Amazing growing plants upside down. How to plant tomatoes upside down?

Growing tomatoes upside down is an original method for getting a good harvest. Vertical growing plants upside down, that is, upside down - the original method for obtaining a good harvest.

At the same time its collection becomes much easier and more pleasant. And it is also a great way to decorate your summer cottage.

About the rules of growing tomatoes upside down and care for them, you will learn in this article. We will also talk about the most common mistakes and what kind of results should be expected.

Description of the method

This growing method does not require garden beds., which means that it will provide an opportunity to save a significant part of the site. This is especially important for those who have a small summer cottage, and really want to eat their tomatoes very much.

Growing on weight can produce a much larger crop than in the usual cultivation of tomatoes. This greatly facilitates the collection of fruits, because they do not have to bend over for each tomato.

Another worth noting decorative method. Tomatoes planted upside down will be an excellent decoration of the dacha. At the same time landing does not require special manipulations - seedlings are placed in a pot, covered with earth and watered.

Scientists-gardeners have conducted many experiments, which proved that such a method gives greater yield. This is because with such cultivation the roots get more light and heat, more full-fledged watering, and the shoots, in turn, are given more space. Also on the plant is not excessive pressure and it becomes stronger. All this contributes to the good state of the plant, on which the yield depends.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many gardeners seek not only to grow crops and get a harvest, but also to give a decorative look to their site. Choosing varieties of tomatoes bright red or orange hue and planted them upside down, you can achieve a decorative of your site.

Besides allocate a number of advantages of this method of growing:

  • there is no need for land space, and this makes it possible to have a harvest even where there is no possibility to break a vegetable garden;
  • use of additional, unused space;
  • the possibility of growing on balconies and loggias;
  • the ability to harvest at any time of the year;
  • no need for supports for plants;
  • hilling is not necessary and weed control;
  • not staving;
  • ease of harvesting, just stretch out your hand and fruit from you.

To all the advantages and disadvantages are added. They are much smaller, but still they are:

  • need more frequent watering;
  • strong exposure to frost, like other potted plants.



Its volume should not be less than five liters. This can be a plastic bucket, a pot or water bottles.

When choosing a container you need to pay attention to the material from which it is made. This should be food grade plastic or food packaging. The bucket must have a lid. If the container is without a lid, then in order to prevent the soil from spilling out, it is necessary to build a framework that prevents this. Same as a container, five-liter water bottles are perfect. And you can also buy special kits for growing in this way in specialized stores.


It should be very carefully choose the seeds for planting tomatoes, because their quality depends on the harvest. They should be large enough and have no damage, such as stains or browning. Before planting, they must be disinfected. To do this, they are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. After that, they are kept in a growth stimulator for 10–12 hours. Through this procedure, seed germination will increase. Read more about seed treatment of tomatoes before sowing, read here.

The soil

An important component is ground. Its preparation must be approached very carefully and seriously. There are two options:

  1. Purchase of ready-made soil in a special store. At the same time, tomatoes grown in this soil do not need top dressing.
  2. Making a mixture of land independently.

When preparing the mixture yourself, remember that you can not take the land out of the garden.

The soil mix should be combined from:

  • one part of the compost;
  • one piece of humus;
  • one part peat.

Add one tablespoon of superphosphate and ammonium nitrate to one bucket of the prepared mixture.

Features of growing upside down

The time of sowing seeds for seedlings is no different from ordinary tomatoes. The cultivation of tomato seedlings occurs by conventional technology., and pulling seedlings will benefit.

The secret of such cultivation is a well-developed root system.

With this method of cultivation requires a deep landing. A tomato stalk has the property of growing roots across its surface. When this increases the area of ​​power. That is what we need. With a plant height of 30-40 cm, it is buried as deeply as possible, leaving 10-15 cm on the surface. Leaves should be removed.

To speed up the process, they are transshipped to a deeper tank.but not wide. After its carrying out fill up the soil mixture. In this case, the plant has time to grow a large number of roots to transplant.

You can not rush to transfer. It is carried out when the earth lump completely "covers" the ground.

Planting tomato seedlings

After disinfection, seeds need to germinateto get seedlings for planting upside down.

