How to plant and grow tomato "Kostroma"

The variety of tomatoes "Kostroma" is distinguished by its special taste and the possibility of universal application of the fruit, which makes it extremely attractive for homeowners.

Characterized by excellent product characteristics and early ripening, these tomato hybrids also attract professional farmers to pay attention to themselves, because they are designed specifically for growing in greenhouse conditions.

Description of the variety, as well as the features of its planting and cultivation will be discussed in the article.

Variety description

Tomatoes "Kostroma" are characterized by semi-determinism: these are quite tall bushes capable of growing to a height of about two meters. Such growth indicators are possible only when planting plants in greenhouse conditions and are optimal. Shrubs of this variety of tomatoes are distinguished by a large number of standard-shaped green leaves.

Did you know? In the United States of America, a tomato weighing 3.5 kilograms was grown.

Tomatoes "Kostroma" have undoubted advantages:

  • ripen early;
  • characterized by high yields;
  • during transportation, they do not lose their external commercial quality - the skin and shape of each fruit remain;
  • resistant to most diseases and pests that other tomato varieties are exposed to;
  • fruits are able to appear even with temperature instability;
  • tolerate low humidity levels;
  • moderate number of stepsons.

But, like every variety of tomatoes, Kostroma has several disadvantages:

  • compulsory construction of a greenhouse or cover from a film for growing these tomatoes;
  • the need to form bushes on the trellis;
  • timely binding of brushes is required in order to avoid their breakage.

Fruit characteristics and yield

The shape of the fruits of tomatoes "Kostroma" is round, flat, regular. They have a smooth structure, the color is rich red, different in brightness, the skin is dense and shiny. One fruit can weigh from 85 to 150 grams, the average weight of a tomato is 110 grams.

Important! When grown in open soil, Kostroma tomatoes are not capable of producing a good crop.

All tomatoes are collected in brushes of 6-9 pieces, which are distinguished by aesthetic beauty and amazing compactness.

Tastes of fruits are dessert, which makes tomatoes of this variety an excellent ingredient for salads, as well as a suitable vegetable for fresh consumption. They also make tasty sauces and good pickles, because their pulp and skin is quite dense.

On one square meter it is permissible to plant 3-4 bushes of plants, with the calculation of the collection of up to 20 kilograms of tomatoes from this area.

In terms of ripening, these tomatoes are medium-early: from the day of sowing to picking the first fruits it takes from 103 to 108 days, an average of 105. First, the brush appears in the sinus of the ninth or tenth leaf, the next brushes are formed in every second sinus. As soon as the tenth brush is formed, the top of the plant can be pinched.

Selection of seedlings

Most gardeners prefer not to engage in independent growing of seedlings, but to use ready-made purchased ones.

Important! The correct selection of tomato seedlings can be found only a few weeks after planting. - when the stage of engraftment passes and its growth begins.

When choosing seedlings, it is necessary to take into account some external characteristics of the plants in order to get a high-quality and abundant harvest:

  • you need to choose seedlings of the same age, which is from 45 to 60 days, so that the plants grow and ripen evenly;
  • seedling height should be less than 30 cm, on each stem should be from 6-8 leaves - for undersized, and up to 11-12 - for tall specimens;
  • seedling stalks should be 7-8 mm thick;
  • it is desirable that the seedlings be hardened, - its leaves should be deep green, not have yellowness and signs of wilting;
  • the roots must be formed and free from damage;
  • the seedlings should not be affected by pests and infections (there are no laid eggs under the leaves, leaves are not deformed, not wrinkled, there are no brown or black spots);
  • Spread excessively green leaves in large quantities often indicate accelerated growing of seedlings using a large amount of nitrogen fertilizers, which contributes to a low level of seedling flowering and formation of ovaries;
  • seedlings before transplantation should not have flowers and ovaries, as the roots will take root worse due to the fact that food will simultaneously flow not only to them, but also to future fruits;
  • Plants should be planted at a sufficient distance from each other in boxes with the ground in order to avoid damage during their removal. It is not recommended to buy seedlings in packages.
When choosing tomato seedlings, one should take into account that there are a large number of products on the market, from which it is rather difficult to choose a high-quality one and be sure that the right sort of tomato is selected. Therefore, it is better to contact verified sellers.

Important! If at least one of the signs of damage is on one of the plants, then it is better not to buy such seedlings. It is also recommended to purchase seedlings from one seller, since each subsequent soil in which it was grown may have new negative features in the form of diseases (rot, wilt, spotting, viral mosaic) that will easily fall into the soil of your greenhouse.

