In Zhytomyr region, contaminated flax was “arrested”

On April 11, 2019, the state phytosanitary inspectors, during a phytosanitary inspection of regulatory objects at the Zhytomyr-Tsentral customs point of the Zhytomyr region, detected a quarantine organism, sorghum aleppskoye (humay).

With seeds of the sorghum of Aleppo (Sorghum halepense (L.) Pers.), Cargo of flax seeds for technical purposes weighing 44 tons, which came from Kazakhstan, was littered.

See also:
Measures corresponding to the current legislation of Ukraine were applied to the clogged cargo of flax seed. In this case, they consisted in cleaning the cargo from the quarantine organism.

In order to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future, notifications will be sent to the exporting country - Kazakhstan about non-compliance of the cargo with Ukrainian phytosanitary requirements.

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For your information, the plant is considered a burdensome weed and invasive organism in the USA, Nicaragua, Cuba, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, New Zealand, Peru, Chile, Colombia and some Pacific islands. Aleppo sorghum pollen can cause allergies. But in some subtropical regions, the plant is grown on feed grain as a cultivated plant. The initial range of the plant is unknown.

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