  1. To begin with, the seeds are placed in a small container and covered with wet gauze.
  2. Next 3-4 days they are kept in a warm place. After this time, small roots will appear.
  3. Then sprouted seeds are planted in small containers up to 200 ml.
  4. Seeds are placed 2 cm apart at a depth of 1-1.5 cm.
  5. Before sowing the soil should be moistened.
  6. After sowing, cover containers with seeds with glass or film and in this state they are stored at a temperature of + 25 ... +30 degrees until germination.

Then, the resulting seedlings are planted upside down in the following sequence:

  1. Make a hole at the bottom of the tank. It should be of sufficient size in order to easily plant the seedlings.
  2. Put the container on the bottom, cover the hole with film or paper and cover the ground.
  3. Close the container with a lid and turn it over.
  4. In the film to make a hole and plant seedlings in it.
  5. We are waiting for 3-4 weeks for the plant to take root and show clear signs of growth. Only then should the container be turned over and suspended.

Support for the air garden

The basic requirements for supports are strength and stability.. For support, you can drive hooks into the wall or to the fence. You can use branches of large trees. Another option is to score wooden boards or to make an arch yourself.

For the manufacture of the arch you need to take:

  • pipe with a diameter of 30 mm;
  • rod with a diameter of 6 mm and 10 mm;
  • tape measure, pipe bender, hacksaw, hammer and wire cutter;
  • welding machine.

Produce according to this plan:

  1. Cut 4 identical bush pipe.
  2. 10 mm rod bend in an arc (make two such arcs).
  3. Boil 6 mm rods between each other.
  4. Dig pipe supports into the ground and reinforce them.
  5. Connect the supports with arcs.
  6. Paint the design.

Same pergola will be suitable as a support for such tomatoes. It is an open veranda, part of the openings of which is filled with bars, bars. Build it is not difficult:

  1. Make a wooden frame of a powerful timber.
  2. Fill the top of the frame with a thin grille or parallel bars.

Another option is a stand-pyramid.

You can make it like this:

  1. Take 4 supporting parts (fittings, wooden bars, pipes).
  2. Dig the bottom of the square into the ground.
  3. Connect the tops with each other.

Care and watering

Another plus in such cultivation is that you do not need special care and there is no weeds.

The tanks are constantly heated and the soil dries out accordingly. That is what is worth controlling very carefully.
  1. Watering should be done quite often, so do not place the plants very high. To facilitate irrigation, cover the top with mulch.
  2. If you arrange the containers with tomatoes in a row, you can use drip irrigation. It will help to constantly maintain the necessary soil moisture.
  3. Watering should be carried out every day with separated or rainwater.

Top dressing

Top dressing is made depending on the phase of development. For the pomp of the bush to fertilize the extract of mullein, which is diluted in water.

Such a fertilizer is needed for the flowering phase: 1 tablespoon of superphosphate and 2 tablespoons of wood ash per 10 liters of liquid. One plant needs 2 liters of such fertilizer.

At the moment of active maturation, fertilize with a mixture of 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska and 1 tablespoon of sodium humate per 10 liters of water.

Treatment against pests and diseases

Before planting tomatoes, it is necessary to treat the soil from fungi and pests.. This treatment does not need to be done often. One time is enough.

What result should be expected?

If you follow all the rules of growing tomatoes way upside down, you will certainly get an excellent result. And they will be the harvest of tasty, fragrant and healthy tomatoes. And as a bonus - a beautiful design for your site.

Common Errors

  • Lack of lighting.
  • Weak support for containers with plants.
  • Incorrectly selected variety for cultivation.
  • Use acidic soil for planting.
  • Excess and improper feeding.
  • Non-compliance with watering.

We offer to see an informative video about the error when planting a tomato upside down:

Tired of caring for tomatoes in the open field, not enough space on the growing area? It is worth trying to grow tomatoes upside down, and how to plant tomatoes in this form, you already know from the article. This even the beginner can easily master the method. The result is a great harvest and beautiful decoration of your site.

Want to find out how you can grow tomatoes? We suggest reading how to do this in twists, on two roots, in bags, peat tablets, without picking, in the Chinese way, in bottles, peat pots, in buckets upside down, in a barrel.

Watch the video: How to Build Your Own Upside Down Tomato Plant : Garden Space (December 2024).