Growing conditions

Transplantation of tomato seedlings "Kostroma" is recommended after heating the soil in the greenhouse to 13-15 ° C, characterized by stability. It is better to plant seedlings in May, although it is possible to do this in April.

The variety of tomatoes "Kostroma" is characterized by good immunity, therefore, instability of temperature regimes and other adverse factors (insufficient light levels, humidity) do not have a significant effect on the growth of plants and the fruiting process in the future.

But, like many plants, these tomatoes will not give up good lighting. With the humidity level you need to be careful: many gardeners try to water the tomatoes as little as possible.

Before planting need to prepare high-quality soil. A mixture of land from the garden, peat, compost - the best combination. It is recommended to plant tomatoes in the greenhouse at a distance of 40 centimeters in one row and leave 60 centimeters between the rows. With such a dislocation, plants will receive enough light and nutrients, it will become easier to care for tomatoes, and the risk of diseases will also decrease.

Did you know? Up to 95% of tomato weight is water.

Seed preparation and planting

In preparing the seedlings of tomatoes "Kostroma" should take into account the period when the harvest is planned. To obtain an early harvest of tomatoes of this variety, it is recommended to sow the seeds at the very beginning of spring, in March. At the same time, seedlings will be prepared for transplantation in April.

It is recommended to prepare the prepared soil from a mixture of land, peat, compost a few days before sowing the seeds with a solution of potassium permanganate, and the day before it should be watered with water.

Tomato seeds must be calibrated, for which they need to be placed in a solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes, and then dried. Prepared seeds should be placed on moist soil at a distance of 4 centimeters from each other, sprinkled with a layer of earth, cover the entire area with a film or glass structure, ensuring heat preservation.

When the first sprouts appear, the film or other material must be removed for covering. As soon as the first two leaves are formed, a pick should be carried out: transplantation is carried out in separate cups or in special containers.

40 days after transplantation, seedlings are considered prepared for planting in greenhouse conditions, and the sooner this is done, the earlier you can count on the first fruits.

To semi-determinant tomato varieties also include such as "Chocolate", "The King of the Early", "Black Moor", "Black Sea".

Maintenance and care

After planting seedlings of tomatoes in the greenhouse for a decent harvest, you must follow a number of rules:

  • as soon as the growth of the plant begins, it is necessary to proceed to the formation of bushes. It is best to form plants of this variety on the trellis vertically;
  • after 5 brushes appear, you need to start removing the leaves several pieces from the bottom of the stem. This should occur every week in order to air the soil and improve nutrient access to the bushes;
  • brush to prevent cliff need to tie up;
  • after the formation of ten brushes, it is recommended to nip the central shoot to limit the growth of the bush. The main thing is to leave a few leaves above the last brush;
  • it is necessary to monitor the formation of the bush in one stem for the highest level of yield;
  • stepchildren need to be removed on time (once a week).

Caring for Kostroma tomatoes is practically no different from caring for tomatoes of other varieties - you should periodically loosen the soil, water it (with warm water, preferably after sunset), remove weeds as you germinate, feed with special substances during growth and bush formation .

Disease and pest prevention

Immunity of tomatoes "Kostroma" is resistant to most "tomato" diseases.

Among them:

  • tobacco mosaic virus;
  • clasporiosis;
  • futarioz.

Although the immune system of tomatoes in this variety makes it easy to cope with a variety of diseases and pests, traditional preventive measures will not be redundant in their cultivation.

Did you know? Doctors recommend regularly using tomatoes and products made from them (juices, pastes, ketchups) in order to prevent oncological processes in the body, and also as an excellent means to lift the mood.

Harvesting and Storage

Harvesting tomatoes "Kostroma" carried out after their ripening - most often in August and September. Fruits recommends collecting in dry weather.

Tomatoes that have not been subjected to frost are suitable for further storage. Fruits should also be intact, sufficiently dense - this will allow them to be stored for a longer time. Tomatoes are placed in wooden boxes covered with paper, each layer is divided by sawdust. Further boxes with tomatoes are placed in the basement with mandatory ventilation and humidity not more than 75%.

Important! Low levels of temperature are detrimental to the tomatoes, so they can not be stored in the refrigerator.

If the gardener does not have the ability to always control the growth of seedlings and the ripening of tomato fruits, then the Kostroma variety will suit him best.

Buying seeds or seedlings of these tomatoes, you should not doubt the correctness of the choice, because their versatility, high yield, simple care, small efforts in growing will satisfy the needs of any family.

Watch the video: How to: Grow Tomatoes from Seed A Complete Step by Step Guide (January 2025).