic reaction and intolerance of the product during pregnancy.
In what form is it permissible to eat?
Garlic is a very popular spice and fans of this vegetable strive to spice up each dish with them, or even eat it just like that. During pregnancy, this trick will not work - expectant mothers need to limit garlic intake. But if you really want garlic, all the more, in a period when gastronomic habits are changing dramatically, how can you use garlic while retaining its beneficial properties and not harm the body?
It is necessary to give preference to raw garlic - this way all useful substances of the product are saved, it is recommended to eat it within 1-2 cloves.
A great cooking option for garlic - roasting in the ovenThus, most of the useful substances of the vegetable are preserved, and the taste of roasted garlic becomes much more tender. If you want to crunch healthy slices, you should try pickled garlic, and you can also combine it with croutons. Is it possible to eat such garlic without fear for the lack of beneficial properties for the body of a pregnant woman? Certainly yes, because the use of a vegetable is preserved almost intact and there is such garlic without the fear of a peculiar smell from the mouth.
Is it possible to have a cold?
Garlic for colds is a powerful natural antibiotic, and for expectant mothers it is just a godsend. It has long been known that garlic increases the body's resistance to infectious and catarrhal diseases, so eating it needs to be started even before the beginning of the epidemic of colds. If you chew a few cloves of garlic, you can kill all the bacteria in the mouth, preventing them from spreading further.
Allicin, which is part of this popular medicine, is endowed with the ability to thin the mucus, therefore it will help to cope with the problem of accumulation of mucus in the nasopharynx and even in the bronchi.
The product is endowed with unique properties, each of which enhances the action of the other, so there is no doubt that garlic does help with colds. The only thing to remember is that the dosage of the product is respected at different stages of pregnancy.
When is a vegetable strictly prohibited?
Gynecologists strictly prohibit the use of garlic to expectant mothers in cases:
Allergies to the product.
- Individual intolerance.
- When toxicosis.
- With problems bearing a fetus.
Pregnancy is a wonderful event in the life of every woman, and it is at this time that future moms are trying to monitor their health and that of their baby as carefully as possible. The use of garlic during pregnancy is an excellent prevention of the protection of immunity., both mother and child, modern gynecologists are inclined to the same, so do not give up this product, and try to moderately limit the amount of product in the daily diet.
You must be able to listen to your body and follow the recommendations of the attending physician, and then eating any food, including garlic, will not harm the health of the mother and baby.