Cooking raisins at home

The dried grapes are called raisins. Of the large number of dried fruit raisins, perhaps the most popular and tasty delicacy.

Raisins are widely used in cooking, it can be added to the first, second courses and desserts.

Plus dried grapes in that it saves 70-80% of vitamins and 100% of trace elements.

And he is incredibly useful:

  • will help if you have problems with the intestines, lungs;
  • CNS disorders;
  • heart disease;
  • cure anemia;
  • activates the kidneys, liver;
  • fights lethargy and irritability;
  • will keep sight.

The benefits of raisins are enormous, so why not stock up on this product to dry it?

Also read on our website how to dry pears.

Find out here how to dry onions.

Do not forget to read how to store mint: //

Choosing grapes for drying

Regardless of which method you will dry the grapes, you need to properly select it.

For this fit intact ripe fruits of good varieties. It is better if it is a sweet seed without seeds.

The most suitable are white, black and pink "Kishmish", "Rusbol", "Codreanca", "Muscat", "Rizamat", "Sultani", "Rizamat", "Astrakhan Early".

Ways to dry grapes

There are several ways to get raisins. It is alkaline, classical (in the sun), Central Asian (in the shade) and dried in an electric dryer.

Alkaline method

To obtain raisins using this method, water (liter), lime (10 grams) and potash (20 grams) will be needed. These ingredients are mixed and boiled.

In this mixture for 9-10 minutes it is necessary to drop the grapes, then rinse it thoroughly.

For the result to please you, you need to fumigate with the help of sulfur the place of drying the vines (in the ratio of 4 kilograms of future raisins and grams of sulfur).

For drying use any places that can be ventilated. Under the vines put the dishes, which will fall dried dried fruit.

Dried Yaboki in winter is a godsend. Learn simple methods how to dry apples.

The basic rules for drying hazelnuts in the oven, read the link: //

How to make raisins in the sun

To dry the grapes with the help of the sun, it is important to make sure that there is no rot and dirt on the selected grapes. Then it needs to be decomposed in any convenient way (grates, trays, paper), placed under the sun's rays and turned over once every three days.

If you have your own vineyard, you can simply stop watering a couple of weeks before the vines are harvested.

Central Asian drying

In the East and in Asia they believe that raisins should be dried only in the shade. To this end, they build rooms of clay, where they make a lot of holes for ventilation. There are clusters and place.

A distinctive feature of this method is the ability of raisins to retain their original color and retain all the vitamins.

Such premises, by the way, are also fumigated with sulfur (usually about an hour).

Homemade raisins in an electric dryer

But if you do not have large ventilated rooms, and you want to cook raisins, then this method is perfect for you.

Electric dryers do not require a large amount of grapes and are easy to operate.

Which dryer is better

Among the species emit infrared and convective.

Dryers of the first type, although more expensive, are much better dried due to the penetration of infrared rays into vegetables, fruits and other products. There they are absorbed by the liquid, and the drying process is faster.

Convective dryers are able to dry moisture only from the surface layer of products and greatly impair the drying process.

The speed of drying of products depends on the power of the device (the more, the faster). But machines with high power have a disadvantage - they work loudly.

Air can be supplied to the trays from the bottom up (provided in low-cost models.

The downside is that the lower and upper pallets need to be changed), and evenly distributed (in devices more expensive. Here all levels get the right amount of air).

The capacity of the dryer is determined by the number of trays for drying. Usually from 3 to 8. The more pallets, the faster you will cope with drying.

It happens plastic and metal. Plastic, of course, easier and easier to carry, as well as dried better. After all, metal often heats up and only "takes away" the air from the products.

The safety of drying is the presence of the function of automatic shutdown of the device in case of overheating. It will significantly extend the service life of the unit and will not allow a fire.

Drying process using a dryer

To get raisins from grapes, it is better to use a dryer for vegetables and fruits. This will speed up the process (compared to other methods of drying) and preserve the beneficial properties of the fruit.

For electric dryers it is better to take seedless grapes. First, get rid of damaged or spoiled berries, and then prune the longest branches - while the berries should remain on small branches.

From two kilograms of grapes you get about 450 grams of quality raisins.

The next step will be grape blanching process. To do this, add soda (5 grams) to the boiling water (liter) and drop the grapes into it for five seconds. Then rinse with cool water.

This procedure allows you to clean the berries from small deposits before the appearance of the "mesh" - this will significantly reduce the drying process.

If this method is not to your liking, there is one more. For it you need to clean the grapes, get rid of the branches and wash the berries with water. Then they need to be placed in a shallow container and slightly punctured.

Before placing the grapes in the dryer, place them on a towel so that excess liquid is absorbed. Now you can start drying.

Spread the berries on special trays and do not forget to change pallets every hour. After 7 hours, turn off the appliance and let it cool.

The next stage will last 8 hours, and for large grapes, another one is needed.

After the specified time, turn off the electric drier and remove the ready raisins. Although it took a lot of time, but the look of the resulting product will pleasantly surprise you.

Read, on our website, simple and effective ways to dry plums.

Find out the useful properties of dried dogwood by clicking on the link: //

Why is it better to dry the grapes yourself

Drying grapes at home has several undeniable advantages:

  • You can independently, based on your taste, choose a grape variety;
  • You will be assured that the product is of high quality and clean;
  • if you grow grapes, it is possible to preserve and eat the entire crop - something fresh, something in the form of raisins;
  • what you have prepared yourself is always tastier;
  • You can choose and control how much dry (or soft) grapes you want to receive.

Watch the video: Make Your Own RAISINSNo dehydratorTRY it!! (January 2025).