Dried peppers: home cooking methods and recipes

Pepper drying is one of many ways save useful properties this product for the whole winter.

Unlike dried bell peppers, the taste of the dried product appears many times brighter, and are able to improve a lot of dishes, including vegetable salads.

In order to properly prepare the dried pepper, you should choose your cooking method and suitable for this unit.

If your crop of bell pepper turned out to be so large that you have already sent enough fruits for storage in the basement or cellar, and also managed to freeze the peppers in the freezer, including the whole for stuffing, then treat yourself to a dried delicacy.

You will need to pick up good grade, prepare the pepper for drying, and set the desired mode. Such a pepper can be stored almost the entire cold season in several ways.


What is useful dried pepper?

Sweet pepper in dried form preserves almost all the vitamins and mineralsinvolved in the development of the body, maintaining reliable immunity and protection against vitamin deficiency.

This is possible thanks to a complex of vitamins A, groups B, C, E and PP, as well as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, sodium and iron.

Regular use dried pepper activates the digestive system, strengthens hair and nails, improves eyesight.

Useful materialcontained in sweet pepper, normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of blood clots, thin the blood, and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

Pepper also brings invaluable benefits to the skin and mucous membranes.

Energy value and calorie dried pepper: per 100 grams of dried sweet pepper has about 118 calories.

Vegetable preparation

How to prepare pepper for drying? To begin, select the appropriate instances of Bulgarian pepper. They should be sweet to the taste, with a bright red or yellow color. Make sure the vegetables not overripeThere are no wrinkles and spots on the skin. The thickness needs a juicy, fleshy pepper, with a thick layer of pulp inside.

After the vegetables are thoroughly washed, leave them to dry slightly on a paper towel. Large vegetables are cut into quarters, and medium - into halves. Thin films and seed box neatly cut out.

In some cases, it is advised to cook without skinthat will make the taste more saturated and tender.

Pepper is easy to clean if 2-3 minutes to keep it in boiling water and the same time to cool in the cold. Using a knife, you can gently pick up the skin and easily removed from the pepper.

Before proceeding to the drying, the pepper can be either lubricated or left without oil at all. Suitable as usual sunflowerso and olive. To enhance or give the pepper a unique taste, apply different spice. Sprinkle the slices with salt, black or red pepper. To taste, you can also add marjoram or dried basil. To learn how to dry hot chili pepper at home, you can learn from our article.

Virtually any blend of aromatic herbs for cooking can make a recipe for cooking dried pepper unique. If you sprinkle pepper a small amount Sahara, from this it will become even sweeter and more piquant. You can put thin slices of chopped garlic in the grooves of the peppers to make spice.

Choice of technology

What to cook dried peppers at home for the winter? You can use different types of home appliances, one of which is oven.

Better to use electric the oven because it warms up faster and more evenly. The oven has the same efficiency. electric dryer.

At what temperature do the peppers dry? Dry peppers optimally at maximum moderate temperaturethat depends on the power of your equipment.

On average, you should first set the temperature 75-80 degreesthen a half to three hours later raise to 100 degrees. After that, the pepper is pulled out for a while on a baking sheet or cooling rack (for 20-30 minutes), and returned back to the oven for additional 40 minutes or an hour.

How to determine readiness? In appearance pepper slightly will darkenmesh will appear wrinkles on the skin, and the bone is about one third will be thinner.

Slices get dried, elastic to the touch, but not too hard. If you overtook pepper, it will be excessively dry and brittle, and almost all the moisture is evaporated.

If the pepper has not yet gained flexibility and is not sufficiently lost in the mass, leave it to cook yet for 20-30 minutes in the oven.


How to make dried pepper in the oven? At the lowest fire, if there is such a function, set the mode to "convection" or ventilation. It is necessary that the air circulates freely inside, and the excess moisture freely evaporated. To do this, the slightly open door of the oven will completely come off, and condensation will not accumulate inside.

On the baking sheet unfolds parchment paper, which, if desired, can be impregnated with oil. Pepper is placed skinned down, forming small "boats" so that the seasonings remain inside.

WITH ajar door The pepper is dried for an hour and a half, cooled briefly, then reheated in the oven for 40 minutes.

Do not immediately remove the pepper from the oven - leave it for a while inside. Canned better dried pepper when it completely cooled.

How to cook dried peppers in electric drier? Pepper slices laid out in one layer on a special grid or grid, so that between the pieces remained a bit of space.

Product must not be allowed stuck together or burned - every half an hour you need to stir and turn the slices. Desired temperature during cooking - 75 degrees. With active blowing and careful supervision, the pepper will be ready later. 3-4 hours.

How to make dried Bulgarian pepper for the winter in the microwave? Drying pepper in the microwave is a difficult process.

Vegetables need access to fresh air so that the pepper does not boil in its own juice, but is systematically deprived excess moisture.

At first, pepper is washed, cut into slices and cleaned of seeds and thin partitions. Sprinkle lightly on pepper. oils and put in a deep bowl, put in a microwave.

You can cook on maximum power in several visits of five minutes. After the first five minutes, the pepper is taken out, and excess juice merges into a separate bowl.

Give some pepper cool down, then repeat the process several times, bringing the product to full readiness. Do not forget to pour out the juice.


How to cook dried pepper at home? The most common cooking option is dried pepper in oil for the winter.

Dried pepper for the winter recipe: Prepared, as in the standard scheme, but each piece of pepper is richly lubricated with olive or sunflower oil.

Dried Bulgarian Peppers in Oil - photo:

See the video recipe for drying peppers and tomatoes:

Storage of the finished product

How to store dried peppers for the winter? Pepper can be stored in the same oil in which it was cooked, which will allow keep all the rich taste dishes. In a small sterilized glass jar slices of dried pepper are tightly folded and completely poured vegetable oil (sunflower or olive).

Make sure the oil by 2-3 cm exceeds the level of rammed peppers so that access to the air is blocked.

The resulting banks should be stored in a refrigerator and use as needed. The resulting curing product is simple. irreplaceable in the preparation of salads or pizza, can be used in finished form, as well as used as a decoration of meat and fish dishes.

By itself, dried pepper is a good snack.

Properly cooked dried pepper will be the guarantor tasty and healthy food, which is especially important in the period of the spread of viral diseases.

Pepper will be stored in the refrigerator for a little longer, if you add a tablespoon to the top of the oil jar vinegar.

Watch the video: Chili Garlic Noodles. Hakka Noodles Recipe (December 2024).