Choosing a place or how to store dried apples at home?

Severe autumn or in the midst of crystalline winter, it is so pleasant to enjoy exquisite summer fruit - inhale the apple scent and taste it.

Although today there is no shortage - you can buy products from around the world all year round - especially tasty and attractive Apples seem to be personally harvested, and then dried with their own hand.

Not to mention the healthy utility and ecological clean such a choice. You can find out how to make dried fruits from apples yourself on our website.

In order for the delicacy to continually delight you until next summer, you only need to follow simple storage rules. They will save him for our table from damage and the invasion of gourmet insects. How to store dried apples at home?

Correct place

How to store dried apples in the apartment and where? Our house is not a vegetable base: in the apartment no constant temperature suitable for products better than people complex ventilation systems and hermetic huge containers, but dry apples are unpretentious and are happy to be in the most family environment.

Therefore, storing dried apples at home suggests that you can always find a suitable place and the right packaging among the usual things.


What is the best way to store apples?

Apples, which have already absorbed so many sunshine, do not tolerate light in dried form - they are better to store in a dark place.

Very well, if it is also air out - it will save the product from mold and will not allow it to become stale.

Choose the packaging you need carefully: if it is loose - six-legged robbers will crawl through the gap, and a completely “deaf” container, like a plastic bag or a plastic container, will finally block the air supply.

Then the product will start to "gasp", "sweat", will be moldy and spoil too. It saves well from this scourge waxed or wrapping paper laid on the bottom of the store: baskets, cardboard boxes, glass jars or boxes.

One more paper layerFor better preservation, stacked on top of apples. In a dark place where the dried harvest will be stored, you can put another bowl of salt - it will also help fight off excess moisture.

Need to remember!

How to store dried apples at home? So, it must be dark, pretty dry and ventilated place. In the apartment there are many: mezzanines, closets, cabinets.

You just need to remember that apples well absorb odors and in order that they do not smell anything else besides the dacha garden and the sweet summer, it is better to remove them away from chemicals and kitchen incense.

Housewives often store dried apples in cabinets. Very convenient to have dried fruit within reach: its constantly need to inspect for timely disclosure of mold spores and traces of attacked pests.

By the holiday of the sweet life, you will never mind joining ticks, bugs and moths, eager for delicacy.

In the warm season you can keep a delicacy. on the balcony.

Enough is provided there. natural ventilation, but the danger from excessive moisture and parasites walking in nature increases - the bookmark will have to be examined more often.

Damage protection

How to keep dried apples at home? Proper storage involves not only the absolute preservation of the dried fruit, but also timely response on the challenges of circumstances.

Dried apples can get damp, six-legged vandals sometimes break through the perimeter of protective equipment. It is impossible to despair in such cases - everything is fixable. Raw apples can be dried again in the oven.

Only if the process has gone very far and the mold has taken the opportunity, won, should the apples be thrown away - health is more expensive.

It also helps pests ovenbut will cope and frost - Apples should be put in the freezer for a short time or brought to the balcony and the attack will be repelled. At temperatures below ten degrees insects and their larvae die.

On how to properly store dried apples at home, you can learn from the video:

How to protect dried apples from moths, read on our website.


Dried fruits from apples useful, tasty and indispensable in the diet. They are easy to prepare at home, both outdoors and with home appliances. They completely preserve useful substances, saving from winter avitaminosis and perfectly strengthen immunity.

Contained in them iodine, strengthens the mind, which is very useful for professors and students, the winter session.

There is every reason to stock this product, especially since it is within everyone’s power to keep it at home.

Enough to show a little discretion and the summer holiday of good taste will not be interrupted for the winter.

Watch the video: Dehydrated Apples -Kid's Special (January 2025).